Bloomberg News website published an article entitled by the Sino -US "Technical War" on October 7th. The author is Tobin Haru.The full text is as follows:

Historians who look back at the Bingfeng of the Bingfeng one day when the historians look back on the Cold War "hills" one day, they may focus on October 7, 2022.On this day, U.S. President Joe Biden announced a series of strict export control measures to block high -tech semiconductors and manufacturing equipment to China.Japan and the Netherlands have followed suit, and the "technical war" is in full swing.

However, when the United States really expects that it is more successful when it is stifling in China's progress than suppressing the Soviet Union's rapid development of nuclear bombs?Sanctions are unlikely to hinder Beijing for a long time.

So, how does the United States maintain an advantage?Around many and many other issues, I have recently talked with the characters, Ania Manuel, a partner of the Foreign Policy Circle, and the partner of the company, and the partner of the company.

Bloomberg News asked: Do you think we are accurate to fight a "technical war" with China?

Manuel: I prefer to see this as a competition rather than a war.The United States can win this competition through faster self -innovation and self -construction, and a "war" means that we just try to obstruct each other.

Question: But can you say this: The Bayeng government tried to "obstruct" China in the semiconductor field?

Answer: In some cases, this actually damages the American industry.American companies have been selling old technologies to China before, using this income to provide funds for R & D to make American companies lead.This unexpected consequences show that in a very complicated technical competition, export control is an imperfect and non -sharp tool.

Q: As you said, China does have its own manufacturing technology, even if it is not the most cutting -edge chip manufacturing.But will the action adopted by the Biden government forces China to hurry up in many fields, especially in the field of artificial intelligence?

Answer: In the field of artificial intelligence, especially in large language models, the United States and Britain are currently leading.But I don't think we can expect to hinder the Chinese in this regard.

This is why I prefer to call this technology competition rather than war: Although we can use some means such as export control to slow down the opponent's speed, what we really need to do is to innovate faster and better.

Q: What do you think of the United States do not do well?

Answer: I don't think we are facing difficulties in which key technologies we are.Our innovative ecosystem is still quite sound.It is just that China also has excellent entrepreneurs.In terms of 5G or even 6G, China can be said to lead the West.In some aspects of international revenue and expenditure and blockchain, they are also far ahead.