Source: Xinhua News Agency

Author: Wang Jingyu, Linde, Cao Yibo, Ma Yan

In the 2023 Basketball World Cup, the Chinese men's basketball team has a poor record and missed the Olympic Games for the second time.At the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Chinese men's basketball team failed to achieve the goal of defending.Yao Ming, chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from Xinhua News Agency on the evening of the 6th and responded to some hot issues.The following is the record of the interview:

Reporter (hereinafter referred to as the following): In this Asian Games, did our results reach pre -match expectations?

Yao Ming (hereinafter referred to as Yao): It is very straightforward that it has not been achieved.Although it is not possible to compare the results of the previous Asian Games, the performance of the men's basketball team has not met our expectations.We are facing a frustrated mentality after the World Cup failure, and it is difficult to adjust quickly.But we still want to defend at home ... reality is reality, we must face it.

Remember: After losing to the Philippines that day, you stood on the scene for a long time. What was thinking?

Yao: I have experienced 30 years of basketball like me, and I have seen all kinds of losses.As a member of the Chinese team, you must be frustrated when you lose the ball.As a leader, what I think is to quickly send the team members back to the lounge. They are the most important, because there are still competitions to play later.

Remember: Where did the ball lose for the past two days?

Yao: Because it is not a coach, I can't evaluate the things on the field.It must be relaxed.There are actually two ways of lack of relaxation. One is the looseness of looseness, and the other is to want to eat the opponent and defeat each other. In fact, it is also a reflection of relaxation.These players are a very heavy moment for them, hoping to be incentives for their future.

Remember: At the press conference that day, some reporters asked who the responsibility of the defeat was. Joer Jevic immediately said "it is me", and Zhao Jiwei said that he should not lose the coach as soon as he lost. What do you think of this question?Intersection

Yao: If you lose the ball, you must have responsibility. Every link is available. We are used to finding these responsibilities to find one of the most famous.In fact, there will be such problems in each link, but a more important question is who will push forward in the future?What should we do?This is a more important issue.

Remember: Are you losing to the Philippines twice, because after Yi Jianlian's retirement, we lack the more reliable core players at a critical moment?

Yao: If you want to say core players, I think this time Ji Wei did very well.Because Zhou Peng's injury withdrew, he had to bear these things as an old player and a captain.Including today's game, in the second half, he and several other old players came out to lead everyone.

There will be cores in any team, but there are differences between the core and core.Where is we worse?In the two games of losing the Philippines, if it is only for me, we lack the explosive power.I mean a single player. Players like McGrady, 35 seconds 13 minutes, he can continue to shot in a short time, sending the ball into the basket like a machine gun.This not only requires technical mature training, he must be psychologically strong enough to support these things.This player needs to have the habit of breaking up, and we are now lacking at this level of the national team.And in our culture, you can stand still to say that you are "good".

Remember: From the World Cup to the Asian Games, the Chinese men's basketball team is not ideal. How do you evaluate Jorjevic's ability and level?

Yao: We need a bridge that is in line with international standards.National and regions (coaches).What I want to say is that there are so many coaches as a small country in Serbia -we do not evaluate his high level and low level -being accepted and used in the world.From another perspective, when can our coaches go out?

Sometimes I can't help thinking about it. If I didn't go to the NBA, I just stayed in the Shanghai team and finally became a coach in Shanghai. What kind of person would I be?

Remember: Looking back, why do you have less than a year to change the head coach and Du Feng guidance in less than a year before the Olympic qualification competition?

Yao: This decision is difficult, but it is also due to objective conditions.

Remember: What objective conditions?

Yao: The head coach of the national team must be full -time.And we also respect Du's choice of Du Guide.

Remember: When does the contract expire?Is it convenient to disclose?

Yao: If I remember correctly, it should be by the end of this year.What we asked at the time was that he couldn't come alone, he had to bring a small team over, and at the same time we would equip him with the Chinese coaching team.This is our clear requirement because we think of Joe Moss as a bridge connecting the world.Previously, Du Du and Li Nan's teams were international coaches. We hope that there are such international teams to help us go to the world faster and better.We know that the progress of the entire world basketball and the speed of our progress, we can't keep up now.Therefore, we will also seriously evaluate these things (evaluation of Jorgevic), but we must adhere to the internationalization route.

Remember: After the 2019 World Cup, you once said that you must take responsibility for the loss.Later, some media predecessors said that in the next few years, they did not see the in -depth reflection and summary of the Chinese Basketball Association.What do you think of this?

Yao: From 2019 to the present, we have decreased with international contact with society.Indeed, as the senior said, we do very little.Let me give you a data. As far as the U series (adolescent) events are concerned, we save almost 30 million (RMB, S $ 5.68 million) each year. This is not a good thing because we cannot do it.Completely recovered.Another data, we just counted these games of U21, U19, U17 and U15 before the Asian Games, about 500 games.The gap between the winning and defeats is 45%of the competitions above 21 and the game with a gap between 5 cents.

Remember: Lack of competitiveness?

Yao: This requires a process to restore it.Indeed, as the old predecessor said, we do very limited, we need to add whip quickly.

Remember: What are the most important factor do you think the most important factor do you think of the Chinese men's basketball team for two consecutive times?

Yao: First of all, the change of the competition system allows us to make a systematic change, including the setting of the league.

The opponents we are facing now are different from before, right?Then naturalized players, we are actually facing certain limitations in this regard, and sometimes we must consider a degree of acceptance of our culture.I think we are actually very lucky, and we can have such a high positiveness like Li Kai.

I think in each link, if simply speaking, it is the national team, the league, and youth training -I said that when the youth training, I actually included the fusion of physical education -we must fully consider in every linkCommunication with international.

Remember: As the chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, what kind of responsibility do you need to assume?

Yao: I have two ways to take responsibility.The first responsibility for the past, resigned and returned home, Shanghai was very close to this anyway.The second way to take responsibility, accumulate these things, analyze it, and design the next step of action plan.Two methodsI can accept it.

Remember: Can the Chinese men's basketball team enter the 2028 Olympic Games?How to make changes?

Yao: We cannot let go of the possibility of the 2028 Olympic Games, but this road is not easy to go.We have to do a big operation, which is not something that can be done by minor repair and small reforms.From the composition of the national team, from the reform of the league, the entire youth training includes internationalization, including fusion of physical education, this is a large operation covering the entire basketball society.The national team provides a better guarantee mechanism, or which so -called basketball style do we create.It is a specific and systematic transformation.Because our survey has just begun, I don't want to say what we should do so hastily.

Remember: Is the challenge of the chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association different from what you expected?

Yao: There is a big difference.It is a very rich experience for me. I am very grateful to it for giving me such an opportunity to contact such a level in the past few years.It turns out that I may just go from a one -sided -whether it is athlete or a club's perspective -to see it, just rushed in with the blood, but I really think that it needs to think more rationally.Although I have done something, it is more that everyone sees all kinds of losses ... There are reasons here. For these reasons, I have to summarize it carefully to make our social mobilization ability carefullyXiangxiang has become stronger, which I need to think well.

Remember: The Chinese women's basketball team successfully defended.How to continue this momentum and better prepare for the Paris Olympic Games next year?

Yao: The women's basketball team is under great pressure.Sports is like this. When you continue to win, your pressure will continue to accumulate. Everyone hopes that you will win more, and your expectations of your expectations are getting higher and higher.At this time, there are more and more things you have to take into account, and you will have a place that cannot be taken into account, and a small crack may cause the entire dam to be destroyed.Many problems appearing on the field will actually be reflected in advance.From the perspective of the association manager, our job is to keep knocking and fight to see where there will be some signs, hoping to prevent it.

But I think it is not enough to use the mentality of prevention, because competitive sports must rush forward from the national team's results. There is only one way.Even if you are leading you, you rush forward. In fact, the lesson of the men's basketball team in this Asian Games has left us.When you stop rushing, you will actually be caught up.

Remember: Is this an important reason for the loss of the Philippines?

Yao: Yes.You think you have sprinted 100 meters and lead a lot of times. When you think you can rely on a buffer speed to run to the finish line in advance, it is actually caught up with others.This is actually a very profound lesson.But we must find this kind of signs as much as possible, prevent early prevention, and keep a state of upward and forward.

Remember: In 2002, although the Busan Asian Games still lost, you are still upset, and you are now a lawsuit with a lawsuit, which one do you prefer?

Yao: It's completely different, you can't say what you prefer.In fact, sometimes when something happens, it will definitely be under pressure in my heart, and there will be somewhat.Maybe when I was in my early 20s, it would be good after a week. It may be good now, but you have no way to deny that state exists.

The key is to come out.In fact, you can make any challenges facing, whether it is the management of the national team or the league encounters various problems. Imagine the next O'Neal rushed to you.

Remember: Do you still have confidence as the chairman of the association for the future of the Chinese men's basketball and Chinese basketball?

Yao: Our confidence will come from our actions.Confidence does not exist. I can easily shout a slogan: I have confidence.But what are we doing?Can our survey report come out to form a consensus?An executable thing?This will bring confidence to me, and I will also bring confidence. Before that, I couldn't answer this question.