Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Lu Yi

On October 7th, Chuck Schume, the leader of the majority of the US Parliament Senate, led a two -party senator to arrive in Shanghai to start the first stop of visiting China.After the Joe Biden government actively attacked China, the US Senate also dispatched.A deadly anti -Chinese figure is obviously unable to sit still.

Shu Mo once promoted the introduction of the US chip bill and the inflation reduction bill.In May this year, Shu Mo tried to promote a new bill to improve the ability of the United States to respond to China on issues such as technology, security, and Taiwan.The cross -party proposal announced by many American Senators is called "China Competitive Act 2.0", and it is trying to win competition with China by restricting investment and technology flowing to China.After the heavily siege did not hinder the breakthrough of the Chinese chip, Shu Mo read it in China, it is worthy of fun.This shows that the decoupling strategy of the United States will not be promoted.If you are decoupled, you want to "hook again". After the imbalance between Sino -US relations, it is bound to establish a "re -balance".

After Bayeng came to power, based on former President Donald Trump's trade war and science and technology blocked, he pushed the "sharp hook broken chain", and at the same time, he helped him at an attempt to target China.However, the trade war can't be played, and the scientific and technological blocking is also invalid.Although Biden shouted "the United States is back", it is a strange world that accelerates changes.Seeing that China is more curb and stronger, and seeing that countries around the world are increasingly not buying the United States "leading the world with their strength", Americans have to change their play.

Although it is unclear what kind of gameplay will be in the next year, it is certain to prevent Sino -US relations from continuing imbalance between Sino -US relations to avoid forming comprehensive conflict confrontation.The reason is simple. The United States has not made a good strategy and psychological preparation with China. The United States needs to "cooperate" with China to solve its own dilemma.

On the one hand, the cooperation between China and countries in the development or non -Western world is continuously deepened.China has continued to deepen the cooperation between China, Central Asia, West Asia, Middle East, Africa, Eurasia, and Latin America.The successful convening of the South African BRICS Leaders and the subsequent 77th Kingdom Group+China Summit indicates that the "Global South" is cooperating to promote world reform and establish a new order system.On the other hand, Europe and the United States have always been unable to unify their will on the strategic issues of China.In particular, the two countries have firmly refused to stand in the United States to engage in conflict confrontation.In addition, the situation of the Ukrainian battlefield has made the United States more and more anxious.Long -term consumption and restraint made the United States do not know what to do.

The most embarrassing and unable to sit still, Huawei, who has been blocked, has launched high -end quasi -5G mobile phones.The important thing is that the chip used by this new phone is still made of Chinese.Although the chip is small, it can indicate that China's high -tech innovation ability is soaring.The United States has been blocking the Chinese chip industry since 2018. Especially in 2019, the United States has strictly restricted the Chinese chip industry in many fields, including prohibiting exporting high -end chip manufacturing equipment and technologies to China.Exit of related chip products.

In order to further limit the development of the Chinese chip industry, the United States promulgated chip science law in 2022.However, the "Chinese core" (Chinese chip) finally killed a blood path.

Bayeng government must change the "struggle" method.There was a three -round intensive interaction with China. So far, there is no such thing as building.

But no matter who visits China and who talks about the same, the idea of Americans is such a contradiction: on the one hand, it emphasizes that the world has entered the era of competition in the world of reconstruction of world order, but on the other hand, it is not allowed to be allowed to ChinaCompetition with the United States; on the one hand, it emphasizes not conflicting conflict with China, but on the other hand, it continues to create conflict confrontation; on the other hand, it is necessary to establish a anti -conflict guardrail with China, but on the other handA contradictional way of thinking can only explain one problem, and Americans really don't know what to do.

Compared to the United States, it is unknown to the ancestors of Beijing- "Never sacrifice core interests in exchange for peace and development, and never swallow the bitter fruit of sacrificing core interests."Because of this, no matter how many Americans visit Hua Dao, no matter what Americans say, the bottom line principle cannot be broken.Then, I said a lot to listen to you, but now it is important that it is not what you say but it depends on what you do.

Shu Mo's visit to China will not have any effect on China and the United States.The recent performance of the United States, including Shu Mo's visit to China, has more helplessness.But the result of this is obviously timid.It is better to link between China and the United States, and it is necessary to build a new strategy. The result of such a dense diplomatic interaction between China and the United States will not be as expected as the United States.The United States must accept that China is already the world's superpower.The re -balance between China and the United States must be a new balance of equality and mutual respect.