North Korea permanently supports the nuclear, and it must bear permanent sanctions and permanently become an international orphan.As long as China and the United States jointly hold their gas and cooperate in division of labor, the United States leads, China defaults, this legitimate punishment can be sustainable.

The first agenda of the ninth session of the 14th Supreme People's Conference of North Korea on September 26, discussed and passed the decree on modifying and supplementing part of the content of the socialist constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of China.On September 30, North Korean Foreign Minister Cui Shanji condemned "the United States and its servants to hold non -public negotiations from the UN Security Council" to defend North Korea's nuclear in the constitution.The drafts of these two speeches issued by the North Korean Society can sort out North Korea's current nuclear policies and nuclear positions.

The main points of the speech of Kim Jong -un include: First, the three major achievements in the first nine months of this year are national defense, agriculture, and residential.The biggest achievement is "the full heyday of the national defense forces and the strengthening of nuclear war on the strengthening power of the nuclear war."

2. Confirm that unanimously adopted a nuclear military policy into the constitution.Israel, India, and Pakistan, which have been illegally supported, are low -key, and they are supported by the United States and China behind them, so they have not been sanctioned by the Security Council for a long time and the international community is generally resisted.Kim Jong -un deliberately high -profile and became the first country in the world to hold nuclear legislation. 11 years ago, he had entered the constitution of "nuclear ownership".On September 8, 2022, the seventh session of the 14th Supreme People's Conference discussed and passed the decree on the Nuclear military policy on the North Korean Democratic People's Republic of China; this time the legislation was upgraded, and it stipulated in Article 48 of the Constitution.North Korea "as a responsible nuclear -owned country, in order to ensure the country's living rights and development rights, curb the peace and stability of the war, maintain the peace and stability of the region and the world, and achieve the high degree of development of nuclear weapons."

Three, the reason for emphasizing the nuclear support is "for self -defense."Picking the long -term contest with the United States and its following forces (mainly refers to Japan, South Korea), condemning the United States to promote the construction of the "Triangle Military Alliance System" and "Asian Edition NATO", which is the same day and South Korea.The greatest threat of sex.There will be resonance in this position.

Fourth, there is no fantasy for the protection of China and Russia.Kim Jong -un is eager to self -esteem, so he claims that he will not have fantasies about the United States' "inactivated 'good -faith' and the temptation of sweet words", nor will they "have a slim expectation to sit in the nuclear umbrella of others (referring to China and Russia)."North Korea forcibly supports nuclear nuclear is not legitimacy, but it is reasonable.

The disintegration of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the socialist elder brother collapsed; in August 1992, the establishment of diplomatic relations between South Korea and South Korea, the socialist eldest sister couldn't help it; the original balanced security system of the Peninsula was sharply tilted, which was greatly stimulated to North Korea.EssenceIn September 1990, Kim Il Sung secretly visited China and met Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin in Shenyang. He asked China not to build diplomatic relations with South Korea.However, two years later, China still established diplomatic relations with South Korea based on its own interests rather than ideology. The then foreign minister Qian Qichen made a special trip to the North Korea one month before the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea.There are descriptions and diluted.In May 2017, Fu Ying, who was former deputy foreign minister, was an objective description of the historical evolution and prospects of the Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear issue published by the Brookings Society in the United States.And disappointment, more isolated. "

5. Exaggerate the United States' nuclear threat to North Korea, claiming that if they do not have nuclear, "it is bound to be caught by nuclear catastrophe and extinction."This is inconsistent with the fact that the United States has evacuated tactical nuclear weapons and strategic nuclear weapons 40 years ago.Biden and Yin Xiyue did warn North Korea's "end of the regime", but at the same time, the premise was that North Korea (first) launched a nuclear attack (revenge).The cause of Korean fruits for the cause, frequent nuclear guidance trials and frequently upgraded the security threat to the United States, Japan and South Korea, has led to an improvement of the nuclear response in the United States, including but not limited to the establishment of the US -Japan -South Korea "nuclear review team", high -profile dispatch nuclear strategic attack submarine visit visitKorean and strategic bomber simulation exercises attacked the North Korean nuclear.The two sides are extremely distrustful, stimulate and doubt with each other, and the vicious cycle.

6. Tough stance not only does not abandon the nuclear, but also further strengthen the nuclear.Kim Jong Il had confirmed before his death that the nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula was the legacy of Kim Il Sung.Kim Jong -un claims to make strategic judgments: as long as North Korea "exists as a socialist country" and the "domineering nucleus of domineering on the earth" in the United States, it must not change and concession to the current position of nuclear support;The country's eternal strategic assets "" No one can be damaged in any circumstances. "

This is not surprising. Those who understand the ins and outs of the Nuclear Crisis never believe that Kim Jong -un and then US President Trump held a summit.None of the countries that have supported the nuclear at present, none of them actively abandon the nuclear; those who were forced to abandon large -scale killing weapons did not end well, such as Saddam, Gaddafi, and Assad.How can Kim Jong -un, who is instinct and fear of security, easily pin his own, regime, and country security to Americans' "kindness"?Kim Jong -un has disdain the "frozen nuclear" and "hidden nuclear" strategy used by Trump when negotiating with Trump, but a high -profile "strong nuclear", claiming that "sustainable further strengthening nuclear force" and implementing the eight major struggle for the Labor Party. "Instead of strengthening nuclear military forces in terms of quality and quantity, "in order to raise chips and blackmail the United States, eventually throwing off China and the United States to negotiate directly, sign the North Korean peace agreement, and the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and North Korea to achieve normalization.

Cui Shanji talks points

1. North Korea's nuclear coordinates into the constitution is a positive, irresistible, and legal sovereign rights.Of course, this "legitimate" is limited to Korean domestic law, not international law.Except for the Five Changs of the Security Council, any other sixth country supports nuclear nuclear, that is, it cannot be used as a "nuclear weapon country" to join the non -diffusion nuclear weapon treaty.North Korea's strength is far from enough to force the Security Council to transfer the privilege and core interests of legal support for the five constant conferences, so there will be no exception.India cannot be legalized, not to mention North Korea.

2. Emphasizing that "as long as the American imperialist entity exists, nuclear support is the choice of our country's life."This position is consistent with Kim Jong -un.Cui Shanji's rake was blamed, accusing "the United States has nuclear the Korean Peninsula region for decades before we supported the nuclear", so North Korea had to support the nuclear.Like Kim Jong -un, she also exaggerates the nuclear threat of the United States and is obviously not established.With the strong military forces in the United States, conventional weapons are enough to threaten North Korea without using nuclear weapons. 70 years ago, now, and foreseeable futures, they can all wipe out the army.

Three, point out that no denuclearization is to force North Korea to violate constitution.It is regarded as "the highest interest in maintaining national security", and hostile forces such as the United States have imposed no nuclearization and will be considered "the most serious sovereignty and unconstitutional behavior of forced abandonment of the Constitution and abandoning the system."

Fourth, condemn the Security Council's "loss of fairness and justice" and "extreme dual standards".It is believed that the Security Council will announce that the "end of the regime" by the United States, Japan, and South Korea will announce the "end of the regime" as a national policy and continuously provoking military provocations.The North Korean party has repeatedly condemned the Security Council and the activities of "the United States and its servants" in the Security Council. By the way, it also indirectly complained that China and Russia cooperated in the United States.

Do not diffuse nuclear weapons treaty is an important part of the post -war international security system and one of the cornerstones of world peace and stability.The Security Council's sanctions on North Korea's nuclear guidance have passed 10, each time it is passed by the full vote, clearly showing that the red line and cost of North Korea's illegal nuclear support, the Security Council and the international community's unanimous stance on the non -proliferation of the nuclear nuclear.

Kim Jong -un did not lose its mind. As long as the seventh nuclear test was not performed, the Security Council could not pass the 11th sanctions resolution, because China, Russia and the United States had erupted structural conflicts, and there was a tacit understanding of veto.Seven nuclear trials, whether it is underground nuclear test, a submerged nuclear warhead, and an empty hydrogen bomb near Guam, the Security Council will be consistent with no suspenseThrough the 11th and stricter sanctions resolutions, at the same time, the suspension keys were pressed for China -DPRK relations to promote Sino -US more unity and continue to promote the nuclearization of the peninsula.

The issue of the North Korean nuclear is not cold or hot, does not die or live, and does not break, and it is slow. In order to change the straps and slowly, it is the best option for the benefits of the United States, China and Russia.Kim Jong -un has frequently launched the missile, indicating that severe sanctions, epidemic, natural disasters, economic stalls, and people's livelihood withered are superpressant.The United States and the Security Council do not have to worry, with constant demeanor, maintain the necessary, small amount of humanitarian assistance, and maintain the strict sanctions of the Security Council.Consumption of North Korea's national strength and Kim Jong -un's patience, despise all the chips (including nuclear guidance) in Kim Jong -un's hands, and tacitly watch Kim Jong -un's entertainment and enjoy it.

The road of Jinjia will get narrower and narrower

North Korea's permanent nuclear support must bear permanent sanctions and permanently become an international orphan.As long as China and the United States jointly hold their gas and cooperate in division of labor, the United States leads, China defaults, this legitimate punishment can be sustainable.Whether North Korea is "comprehensive, verifiable, and irreversible" is not the primary goal of the Security Council; it is the key to maintaining the cost of illegal nuclear support for illegal support for illegal nuclear support, which is the key to maintaining world peace and stability.

North Korea ’s strategic judgment has a serious mistake. After forcibly supports the nuclear, the US nuclear threat is exaggerated, and it is still based on the“ early fight, big fight, and nuclear war. ”After the nuclear weapons defended the Golden Family's security and national security, the biggest threat of the regime is not the United States, but the people's livelihood. It should fully develop the economy and the United States to slowly compete with the United States.The five -year weapon development plan formulated by the Eighth National Congress of the Labor Party, such as scattered in 15 years, North Korea is more vibrant and vibrant.Socialism in the Soviet Union is dead road, and the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe has been empirical.North Korea is more left, stiff, and more closed than the Soviet Union. It is completely relied on high -pressure brainwashing, military politics, exaggerated threats, and personal worship.This road will become narrower and narrower, and eventually it is a broken road.

China's reform and opening up, Vietnam's innovation and opening up is prosperous.Vietnam has become one of the member states of international organizations such as the Comprehensive Progress of the Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). In 2022, the GDP (GDP) reached 409 billion US dollars, an increase of 8.02%year -on -year, the largest increase in 12 years.7%.The Thirteen CPC National Congress, which closed on February 1, 2021. In the resolution, confidently proposed the grand goal of the next five, 10 years, and 25 years. "By 2045, Vietnam will make Vietnam a high -income developed country."There is no nuclear weapon in Vietnam, and the political system reform is in front of all socialist countries. The economic and social development is rapid, which can be used for a reference for North Korea to break through a way of study.

(the author is a Chinese current affairs commentator)