The US News Weekly website published on October 10 why the war entitled to Israel was an article on the nightmare of President Bayeng, the author is Daniel Bush.The full text is as follows:

Hamas's attack on Israel forced the White House to face the potential of the potential regional war. This war may consume the government's weeks or months.When President Biden was increasing his re -election, it was the worst foreign policy crisis for him.

As the number of deaths rises, in addition to the greater range of conflict upgrades, other factors -the development hostage situation, the increase in oil prices that may exacerbate inflation and cause economic damage to the rise — may also be given to worship.Ascending challenges.These challenges will have a major political chain response in the United States.

It is reported that Hamas has seized about 150 hostages.There are very few information about the hostages of hostages and their locations they have detained by Hamas.However, American officials believe that hostages include some American citizens, and the development of this situation will bring the White House to take action to ensure the release of hostages.

This situation was compared with the Iranian hostage crisis. The crisis lasted for 444 days. At that time, the Iranian revolutionary supporters detained 52 American hostages.The public was angry at the hostage of the then President Jimmy Carter's failure to rescue the hostage, which caused him to lose to Ronald Reagan in the 1980 Presidential election to a certain extent.

This is not exactly appropriate.However, experts said that Biden may face similar political pressure to ensure that Americans detained by Hamas were released to avoid the protracted hostage crisis that caused Carter's re -election.

Although foreign policies usually cannot determine the US election, as the price of oil prices has risen due to tensions on the 9th, the economic impact of conflicts on voters may have appeared.

Hamas's attack on Israel has also caused the US government to try to reshape the Middle East through diplomatic agreements to reshape the Middle East without making meaningful progress in the Palestinian -Israel -Israinton conflict solution.

"Unless the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is resolved, there will be no peace in the Middle East." Jeremy Ami, chairman of Liberal Liberal Lobby Group J Street, said, "This problem cannot be hidden."

Senior experts of the Middle East issue, Sadi Hamid, said that the timing of Hamas's attack may be to make Israel and Saudi Arabia more difficult to reach a normalization agreement.He said, but it also strengthened such a concept that the Bayeng government has always been "absent -minded" in formulating a coherent Middle East strategy.

The relationship between the United States and Israel has long been one of the differences in the Democratic Party.In recent days, the tension between the tensions between the progressive clubs of Israel and the more middle school Democrats has become increasingly obvious.

"But for most Republicans, support for Israel is a combat slogan, and this is particularly resonated among conservative gospel Christians."Germany said.

British said that Israel's fighting may strengthen a view among American voters: Biden is leading a period of fighting and conflict, whether it is the Middle East and Ukraine abroad, or due to CongressDomestic politics, due to the debate of the government's expenditure and the consequences of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

"Adding all these factors will only promote the point of view, that is, the situation must be out of control, and the president lacks a strong leader. This is a real problem for Biden."British said, "When there is confusion, it is usually not good for the currentcomers." (Compilation/Wang Diqing)