Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Luo Baoxi

The FIFA (FIFA) announced on Wednesday (4th) that the 2030 World Cup will be held together for the first time and six countries.Argentina and Paraguay.

As soon as the news spreads, the evaluation of polarization has been caused by the world. Some people think that this will help developing countries to strive for qualifications in the future and on the important day of the 100th anniversary of the event.Absurd, ignoring the problem of football tradition, player boat car, the weather differences in the north and south hemispheres, "Sportswashing" and even carbon emissions ...

Following the success of the 2026 World Cup, after the United States, Canada, and Mexico, the 2030 World Cup was co -organized by three countries again.But unlike the host of the host, the host country will be Spain, Portugal, and Morocco in Africa in Europe.This is the third time in FIFA's history to co -host the World Cup events in different countries. In addition to the above two sessions, there are also the 2002 World Cup of Japan and South Korea. In 2030, the event is the first World Cup co -sponsored by cross -continent countries.

The first session of 2030 coincides with the 100th anniversary of the World Cup. Therefore, FIFA intends to make a special arrangement. It will be unveiled in Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay.Spain and Portugal, as well as Morocco, North Africa.Among them, one of the Uruguay capital Monteveo, one of the unveiled battlefield Estádio Centenário Stadium, was a place where the first World Cup finals were held a century ago."Alejandro Dominguez), chairman of the South American Football Association, said:" The century -old World Cup cannot stay away from South America, this is where everything starts. "

FIFA President Gianni Infantino said: "In a split world, FIFA will contact everyone with football. We will have unique global footprints, unite the world in the three continents and six countries, and shared the world together, and common togetherEnjoy this beautiful sports, century celebrations and World Cup events. "The FIFA Council agreed to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the World Cup, the 2030s will be held in the most appropriate way.However, the relevant decision still needs to be passed at the global conference held next year.

From 1930 to 2030: "A new page of the ideal" event?

Of course, the 100th anniversary is definitely a memorable day. Besides, looking back at a century ago, the success of the World Cup was indeed not easy.At the end of the 1920s, although modern football at that time had been existed for nearly 60 years, its influence was still very limited, and intercontinental duels were even more rare outside the Olympic Games.

In 1929, the FIFA meeting decided that the first World Cup was held by Uruguay. The main reason was that the country just won the two gold medals in the first consecutive Olympic Games, and 1930 was also the 100th anniversary of Uruguay's independence, and Uruguay promised to bear all all the timeAll the accommodation costs of the participating countries.However, because the ocean travel was quite inconvenient, only 13 countries participated, mainly in Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Mexico, the United States and other American countries. In Europe, only Belgium, France, Yugoslav and Romania attended.As a result, the host Uruguay defeated Argentina to win the first World Cup championship in the finals.

After the third session in 1938, the World Cup was suspended due to the outbreak of World War II, until 1950; after that, this international event was held for four years and had not been suspended.Later, for the fairness of the event, FIFA tried to host the World Cup as much as possible. Except for Europe and South America where the traditional football power was located, North America, Asia and Africa all hosted the World Cup.At present, only the remaining Oceania has not yet hosted the World Cup.

Today, the World Cup has developed into one of the most valuable and watched sports events in the world.FIFA predicts that during the four -year cycle of the next World Cup, these events will create a record revenue of at least $ 11 billion (S $ 15 billion), which is almost twice as much as the last World Cup revenue.Starting from the 2026 World Cup, the participating teams of this event will also expand to 48, which means that nearly a quarter of countries in the world can compete for honor.

From the above, we can see the purpose of FIFA. Uruguay, Argentina, and Paraguay are also countries participating in the first World Cup. During the centennial World Cup, the venue may have the extraordinary significance of "inheritance".As for the co -organizer of the host country with the two continents of Europe and Africa, Fan Tino pointed out: "Africa and European continers are not only to celebrate football, but also to provide unique social and cultural cohesion. This is peace, tolerance and tolerance.Great meaning. "

On the other hand, with the scale of the World Cup and the strict requirements of FIFA in bidding for countries and stadiums, it means that few countries have the ability to hold this event separately.Thanks to the new arrangement of the FI Football Association, the 2030 World Cup will be hosted by Morocco for the first time. Morocco will also become the first North African country to host the formal competition; another country Portugal is also the first country hosted.This may explain that many people around the world are happy to see this new arrangement of the World Cup, and believe that it will lead this sports event to a more ideal "new page", and no longer allows football to only be in Europe and the Americas.

Fan: "This is a nightmare"

However, not everyone thinks the decision of FIFA is feasible.Some opinions criticized the economic and cultural motivation of multi -country co -organizing the atmosphere, affecting the infrastructure of the host country, the difficulty of ignoring the fans' viewing competition, and FIFA only want to capture money and power.

Excluding the external perception, spanning the European Africa's host countries, and the unique form of the first three games by the South America countries, which means that the scope of the 2030 World Cup covers the three continents, six countries, and also, and also.Cross the north and south hemispheres.For the athletes in the competition, long -term transportation is undoubtedly a major test of restoration and physical recovery.For example, the average flight time between Argentina and Spain is about 13 hours, and the time difference between five hours of two places also needs to be adjusted.

Furthermore, changes in the north and south hemispheres also represent that some players will experience extreme changes in winter and summer within a few days.For example, in June, the average temperature in Uruguay is between 8 and 15 degrees Celsius, while the temperature of Morocco often reaches 35 degrees Celsius.In addition, a large number of teams need to cross -continents and multinational competitions involving many traffic and accommodation expenses, and it is inevitable that it will further increase the cost of hosting the World Cup.

On the other hand, the scale of such a huge competition also represents the huge carbon footprint caused by the 2030 World Cup.FIFA once promised that the 2022 Qatar World Cup will be the first "Complete Carbon Neutral World Cup", with only 3.6 million tons of carbon footprints. Later, the Swiss regulatory agency ruled that this declaration was misleading fans. The actual carbon displacement exceeded 10 million tons.It is at least three times that FIFA claims.

Freddie Daley, a global economic policy researcher, criticized: "Such a scale of the World Cup will involve a large number of flights, many fans and players traveling all continents. I very much doubt whether FIFA can achieve environmental sustainability and climate friendly wayThe event. "

In addition, the Six Kingdoms co -organized the 2030 World Cup, which means that the 2034 session will be held in Asia or the Oceania. The Saudi Arabia, which expressed its interest in bidding early in the morning, became the host country.The outside world questioned that this decision was the opportunity to span the spots of sports and the pseudo -pseudo -pseudo -spots of human rights.It's terrible, it ignores the environment, and it has to scare the human rights record in 2034.The main red carpet is paved."

In fact, the above -mentioned two poles may only be FIFA facing the "prelude" of holding the 2030 World Cup.Sex, including economic costs and sports politics, are not easy to deal with. Among them, the three South America countries have stated that they have not been satisfied with a unveiling game alone.