Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Hu Enwei

The traditional characteristics of the Hong Kong Government Report are the word "Shi" to change the word "drag". The second policy report of the chief executive Li Jiachao also follows.This tradition starts from the period of Zeng Yinquan. Look at the governance report at that time, promise what regional administrative, regional chief executives, promoting electric vehicles, environmental protection, innovation, cultural and creative industries, etc.pull.The only thing that did not drag was large infrastructure projects.The West Kowloon Cultural Area with severe oversupply to 50 billion yuan, 88.4 billion high -speed rail, 97.1 billion sand and middle lines such as Sand and Central Line can be said to be the only job that Zeng Yinquan has reached.

After the implementation of the "free travel" in 2003, the SAR government did not take any measures.Later, the people's grievances, grabbing milk powder, grabbing materials, increased people, and cultural conflicts caused the contradiction between Lu and Hong Kong. It was because the government did not govern well.And the free travel also introduced a lot of "drag" passengers, dragging around the streets of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong's development to today is not without reason.During the period of Zeng Yinquan, the policy report became a report. It is also difficult for Liang Zhenying to have a role after playing on the field, because "drag" has become a habit, and the entire government system is used to dragging.There are many procedures. To apply for a project, you need to fill in a complicated form. It only focuses on the small number. The large number such as the serious overspending of the infrastructure is not processed at all.Hong Kong's financial management and regulations are backward, and the legal system cannot catch up with the pace of Chuangke.

The Chief Executive doesn’t want to drag, but the bureaucracy is used to drag

Chief Executive Li Jiachao knows this problem very clearly, so it is not that Li Jiachao wants to drag politics, but that the entire government system is already a tractor -type drag, and has to drag.Li Jiachao can only use the method of dragging to drag.Reading this year's policy report in 3 hours and 20 minutes, there is no surprise like the monk Nian Jing.How many items will it do?How many are dragging on the goal without results?For example, is fertility policy effective?Of course not effective.It is a housing problem that affects the fertility rate of Hong Kong, especially the decline in the decline in low -income class fertility.

In the past, the Shijiewei Village was at least a community. Even if the environment in the unit was crowded, there were some public spaces to rest.Nowadays, the mortuary is a worse living environment than the cage house, and it is a community's people's livelihood.Two thousand yuan to do some small repairs and small supplements can not truly increase fertility.Chen Guoji, director of the Department of Administration, also said that the fertility award will not work immediately. When the housing problem is not resolved, the reward Jin Ran will not see the results.

The biggest German politics this year's governance report is that it has not forcibly launched the artificial island project of the prefecture.Established the "Large Development Project Financing Committee" and "Large Development Project Financing Office" to seek different financing plans for the project. This approach is correct.The government should first develop the metropolitan area in the north. Artificial island can be handed over to the University of Science and Technology and the University of Hong Kong for research to explore what innovative engineering and reclamation technology is used. It should not be forcibly launched before engineering technology was not determined.Therefore, the development of artificial islands is not the focus, and the development of the northern metropolitan area is actually feasible.

After returning, real estate developers have hoarded a large amount of land without developing. How to expand and speed up the development is the focus.Shanghai promotes Chuangke, station B (Bilibili) and Xiaohongshu in Shanghai.There are also car manufacturers to produce TESLA in Shanghai, and there are many different types of innovation companies.Hong Kong is basically not. The headquarters of Famous Innovation Corporation is located in Shenzhen, such as DJI (DJI), Huawei, Tencent, BYD and other large enterprises. The headquarters are established in Shenzhen instead of in Hong Kong.How can Hong Kong develop a real development?What is proposed in the policy report is only long -term vision and blueprint.

The property market is also dragged to do some small loosening. Can these actions really solve the problem?However, Li Jiachao does not work without dragging it, because with the current government team, it is not capable that they are asking them to show their fists, because most officials are used to dealing with problems with files, instead of using research to solve the problem.The lack of research ability and research habits of government officials often is often Lip Services (oral perfunctory surface kung fu). Data relying on people's head traffic: How many people participated in a event and meeting?How many people are browse on the webpage?The number can be explained.

For example, how many companies have really attracted the Investment Promotion Department to invest in Hong Kong?Wet and wet investment projects do not need to be promoted by the Labor Teacher to find the Investment Promotion Department.In fact, Chuangke wants to make a scale. In fact, as long as there is a large leading company in Hong Kong, an example allows Xiaomi to set up a large scientific research headquarters in the Hong Kong Science Park.The current operation is that foreign innovation companies are willing to come to Hong Kong to invest, the Investment Promotion Department refers to it to the Science Park, and the Science Park hand over a lot of application forms to this Chuangke company.Real Chuangke companies will not fill in these forms, because the data required in the form are simply unrealistic. For example, what are the quantitative results of the budget?How much benefits will it produce?These numbers are virtual.If you want to really implement it, you only need to have a physical space to make the company really develop.

SF Express is the leading company in China's logistics industry. It was originally a company in Hong Kong.Why does SF not set up a base in Hong Kong and cooperate with universities to engage in big data research?How does SF's collected big data transform into some useful economic data and resources?This is a practical industry.But now the situation in Hong Kong is under the leadership of the program, but the program continues to execute and the form is filled in.

Passive governance causes "drag politics"

"Drag" is because the Chief Executive Li Jiachao is incompetent?of course not.Looking at the past governance reports, they could not be done.For a simple example, the vacant school building next to the Wenwu Temple in Sheung Wan Ring, the 2011 policy report has planned to build a youth hostel.On the other hand, the youth hostel "Li Zhaoji Youth Oasis", which is supported by real estate developers, and the Youth Hostel in Yuen Long.Is it a problem for government and business collusion?If the collusion is good, it is not a problem for the citizens.Now the problem in Hong Kong is "Everyone is not happy", in fact, the official is not very happy because it is not much satisfied.Their sense of existence is also generated by making some ceremonies. Officials are not really a reputable team to build Hong Kong.

If you compare the various measures proposed in the past two decades of past two years, to make an analysis and summary, you will find that many of them are "unable to do."For example, the 2009 policy report has proposed to promote electric vehicles, but today, Hong Kong's electric vehicles are developing behind the mainland, and the charging stations of electric vehicles are insufficient. There are only 5,434 public chargers in Hong Kong, while Shenzhen's charging stations are about 120,000indivual.What's the problem?It is because of the procedure and passive governance, you need to apply for the form.

In terms of systematic, Hong Kong will deal with several key issues in the future:

The first is the government's application of technology."Li Jiachao has established the" Digital Policy Office "to specialize in formulating government data governance and information technology policies. This is one of the key points of the policy report. What is the result of the office? What is the goal?Why do the police issue a small printer to bring a small printer and print the ticket on the spot? This absurd situation involves legal issues. For example, government bids can accept emails without physical documents.How can it reach a more effective and more conforming to scientific and technological bidding process also needs to be studied. This is a financial issue. The former is the work of the Department of Justice, the latter is the work of the Financial Department, and the specific implementation needs to be coordinated and cooperated by the government affairs department to coordinate and cooperate..

The second is the problem of mortuary.The problem of mortuary should not be dragged.In fact, as long as the government is willing to spend the spirit of handling housing regulations, the Band Department Regulations and the Regulations on the General Administration of Lands, and regulate the most basic requirements of living houses, not only regulating mortuary, but also to regulate those abnormal luxury homes.In the innovation of housing regulations and changes in planning regulations, in order to truly effectively cure abnormal mortuary problems.Even throughConstruction regulations regulate "micro houses".It is the most effective method for the rule of law port. The government should first deal with the issue of the housing regulations.

Third, the government has set up so many offices. What are their official qualifications?Is Directorate D6, D7 or D8?This is still a mystery.If the official step is not high, the office is just a coordinated plan.What is the coordination?That is, there is no power to do practical things.

The policy report needs to be focused, not like a fairy scattered flowers, everything is said to do something.When Li Jiachao responded to whether there was a crisis of confidence in society, he emphasized not to "scare himself", but if you go to Shenzhen to see, the reality is that many Hong Kong people have slowly moved north.A group of people moved to Europe and the United States, and the other group moved north. This is a reality.Even if you open university and attract many mainland students to study in Hong Kong, what do they have?In the past, the universities in Hong Kong have absorbed students with excellent results in the college entrance examination in the mainland. Is this high -qualityin admitted in recent years?Have you heard of some mainland students who do n’t understand English and come to Hong Kong to study?Have you ever heard that the school has not dismissed students with poor grades in order to collect the tuition of students?

Of course, Li Jiachao will sing Hong Kong, which is the responsibility of the chief executive.But you must also face reality, not yourself, you are not arrogant.The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government should face the reality of Hong Kong's backwardness, the reality of the backward reality of the Hong Kong government, and the reality of Hong Kong's backward governance.

The policy report needs innovation

In order to avoid the tradition of falling into the report of dragging politics, the policy report must be innovative, not just innovation, but a breakthrough, such as turning the chief executive politics report into a chief executive report.What work did the various bureaus complete? At present, the KPI (key performance index) proposed by the Chief Executive Li Jiachao actually does not know what the citizens are?Now you go to Wan Chai and Tsim Sha Tsui every night.On the other hand, the song and dance of the night in Shenzhen were rising.This transfer can be seen without KPI.

The government must know that many small and medium -sized enterprises are now in difficulty in operating, because of the many licenses and rigid policies.Hong Kong wants to break the inherent backward framework. The chief executive should first do a few things:

First, the policy report was renamed as the chief executive work report, which was a bit practical, so that the citizens knew a little about the government's operation.

Secondly, do not send paper politics reports from next year. This violates the principle of carbon emissions and wastes a lot of paper.Electronic should be promoted to distribute a governance report through electronicization.

Third, the government should re -examine the flying dragon logo of the Hong Kong "Asian International Metropolis" brand, which has been used since 2001.In fact, the methods of promoting Hong Kong in Hong Kong, Tourism Development Bureau, and Government News Office are very old and backward.Former Special Lin Zheng Yue'e spent tens of millions of yuan to hire a top British public relations consulting company to report to the Hong Kong reputation. Some parts should be selected to make some parts of the report to let citizens reference and know where are the tens of millions of yuan spent?

Li Jiachao is not easy as the Chief Executive.Although Hong Kong is not in the sinking state of Titanic (the Titanic) -because of the country's support behind it, Hong Kong is always a very lagging 386 computer. Even if you keep adding RAM and Hard Disk, it cannot improve.The most important issue is how to replace the core of the governance of "one country, two systems" is a question that "one country" needs to think.

It is estimated that even if Li Jiachang wants to vigorously promote the reform in the next two years, he will have a stable state.If Hong Kong is a team of football team and Li Jiachao is the leader, he is facing great difficulties. If the entire team is a defender or "holding waves", there is no grasp of winning the goal.So the only thing he can do is stable."Drag" is also another stability, because reform will definitely bring pain, and pain will definitely cause some social problems.Therefore, the dragging report was dragged, maybe Li Jiachao's only choice.