Prussia's military theorist Clausevitz said: "Diplomacy is an extension of the internal affairs", which is more appropriate for today's context.

October 7, 2023 is obviously a day that affects the history of the world. The surprise of Hamas launched to Israel in the Middle East extremist Messenger Organization, which triggers a serious conflict of Yha, like a super earthquake.The global spread.

As the anti -Jewish and anti -Islamic hatred crimes in European cities such as London and Berlin, Berlin, UK and Berlin, Berlin in Berlin, the United States' anti -Jewish and hatred Islamic incidents also followed the trend, violent attacks and network harassment, including more than 770 targets for targetingComplaints of violence and harassment of the Palestinians and Arabs; 312 anti -Jewish incidents, an increase of 388%over the same period last year.

The hatred of hatred of anti -Jewish or anti -Palestinians in Western countries, the data is changing at any time, and the severity of the situation cannot be accurately evaluated, and the data may just reflect the tip of the iceberg.The hatred of hatred and spreading in society is the fuse of more turmoil in the future. How to detect the fuse in time is the huge challenge faced by countries now.

The Russian and Ukraine War enveloped a layer of shadows for world peace, and may provide Hamas a window to launch an assault on Israel.However, such a large -scale and multi -party military operations cannot be a temporary "urgent chapter", but a long -planned and prepared comprehensive military operation.Therefore, this is different from the general significance of terrorism.Judging from the display of the Palestinian forces in the Western society, they did not regard this as a terrorist attack, but a national revenge war launched by Israel.

The Singapore Internal Security Bureau celebrated the 75th anniversary of its establishment this year. From the analysis of Premier Li Xianlong's speech on October 24, it made people feel that the current internal security situation is complex and grim.He said: "Since independence, we have made great progress in cultivating the trust between different social groups. But if we think that the differences in views and attitudes have completely disappeared, it is unwise."

Under the close cooperation between the Inner Security Bureau and the relevant departments, Singapore has successfully promoted the harmonious relationship between different races and religions, timely eliminating misunderstandings and suspicion between different communities in different communities, and conveying goodwill.Singapore has accumulated many years of experience, and many predictable actions and statements have become a unique one -program for Singapore to maintain society.

In the change of the times, the Internet information exacerbates the "differences between views and attitudes" of Chinese people. It is not amazing, but the difference may worsen the division of society. Therefore, the differences in viewpoints and attitudes must be controlled.

Western society quickly cracks due to the conflict of Harbin, and the situation of the two forces of Jewish and Barlstan's two forces appeared, showing that their usual social harmony foundation is fragile.The sophisticated police forces pin social tranquility in law enforcement.

Singapore is equal to social policies and law enforcement, and social policy deviations will only increase the burden of law enforcement.Premier Li believes that this is exactly where the internal security bureau plays a key role behind the scenes. It provides the government with an assessment of instant information and insights outside the public domain or social media.

As an international metropolis, Singapore is vulnerable to external factors. Terrorism and foreign intervention are the two major pieces of worries in Singapore.The Inner Security Bureau has played multiple roles and expands the fields.As Premier Li said, the Inner Security Bureau has to be the government's eyes in the people, keep in touch with a variety of groups, and watch the domestic trends vigilantly. Before the problem deteriorates and out of control, "kills them in the cradle."As the government's "in the people's eyes", the Inner Security Bureau also has to "look around, listen to the ears". It must be fingered to the religious activities, cultural activities, etc.Singapore is a small country. It is easier to monitor all aspects of society, but to cope with the impact of "foreign factors", it involves the diplomatic field.Prussian military theorist Clausetitz said: "Diplomacy is an extension of the internal affairs", which is more appropriate for today's context.

From the Sino -US relations, the Russian and Ukraine War to the Harbin conflict, Singapore must stand still in a stand that meets the interests of the internal affairs.Sino -US relations emphasize "not standing side by side"; the Russian and Ukraine War clearly opposed Russia's aggression; the latest conflict with Harbin, and the test of Singapore's position is not under the previous two.Singapore opposes terrorism, so sympathy is Israel, but also respects the Palestinian's living power. At present, the humanitarian crisis of the Gaza Strip is the focus of Singapore's attention.The humanitarian crisis of the Gaza Strip is not handled well, and it is more likely to cause more social division in the world, which means that a larger internal safety fuse will be ignited unknowingly.

For the current situation, the general public should be more vigilant. Their words and deeds on the Internet and the Internet must take care of national interests. Like the hatred attacks in European and American countries, if they occur in the local area, the negative effects will be doubled.

Recently, the US CNBC TV reported that since the outbreak of the Harbin War, the pro -Barstan virtual protest of the Roblox online game has reached 275,000, many of which are young children from Malaysia.In addition, the Digital and Communications Department of Malaysia will warn Facebook and Tiktok because they block the content of Palestine.Malaysia recently celebrated Hamas's successful rally.The phenomenon that occurs in Malaysia must not appear here.

"It is not allowed to bring foreign politics to the local area." Singapore's standpoint is easy to say, but it really requires huge political courage and vision of time.