For Harvard University Economics, Claudia Goldin, 2023 is undoubtedly lucky in 2023.Not long ago, the American Economics Society (AEA) announced that the new election chairman this year was Lawrence F. Katz.He was Gordin's husband.

The Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden announced on October 9 that the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2023 was awarded Gordin to recognize her research on promoting the results of the women's labor market.She revealed the main driving factor of gender differences in the labor market.In 1990, Gordin became the first woman to get a lifelong professor at the Department of Economics of Harvard University.Today, she has become the third female to win the Nobel Prize in Economics, and she is also the first woman to enjoy this prize.

For the reasons for the award, the Jury of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden said that Gordin has been combing for the first time for a century, the participation of women's income and labor market.Her research reveals the reasons for these changes and the main source of gender gap in the labor market.

In the past century, in many high -income countries, the proportion of women engaged in paid work has doubled.This is one of the largest social and economic changes in the modern labor market, but significant gender differences still exist.In the 1980s, Gordin used a comprehensive method to explain the reasons for these differences.The jury pointed out that the core of Gordin's analysis and interpretation model is that women's choices are often limited by marriage and family responsibilities.

The jury said: "Claudia Golin's research allows us to have a new, often surprising understanding of the history and modern characters of women in the labor market.The American borders also observe similar models in many other countries. Her research allows us to better understand the labor market in the past, present, and the future. "

As an economic historian and labor economist, Goldin's research covers a wide range of themes, including women's labor, gender gaps in income, inequality in income, technical changes, education and immigrants.Most of her research focuses on a large amount of economic history data, explaining the present through the past perspective, and discussing the origin of the current concern.Her other very well -known work is the competition of education and technology, and the author is the husband Kazda.

The academic puppet raises a quite interesting question in the book, that is, why is the United States strong?Their answer is that the American education system is the root cause of it the richest country in the world.In their opinion, the American education system has always been more popular than most European countries. It has achieved remarkable results in popularizing elementary education in the 19th century. After 1900, it has begun to promote middle school education.Therefore, they concluded that the 20th century was the century of the United States, but it was the century of human capital.This research is undoubtedly a milestone result. Goldin and Katz proposed an integrated framework to interpret the needs and supply of human capital, how to affect the income distribution of the US labor market in the 20th century, and depict the labor forceThe main trend of the market.

After being elected as the chairman of the American Economic Society, Kart made a speech for the first time.He emphasized: "Economics provides rigorous tools for deepening our understanding of the social world and providing rigorous tools for policy formulation. However, when we create a environment full of respect and intelligence, attract, cherish and retain diverse talents,Our field will become more effective. "His speech was undoubtedly based on the above research results of the two of their couples.

The conclusions of Gordin's research conclusions also deeply recognize.In the industrial 4.0 book I co -authored by others, in the Industry 2.0 I responsible for: In the counterattack with the counterattack of electrification and the United States, education is also successful as the United States counterattack.Factors -at the beginning of independence, they were originally abolished, but the US government clearly proposed "education to determine everything" to motivate the enthusiasm of schooling in all aspects.From 1781 to 1789, the Confederation government formulated regulations, planned the school district, and allocated land as a school -run fund. While vigorously developing public education, it encouraged private and church to run schools.

Before the outbreak of the Northern and South War, the United States had begun to reform the education system.First of all, increase education investment, implement the guidelines for public and private schools, walking two legs, and accelerating the development of education.Secondly, strengthen basic education, promote the primary school compulsory education system, strengthen vocational and technical education, and cultivate the labor technical army that has been developed for the national industrialization.It was under this principle that Congress passed the Morrill Land-Grant Act in 1862.This is a landmark event in higher education in the United States.


The bill stipulates that according to the number of states in the Senate and the House of Representatives in each state, it is allocated to the state -owned land of different states.The college related to the machinery industry ", such schools are also known as gift land universities.According to Article 40 of the bill, the purpose of these universities is to teach agricultural, military tactics and mechanical craftsmanship, and do not exclude classical education.Its more important significance is that the labor -class children can obtain practical university education.

Iowa is the first state to approve Morrifa, making the Edward State University the first designated gift university.The first newly established gift university was Kansas University, which was established on February 16, 1863.The oldest gift university is Rutgers University, which was established in 1766.Established in 1855, Michigan State University is known as the pioneer of land gift universities and is the target of the university of the later gift.

Morlfa lays the foundation of the US higher education today. Well -known public and private universities such as Pennsylvania State University, Cornell University, Purdue University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California Berkeley, University of Alabama, etc.Established by this system.The development of the University of Land University is a number of talents, especially the development of the vocational and technological technology of agricultural industry.It has a profound impact on the development of higher education in the United States and even the world.

It is due to the above measures. By 1900, there were 45,000 engineers in the United States. At that time8.3 of the population, 7.6 in France, and only 6 in the United Kingdom, all of which are greatly behind the United States.This is undoubtedly a strong reference and enlightenment for many post -developed countries.

The author is a Chinese economist, financial columnist