This year is Li Guangyao's century.The country has launched a tribute to the activities through various channels and methods.For more than half a year, the true feelings from the government to the people have revealed that although the old people have left for eight years, the marks left to the people are still so touching!

Why remember Li Guangyao?Because there is no Li Guangyao and his team, there is no Singapore today, which is the consensus of the Chinese people.However, in deeply reviewing this year's memory, people with clear -eyed people will find that there are performance (phenomenon) worthy of attention.

The topic obviously surrounds the government and the people how to do the most complete and meaningful way of expression.Indeed, the People's Action Party government has long expressed its significance to clarify the significance of this festival, and is willing to see the people in various ways.The development of the situation does show a side that Chinese people expressed their affirmation and praise.

However, it is not difficult to find that there is a fundamental perspective and qualitative difference in it.To put it plainly, the problem is not to do what kind of way, but from what perspective and qualitative viewing Li Guangyao's political heritage.

At least two levels of issues are involved here.One is how to view Li Guangyao's political heritage (qualitative); the other is how to preach and inherit the political heritage of Lee Kuan Yew.

First of all, what kind of political attributes should I establish Li Guangyao's political heritage?

In order to explain the reason for the reason, I may wish to quote Lee Kuan Yew's last words: "My life does not rely on a certain philosophy or some theoretical guidance.Can't do theory. ""I have read a lot of theories. I am very interested in theory because I like to establish theory. But I like to see confirmation in real life. I have not found a theory that advocates equal people in real society." (Singapore's Hard Road, Page 187)

In this way, Li Guangyao's political heritage is examined. For the construction of ideological and theory, he has not adhered to a specific ideological or theory from beginning to end; facts highlight that he is looking for and opening his theoretical construction from beginning to end.

This means that Li Guangyao is trying to build his own theory from beginning to end.In other words, his political heritage also has a specific sense theory, not just a statement or view, or only institutional construction, without ideas.Because political theory is built by rigorous thinking logic and theoretical framework.Therefore, the difference between the problem should be that there is not the existence of Li Guangyao's theory, but the connotation and extension of Li Guangyao's ideological theory, and what is the spiritual meaning.

At this point, the inquiry of the problem has not ended.It is one thing to recognize that Li Guangyao's theory of ideology theory is. Whether Li Guangyao's theory has the value and significance of crossing the times is another matter.Therefore, reviewing the practical significance of Li Guangyao's theory in the later Li Guangyao's era should also be the focus of attention of Chinese people.

Needless to say, from the government, academic to the people, should be explained by the predicate nouns of Li Guangyao's theory of ideology, should not be controversial, but this does not prevent academic inquiry.

Obviously, different qualitatives, the methods and methods of publicity and inheritance will be different.Because rigorous ideological and theories have a set of reference philosophy, value, knowledge system, and coordinates and core ideas (pragmatism) of the coordinates of the setting policy.Focusing on the policy basis and reference of successful governance of the country, although there is something, it has failed to provide a complete systemic perspective and decision -making basis.

This means that through the construction and inheritance of ideological and theories, compared with the promotion and inheritance of policy basis in different fields, there is not only the difference in nature, but also to cause very different effects.

Secondly, what ways should we commemorate and preach Li Guangyao's political heritage.

Obviously, no matter what ways to commemorate Li Guangyao to express respect, you should be affirmed and praised.The difference is whether this commemorative and publicity focuses on his achievements and gratitude, or pay more attention to his political heritage for Singapore -guidelines for the future development of Singapore.The former is intended to follow Li Guangyao's gratitude and gratitude, and the same is moving along the road to success that the predecessors.This is the biggest difference between the two.

The author is an independent current political commentator.