Source: China Times

China Times Society

2024 The Taiwan election is getting closer, and the problem of "blue and white" in the wild in the wild has been tangled for a long time. From the earliest discussion, it has evolved to how to close it, and even whether the anxiety can be completed.The urgency stage.What everyone can see today is that although the blue and white parties did not say to death, they were just immortal. In the wild party, they said that they had to cooperate, and at best, they still had ideas, but they never practiced, and they did not believe it.The momentum and timing of integration are constantly lost, and they are even more angry that countless public opinion and people who are looking forward to rotation of political parties.

Integrate the system as soon as possible

Following the presence of polls to determine who is the right, Ke Wenzhe, the presidential candidate of the people's party, also proposed the constitutional amendment of "ending the right to have no responsibility for dictatorship."The two -to -two communication plan and candidate; Ke P's active movement and volume of active attacks, fully revealing the flexible and maneuverability strategy of the small party, and also compared with the dilemma of the Kuomintang of the "declining noble".Looking forward, he is not willing to be led by the party that is smaller than himself, but he can not mention the claims or strategies that can make the other party and even the conviction of public opinion.

However, Ke P's demand for the transformation system as the cabinet system. Although the pattern and height that the president should be selected, it can also resolve the doubts of the Blue and Baihe.It is well known that the conditions, thresholds and processes of constitutional amendments are difficult and durable; things are eager to distinguish, and the urgency is definitely promoting the campaign integration as soon as possible., Not high, unrealistic dreams.From the united government in the field in the election campaign to the united government after the victory, the proposition that the constitutional amendment was changed into the cabinet system can certainly be used as a key demand for blue and white, but it should never become an obstacle to the conditions.

Knowing that there is only one dead end, no matter how difficult the blue and white are, it is necessary to find the way of compromise.From the progress of tentative tentatives to the substantive consultation, in order to show the true sincerity and responsibility, to exclude false people's obstacles, there are currently two problems that must be clarified as soon as possible.

How can the two parties so far be negotiated?The Kuomintang proposed to use Jin Jicong and Huang Jianting as the representatives. It was really suspicious. Jin has always been the "main war faction". Huang Ze represents Zhu Lilun.Want to talk about this list?Or do you want to drag?This also involves the dominance of the Kuomintang negotiations. Whether Hou Youyi, Zhu Lilun, or Jin Yicong said, must have a unified power and clarify it. In the end

The second is that the integration plan of Zheng and Vice President and Vice must be clear, fair, pragmatic, and credible.Ke Wenzhe said that he must compare with polls. Some scholars believe that in addition to compared with polls, some of the overall strengths of political parties can be determined by half to determine the selection; Hou Ying is worried that polls will be irrigated by the green camp, and they are scared by "Guo Taiming experience".To the end of the worries caused the loser to turn over the double loser.

Blue and Bai Drag the Future of Taiwan

No need to doubt Hou Youyi, Zhu Lilun, and Ke Wenzhe. They all hope that the blue and white synthesis bureau will realize the rotation of political parties in one fell swoop, but the blue and white harmony obviously faces the two major obstacles of "methods" and "mutual trust"."Combining" is just empty talk.

Some people think that if the blue and white fails, the damage to the Kuomintang will be far greater than that of the people's party. The loss of Hou Youyi is much greater than that of Ke Wenzhe. After the defeat, the Kuomintang is more likely to split and get weaker.However, this view has its blind spots. After all, if blue and white are not combined with the internal fighting of the Blue Camp, the Kuomintang is strong at the grassroots level. The worst is just to continue to maintain the second largest party status.However, Ke Wenzhe and the People's Party can only maintain the results of the small party of the Six to 8 seats, and the DPP who will continue to be in power is more targeted.efficacy.What is more important is that if the DPP continues to be in power, the largest loser will be the future of Taiwan. At that time, the fish will be broken and the jade will be burned, and everything will be embarrassed.

Blue and white negotiation and cooperation, should the candidate be the right to release the cabinet?How to eliminate the "Emperor Emperor's System", restore the check -and -balance mechanism of the Legislative Yuan and the right to supervise the independent judicial and supervisory?This requires wisdom, compromise, and determination; unrealistic, wanting to rely on marketing to build potential, it is not advisable to gamble Daquan, but the boss is the boss and the situation and the current situation.To put it bluntly, the Kuomintang is no longer a big party, and the people's party is just a one -person party. Then pretending to be a ghost and a high -eyed manner. Only everyone is buried together, and the two parties will never have any benefits.

As long as you have intentions, no matter how difficult it is, you can solve it; if you have no intention, everything is obstacle and everywhere is a level; is it important to the people?Or is the interests of the Kuomintang and the People's Party important?Politicians always hang on the public opinion, and will make the most fair and cruel trial.