Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Zheng Zhen

Will the Baza conflict in full swing continue to expand?What impact and consequences will be?If the development of the situation is limited to Israel after the Hamas raid, then the whole situation is just a storm in the tea cup.In the future, Palestine's attacks may continue, and Israel's revenge will be staged again.This is just a tragedy constantly updated.

After the crowds of the onlookers are dispersed, who is concerned about whether the issue of the Baza is resolved, and who cares about the people who are in the Gaza Strip is in the deep water?Even if they refuse to condemn some of the Arab countries of Hamas, it is difficult for them to let go of the pace of alleviating relationships with Israel and even establish diplomatic relations.There are not a few people who call for a ceasefire and call on the implementation of the two countries. The problem is that if the parties refuse to negotiate and refuse to implement the two countries, what can they do?

Negotiations with Palestine have not long been Israel's priority. According to the Abraham agreement, signing with Arab countries to build peace is Israel's diplomatic priority.Palestine's opposition and shouts have no effect.The United States, Israel, and Arab countries are marginalized.Although there is something wrong, it is a resentment, but who is the resentment of Palestine?How shocking Palestine's attack is, how desperate people are in a state of unsolved for a long time.

Who will break the deadlock?

It is unrealistic to rely on the United States, and the United States has its own strategic arrangements and interest considerations.As the most critical third party on the Pakistan issue, if the United States has considered a peaceful solution to the problem, it will not support Israel.The Russian whipping of Palestine is unable to reach the right, and it is impossible to justice for Palestine.Russia, which is deeply trapped in the Ukrainian war, seems to be more happy to see the situation in the Middle East involved in the United States.

As a big country, will China be the key to breaking the situation?

At the regular press conference on October 9th, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, more than a dozen problems thrown around the reports around the Pakistan issue.Behind this is the more important reality of China's attitude.The fact is that the answer of Chinese diplomatic press spokesperson has no new ideas except reiterating its position.

Fire restraint, protect civilians, implement the planning of the two countries, and call on the international community to increase investment in Palestinian issues ... Any statement is enough to grab a moral highland.But who is responsible?Who can persuade Israel to cooperate with the problem?

The great country should be responsible, and China should be responsible as a big country.From this perspective, China has disappointed many people who want to play the role of great powers.As a high -profile new rise country outside the United States, China does not have the urgent meaning of turning the tide.

But what should I do and what can I do.China is not always a big move that is similar to the rendering of public opinion.

In addition to the Pakistani issue, in addition to the Pakistani, the most responsible is the Arab country, followed by the country outside the country.The Pakistani conflict continues, how can Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the UAE Congress be on their own and how to face it. They have their own plans.Iran and Turkish regions have their respective conspiracy.China has a strategic need for global development in China, and there are also tactical needs of games with the United States. It is very difficult to balance the relationship with countries in the Middle East.The issue of the Pakistana as the most basic contradiction in many contradictions in the Middle East is not easily involved in China.Although the United States has shifted its strategic focus from the Middle East to Asia Pacific, it is still the biggest existence in the Middle East.The United States is still unavailable in China.In other words, at this stage, China has no responsibility.

In the long run, China will be an important force to promote problems.As early as 2013, China invited the leaders of the Pakistani to visit China at the same time to show the sincerity of promoting peace.In 2018, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed to build a common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable Middle East security structure at the opening ceremony of the Eighth Ministerial Meeting of the China -Arab Subject Forum.China held the first Middle East Security Forum in 2019, and China held the second Middle East Security Forum in 2022.In December 2022, the first China Arab National Summit was held. Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out that the Palestinian issue is related to the peace and stability of the Middle East.

With the in -depth advancement of China's "Belt and Road" initiative, China's demand for security and stability in the Middle East is becoming increasingly strong.China has contributed to peace in the Middle East and the pace of promoting the solution of the Baza problem.Especially after China proposed a global security initiative in April 2022, China will act on the contradictions and conflicts that some international community's attention.

Development is a powerful weapon for eliminating violence. China is willing to allow Palestinian to take development express trains through the "Belt and Road". This is better to resolve confrontation than simply providing assistance or assistance to pressure the Palestinians.China, which strongly maintains friendly relations with most Middle East countries, is "a friend with the common parties with the Pakistan", which has laid a solid foundation for China ’s claims in the future.The rising China will be the opportunity to solve with the Pakistan issue.