Source: Surging News

Author: Li Qinyu

Some netizens broke the news that students from North China University of Science and Technology have eaten foreign bodies suspected of mouse heads.On October 10, North China University of Technology issued an announcement saying that food hygiene issues occurred in the Ningbo Jianghui Gourmet Catering Company, which entrusted the business project, and lifted the contract with it.

Mouse head again!Many netizens were surprised by this news. In June this year, a "pointed mouse as a duck" has occurred in the university cafeteria. According to the announcement, North China University of Technology entrusted the cafeteria business project to involve involvedCompany.Obviously, there is a lesson in the front of the car, but the school did not learn lessons at all, and did not really take food safety issues.

This is enough to explain that in order to make teachers and students feel safe and safe, it must not be just a "headache."Otherwise, this time is the school A, the next time is B school; this time is A place, and next is B, which can be described as pressing the gourd and scoop.Everyone can't help but ask, where is the root of the mouse head in the university's cafeteria?

First of all, it should be clear that the responsible body of the university cafeteria is still the university itself.Some colleges and universities usually "a pack of a pack" of the cafeteria, and do a non -obey shopkeeper, do not pay attention to supervision and management; once there is a problem, push all responsibilities to the contractor, and then cancel the contract.In this way, a vicious circle is formed.In fact, there are many problems in colleges and universities, and they are basically because universities have not fulfilled their supervision responsibilities.

Secondly, food safety supervision and management of colleges and universities should be normalized and mechanized.According to media reports, after exposing food safety issues in the cafeteria, many regions have carried out special food safety rectification before, and a large -scale food safety inspection has been launched.However, it is clear that the raid rectification in a short period of time is only to treat the standards and not the standard. Only by taking out long -term measures, it is possible to ensure the safety of all teachers and students.

As for the specific content of long -term measures, it is not complicated.For example, the university cafeteria is required to carry out permits, samples and records of food retention; establish a system of accompanying meals for the principal; setting up the unobstructed channels for students to make opinions and suggestions.There are always methods. Since everyone knows the root of the problem, it should be targeted and systematically solve.

In short, whether it is good for food safety or market supervision, everything depends on the work style of the person in charge.Earlier, the occurrence of "referring to mice as a duck" originated from the person responsible for neither investigating and obtaining evidence, nor really recognizing the mistake.So, after the cafeteria of North China University of Technology is now the rats, what are the targeted measures in the future?This is undoubtedly a question that the public is very concerned.

In short, "headache doctors" is not a way to solve the problem of food safety problems in colleges and universities.Since food safety is not small, it is the consensus of society, it should be the most rigorous standard, the strictest supervision, and the most severe punishment and the most serious accountability., You can't always let all teachers and students ask for blessings in the cafeteria.