Source: China Times

Author: Weng Luozhong

When Taiwan's internal argument is the "National Day of the Republic of China" or "Taiwan National Day"; the Harmas Group in some parts of Palestine has launched a strange attack on Israel and let Israel officially declare war.EssenceThis conflict is still continuing, but it is worth thinking about that the United States has firm support, coupled with all the people, and actively prepare for war. Is Israel, which is absolutely unable to underestimate military strength in the world. Why still can't stop the war?What are the problems with Israel, and what will happen to the international situation?In addition to the risk of war, in addition to the disturbance of political drool, it should be faced with the global political trends in the transition.

Not long ago, the US National Security Consultant Sarawan publicly announced that under the communication of the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia, the most stable situation in the Middle East has appeared in the Middle East for nearly 20 years.The central coordination of the Biden government hopes that the efforts of the three parties will alleviate the Pakistani conflict, and through the normalization of the relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia, the United States and Israel can concentrate on dealing with Iran.

The United States talks with Israel's confidence in regional peace, relying on the universal war mechanism for the entire people built by Israel for many years, plus the defense system constructed by the spy software and air defense missile network, so that Israel has confidence to grasp the radicals of radicalsThe actions of terrorists, and Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu, as "Mr. Safety" himself.However, Hamas's attack not only highlights the limited ability of the Neutana government to protect the country, but also obviously challenges the expectations of "preparation can avoid war".

In order to grab the ruling power, Neutanahu relied on radical right -wing party support to form a joint government, but therefore also had to make political compromises. The leader who appointed a strong rightist background was the Minister of National Security and made political consciousness typesThe attitude is replaced by professionalism, causing misjudgment of information.In fact, the recent intelligence from the Gasha region clearly showed that the Hamas Group frequently conducted military exercises, but the judgment of the Israeli government believed that the Hamas Group was just a bluffing momentum and never dared to act lightly.Government officials are not professional enough, and excessive confidence makes Israel's security gap.

Secondly, Israel's military strength is obvious to all around the world. Any potential enemy will never underestimate Israel, but why does Hamas still launch an attack?In addition to Israel's excessive self -confidence, the key lies in the lack of communication between Israel and Palestine's radicals.Although the Israeli government has repeatedly communicated with the Palestinian election government many times, it is obviously not under the jurisdiction of the election government.On the contrary, the Harmas Group headquarters in Lebanon is supported by Iran because the relationship between Israel and Iran is tense, making it more difficult to communicate between Israel and Hamas.

Recently, the right -school government in Israel has further restricted the Palestinian workers in the Gaza Corridor to work in Israel, and the support of Hamas for the external forces has caused the long -term impossible tight relationship to deteriorate. In the end, Hamas decided to decideStrive, do not do nothing.Because there is no communication pipeline, no matter how powerful Israel's military strength is, it still can't keep the people's safety of the people of Israel.

The Middle East crisis caused by Hamarta's raid in Israel depends on how long this conflict will last.In the first time, countries in the world condemned Harma, who had condemned the offensive, but what was the change of the conflict to the world than condemning the more realistic considerations?Indeed, Israel may rely on their own defense to prepare to defeat Hamas, but countries around the world must expect that this conflict can end as soon as possible. After all, it is currently supporting Western countries in Ukraine.Customs.

At the same time, the world must also worry about Iran who is jealous, whether it will be a trick, and what makes the United States more worry is that it is in addition to the Ukraine War and the Baza conflict, as well as the crisis of the Taiwan Strait to face.At the same time, there are many challenges, and the United States must find ways to stabilize Sino -US relations.Watching Israel, which is strong in national defense, not only prepares for the battle, but also stands with the allies, but because of lack of communication, it has led to the continuous increase in hostility and attract war.Standing at the forefront of competition in the United States and China, Taiwan needs to think about facing the tension of the Taiwan Strait. In addition to actively preparing for war and strengthening the connection with the United States, is it more important to promote cross -strait communication by itself?