China can start from reality and solve the division with Russia according to the status quo.In this case, why can't you start from the status quo from the status quo in the South China Sea and give up the practice unilaterally?This is not only the claim of the United States, Japan and South Korea, but also the claim directly related to the South China Sea issue.

The "David Camp Spirit" generated by the Three Kingdoms of the United States, Japan and South Korea was held around China from beginning to end, but the only place where the name is named is the treatment method of China on the South China Sea issue.This is the first time that the Three Kingdoms has made a unanimous position on the South China Sea issue, and it is also a declaration of the three countries' public intervention in the South China Sea.After the release of the spirit of David Camp, it had an immediate effect on the South China Sea issue, making it increasingly complicated and dangerous.Following the Taiwan issue, the South China Sea issue has become a possible fuse for China and the United States to detonate military conflicts.

First, China released a new map of map testing water temperature.On August 28, China released the 2023 version of the standard map. At this time, it has political significance, mainly to indicate that China ’s sovereignty of China’ s sovereignty in China cannot be challenged. Secondly, to see how the United States, Japan and South Korea react?China hopes that the relevant parties will not over -interpret it.But how can the "Ten Section Line" be set to the sovereign field identified by other countries. How can it not allow many countries to protest strongly?

Test results show that all countries related to the South China Sea are opposed to the new map of China.The Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei refused to accept ten lines.A spokesman for the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry said that China's sovereignty and ocean cord based on the intermittent line are worthless.Japan raised a serious protest to Beijing on the Diaoyu Islands issues caused by the new version of China.

Test results also show that the United States is the leader who opposes China's unilateral change of the status quo.John Kobe, a strategic communication coordinator of the National Security Council, said in response that the United States has always refuted the false marine claims of the People's Republic of China that this map will not change this policy.But this is not just a line drawing on the map, but also about China's intimidation in the Indo -Pacific region and some allies and partners in the United States to try to promote these false marine claims.

The position held by the United States reflects the United States' determination to intervene in the South China Sea issue; incorporate the South China Sea issue into the spirit of the David camp, showing the actual results of the United States intervention.If you don't put it into action, the Indo -Pacific strategy of the United States will collapse.The United States' standing forward on security issues is a solid foundation for the trust of Southeast Asian countries.With the support of the United States, all countries involving the sovereignty of the South China Sea dare to challenge China.

Second, the Philippines's movement after the Pavilion's spirit was published.President President Macos expressed goodwill to China and visited Beijing.However, when the Philippine Maritime Police team accused the Chinese maritime police aiming at the temporary blindness of its crew, the Philippine relations with China turned sharply.The Philippine Ambassador to the United States has revealed that Australia and Japan are hoping to include Australia and Japan into the ranks of joint cruise.

The Philippines fell to the United States, and the interaction between the tensions of China and the Philippines in the South China Sea accelerated. In April, the United States and Philippine held the largest "side -by -side" joint exercise in the history of the two countries.The Philippines allows the United States to have nine military bases in the Philippines.In August, the Philippines participated in the joint training of Japan and the United States and Australia.In the same month, China's water cannon responded to the Philippine ship "illegally" and entered the South China Sea.In September, the Philippine Coast Guard urged domestic fishermen to continue fishing in controversial waters.

The position of the spirit of David Camp on the South China Sea is equivalent to supporting the Philippines' actions in this waters.Because the 2016 Hague arbitral tribunal ruling showed that China had sovereignty in the nine -segment line, and lacked a legal foundation, and China violated the United Nations Convention on Marine Law.That is to say, the practice of nine -segment line has been abolished internationally since 1994.On November 16, 1994, the International Oceanic Law Convention officially took effect. The Marine Law Convention passed by the United Nations in 1982 has two points related to the South China returnees: 1. 12 nautical miles outside the territory are the territorial sea of one country;The reef, which is not suitable for long -term residence, does not belong to the territory of any country.China is a signing country of the Marine Law Convention and should abide by international rules, but China does not recognize the results of the Hague arbitral tribunal.

Filipino attitude is hard

The Philippines responds to China alone, but it has no effort in China, but with the United States, and the country outside the South China Sea is involved, the courage of the Philippines will be greater and greater.For example, in July of this year, the European Commission Chairman Feng Delin once again confirmed that a joint press conference held with Marcos confirmed to acknowledge the ruling of the Hague arbitration court, and warned that Europe would not tolerate the aggression in Ukraine or in the Indo -Pacific regionEssenceIn late September, the Philippine Coast Guard boldly took action and publicly demolished the floating barrier installed near a disputed places.This is the strongest measure taken by the Philippines so far.The Philippines stated that the action of cutting the rope was ordered by Marco.The amazing point of this operation is the stage where the Philippines bid farewell.

Third, look at the spirit of David Camp from South China Sea Vision Corner.In explaining that the US -Vietnam relations have been promoted to a comprehensive strategic partnership, Biden said that this is not to be surrounded and isolation in China, but to ensure that international rules can be maintained and the stability of the Indo -Pacific region.This is the confession of Bayeng's three hundred two silver.Reuters reports that the United States may provide advanced weapons such as F-16 fighters to Vietnam.The United States uses military equipment to improve Vietnam's military power and directly correspond to the South China Sea issue.Vietnam is the only country that has occurred in the South China Sea so far. The significance of the F-16 fighter jet and the potential military conflict with the South China Sea is self-evident.It can be said that on the South China Sea issue, Vietnam has become an important part of implementing the spirit of the David camp.

In summary, the spirit of the David Camp has led to the increasingly complicated and internationalization of the South China Sea. China does not need to be military intervention in the South China Sea.

First, the "since ancient times" rhetoric held in China has no international legal support.According to the logic since ancient times, the large land north of Heilongjiang and east of the Ussuri River has been in China. China should recover the territory plundered by Tsarist Russia in accordance with the basis of ancient times.However, China can start from reality and solve the division with Russia according to the status quo.

Secondly, since the status quo can be started, why not start from the status quo in the South China Sea and give up the practice unilaterally to change the status quo?The spirit of David Camp is "resolutely opposed to the militaryization, dangerous use of coastal guards, maritime militia vessels and coercive activities in danger", which is not only the claim of the United States, Japan and South Korea, but also the claims of directly related countries with the South China Sea issues.EssenceChina has treated Russia with nuclear weapons from the current situation and treated small nations around the surrounding countries since ancient times. Such dual standards have damaged the image.

Third, the status quo is the result of historical evolution.China, which has been ignored since ancient times, has ignored the ocean since ancient times, which has caused the boundary line of the South China Sea to be blurred, which is the general root of the problem.Since October 1949, if China can pay attention to the rights and interests of the South China Sea today, there may not be this problem now.The Xisha Islands have been recaptured, but to strive for more territories, it can only cause tight situations in the South China Sea, and even wipe the guns to get angry.Mao Zedong gave the nightingale island to Vietnam and turned the "eleven segment line" into a "nine -segment line".Today, China can only start from the status quo and respect history to maintain the stability of the South China Sea.The era of seizing the territory with strong strength has ended.The idea of setting the South China Sea as "internal water" is even more absurd, and the era of the empire dream is over.

The author is a commentator in Shanghai, China