Source: Taiwan Economic Daily News

The Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of the German Federal Economic Cooperation said recently that mainland China will no longer be regarded as a "developed country". It has stopped providing preferential loans from 2026 and demanded that China "assumes the responsibility under the framework of international order."Coincidentally, the US House of Representatives also passed similar bills as early as the first half of the year, requiring various treaties and international organizations to participate in "developed countries" in mainland China. The State Council should promote the change of the Chinese position to a developed country.It is theoretically affirming that it is theoretical to upgrade from development to developing countries. However, in Europe and the United States, they tried their best to awards, but China tried to resist the award.

Internationally, the development level of "developed", "development" and "low development" is used as the main basis to distinguish between international obligations to distinguish between international obligations.The developed countries not only have to pay for money, but the performance of various obligations must be the first to be sold, but also in place.In addition to accepting international assistance in development and low -level development countries, the performance of obligations can also be paid in installments and enjoys various elasticity.

The problem is whether it is a power of a strong country or a developed country like China. The main reason is that there are still vagueness in international definition.Taking the WTO (WTO) as an example, it does not provide the definition of "developing countries". Instead, all members are allowed to determine themselves, and there is no stipulation that members should graduate from the development of development.Mainland China had no disputes on the development of the country at the time of the 2001 conference. However, after more than 20 years, it has become the world's second largest economy. Europe and the United States have proposed that China should graduate.There are more than 100 "special and special treatment" in China.

Another example is the World Bank, which is based on the total income to evaluate four categories: high -income, medium high income, low -income income and low income.The mainland is defined as a "medium high income" economy.Based on its identity, the United Nations and the World Bank are currently investing in many plans in mainland China.There are currently 29 United Nations system units invested a total of US $ 1367.9 million (S $ 186 million), while World Bank has as high as 97 projects, and the investment resources are close to $ 12 billion.Today, the Belt and Road Initiative of China has invested nearly 1 trillion dollars, and the right hand still reached out to accept assistance, which is the main reason for controversy.

The coverage of the countries in the development of the development is extremely wide and has its vagueness. However, almost all developed countries in developed countries have far from China on economic quantity, scientific and technological energy, military nuclear weapons, and global political influence.EssenceBut on the other hand, regardless of the UN Human Development Index (HDI) and the total per capita national income (GNI), mainland China is indeed a gap between the "high -income economy".In the case, from the per capita income, no one can deny that China has the qualification to obtain World Bank's loan.It can be said that China has created the fourth unique classification, that is, the development, development, low development, and China.

In fact, Beijing knows that it is different from other countries in developing, and has also begun to make international contributions. For example, mainland China has the largest single donor country for UNESCO, and has also actively invested in the international grain South -South cooperation project.The main reason for the rejection of upgrading in mainland China is naturally international political considerations. This identity of the same blood as "Global Southern" can help maintain the needs of unity with other countries in developing countries.Organization, even the legitimate foundation that recently promotes the "global development initiative", China does not have to accelerate the need to graduate from development in development.

The pressure of Western countries has little impact on mainland China during the short period of time, because from WTO to the United Nations system, there is no mechanism to force the country's economic development positioning.However, there are more and more actions in Western countries, and a certain pressure will be formed in Beijing. After all, mainland China, as the second largest economy in the world, also has a great rejuvenation and the US -European trial.The universal recognition of the South State, in addition to firmly playing the leader of the South -South Group, how to play its responsible great power and leaders, especially to understand its usual economic and trade relations, in order to meet the international community's pairThe expectations of responsible leaders can truly go to the road of becoming a big country and a strong country.