Source: Taiwan Wangbao Society Review

Hamas's attack on Israel has caused serious casualties. With the development of the Israeli military and retaliation operations, the scale of the conflict will continue to expand and will cause serious casualties.The global economy was originally affected by the upgrade of the Ukrainian crisis. The conflict of Pakistani conflicts will inevitably bring new uncertainty to global stability, and then combat market confidence and prevent countries from all over the world from curbing inflation.

Put the oil on the US military aid fire

After a new round of conflict broke out, international oil prices rose immediately.What is worrying is that if the situation continues to intensify, it will inevitably damage the peace process in the Middle East, which will not only cause adverse effects on the Middle East, but even intensify the geopolitical trend of the world. The global difficult economic recovery will worsen the snow.Relevant countries in the region should work hard to cool down the situation. Do not let the innocent people of both sides become victims, and avoid further impact on the global political and economic situation. Both world countries such as Europe, the United States, China, and Russia should bear responsibility to take ceasefire and restore peace to peace.Necessary action, don't pour oil on fire.

It has a long history and complicated. It is one of the conflicts that are quite difficult to resolve today in the world. At least three difficulty solutions are covered: First, it involves national and religious disputes.The Arab people and the Jewish nations revolved around the Holy City Jerusalem, and proposed to each other's exclusive arranges, which was almost difficult to reconcile.In particular, the two sides have their own internal extremists and resolutely oppose reconciliation.The second is the game and competition involving the forces of all parties in the Middle East.There are disputes between different countries and denominations in the Middle East. These disputes are superimposed with the Baza conflict, coupled with the role of the world's great powers behind, has increased the complexity of the Pakistana problem.The third is to involve military disputes.For a long time, the United States has favored Israel, and Israel's military strength far exceeds Palestine, making the difficulty of peace talks.

The Oslo Agreement in 1993 stipulates that Palestine can establish a country with sovereignty and independence and establish its own government.Thirty years later, although Palestine established a government, the territory was under the occupation of Israeli military. In fact, it was not independent. In order to launch the Boma bomb for the Baza conflict.The strength is growing.

The right -wing of the Israeli government is strong in right -wing. It adopts a polar right policy on the Palestinian issue.The two sides were trapped in a vicious circle of "reported reports".Although the Israeli Reverection Action is targeted at Hamas and is limited to the Gaza Strip, as the conflict is upgraded, it may trigger hundreds of thousands of citizenship Israeli Palestinians' resistance and the intervention of the Allah, and then drive the surrounding countries.Large -scale conflict.

War disaster warning Taiwan

The United States and Europe expressed their explicit support to support Israel. The United States announced military assistance to Israel, which is tantamount to pouring fuel on fire, which will increase the risk of conflict upgrade.

What's more important is that the delay in the Pakistani conflict is not conducive to the new Middle East strategy in the United States.The "Ayi Holying" chess carefully planned by the Biden government has to press the suspension key now.In short, the "India-Middle East-European Economic Corridor (IMEC)" of India, Saudi Arabia, Israel and other countries will not be able to advance.The optimal choice of the United States should cooperate with the international community to prevent the Baza conflict from upgrading.

The land side urged the international community to promote the early recovery of the peace talks between the Evai and Pakistan, seeking a long -term peaceful way, and persuading and promoting talks with the consistent position on the mainland on the Pakistana issue.Over the years, the mainland has proposed a series of peaceful initiatives, and has tried many attempts to promote the peace talks.As the two major countries in the world, China and the United States should jointly promote peaceful negotiations, prevent conflicts continue to upgrade, and work with the international community to mediate for both parties.

At the time of the conflict, there were a total of 124 tour groups in Taiwan staying in the local area. Some people had successfully boarded the plane and returned to Taiwan, but some passengers were still stranded in the local area.According to reports, some Taiwanese travelers recalled the scene on the day of Israel's attack that they thought that someone was putting fireworks at first, but later they knew that it was a missile.Everyone knows that the disaster caused by war to the people is devastating, and only the immersive people know the value of peace.For the people of Taiwan, the tragedy of Russia and Ukraine and the conflict of Pakistani was in front of it, and could not be seen.How to choose the future of Taiwan is important and it is worth thinking about every Taiwanese.

"Return to the teeth with the teeth, and return to the eyes with the eyes" can only be passed on from generation to generation, making peace and out of reach.In today's world, peace is precious and difficult.Only when all parties work together to make long -lasting efforts can peace come soon.