With the widely used in the fields of creative content, autonomous driving, medical diagnosis, etc., the issues of law and compliance have become increasingly important.At present, the lack of unified AI regulatory frameworks in the world is still lacking, which makes multinational companies and research institutions face complex compliance issues.

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology not only triggers a profound revolutionary change in various industries, but also exposes a series of new security and regulatory problems.First of all, in the level of data security and privacy, in the process of training and operation, AI models often need a lot of personal sensitive data as support, which greatly increases the risk of data leakage and privacy violations.For example, in applications such as facial recognition, voice recognition, and data mining, the problems of data security and privacy protection are particularly prominent.

Secondly, the ethical and social prejudice issues of AI models have also attracted increasing attention.If the training data contains prejudice, the AI model is likely to inherit and enlarge these prejudices, so as to produce unfair or even discriminatory decisions during the application process.In addition, many advanced AI models, such as deep learning models, lack the transparency of the decision -making process as the "black box" model.This may cause serious consequences in critical areas such as medical care, justice and finance.

In addition, in terms of security, new types of confrontation attacks have appeared.These attack methods can mislead the AI model through small input changes, producing errors or potential dangerous outputs.This not only pose a threat to individual users, but also affect the overall security at the social level.As AI technology is widely used in the fields of creative content, autonomous driving, and medical diagnosis, the issues of law and compliance have become increasingly important.At present, the lack of unified AI regulatory frameworks in the world is still lacking, which makes multinational companies and research institutions face complex compliance issues.

All countries have gradually begun to formulate relevant regulations on AI technology supervision.For example, in the United States, the focus of AI supervision mainly includes data security, privacy and ethics issues.The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released an artificial intelligence risk management framework (AI RMF 1.0) in January 2023. It aims to guide institutions to reduce security risks when developing and deploying AI systems, avoiding prejudice and other negative negative negatives.Consequences, increase AI credibility.

The EU pays more attention to AI's ethics and privacy protection. General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) is one of the typical examples.The European Union has also released a series of AI ethical standards and plans to launch a comprehensive AI regulatory framework in the next few years.

In Asia, Japan and South Korea are more concerned about technical standards and ethical standards, and Singapore tries to attract international AI companies through flexible regulatory measures.

As one of the fastest development of AI technology, China has paid great attention to AI safety supervision.In the past year, China has announced a series of regulatory measures for AI.

On March 1, 2022, China launched the first national AI special regulations -Internet information service algorithm recommendation and management regulations, which standardized the behavior of using algorithm recommendation technology when providing network services in China.On November 25, 2022, China issued an Internet information service in -depth synthetic management regulations that in -depth synthetic service providers and technical supporters, when providing biometric information editing functions such as face and human voice, should be prompted to indicate that deep synthetic service users should be prompted, Inform the edited individuals according to law and obtain consent.

The most noteworthy thing is that on July 13 this year, seven departments such as China National Internet Information Office and other seven departments jointly announced the interim method (hereinafter referred to as the methods) of the management of artificial intelligence services (hereinafter referred to as).A wider range of generation AI technology.This is the first time that China has made a clear rule.The method is positive for the generation AI service, and it is mentioned in many places to encourage the innovative application of this technology in various industries and fields. It also encourages the independent innovation of basic technologies such as AI algorithms, frameworks, chips, and supporting software platforms.Carry out international exchanges and cooperation on equality and mutual benefit, and participate in the formulation of the relevant international rules of AI.

Among them, there are three aspects of content that is particularly worthy of attention.First, it emphasizes the classification and grading management mechanism of AIGC (generated artificial intelligence), highlights the important ideas for follow -up supervision mechanisms for different risks, and adopts more targeted regulatory measures for different types of AIGC applications.

Secondly, the management measures pay attention to the cultivation of the AIGC industry ecology, especially about the construction of generatory AI infrastructure and public training data resource platforms.It emphasizes the promotion of synergy and sharing of computing power resources and improves the efficiency of computing power resources.By promoting the classification and classification of public data in an orderly manner, expanding high -quality public training data resources, and encouraging measures such as secure and credible chips, software, tools, and computing power resources to provide a more stable and reliable foundation for the development of the AIGC industryFacilities support.

Third, this management method emphasizes exchanges and cooperation at home and abroad, distinguish between providing services overseas and domestic services, and the types of business types that do not provide services in the country to clarify the scope of application.For foreign -invested investment, it shall comply with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations.By strengthening international cooperation and exchanges, better introduction of overseas advanced technology and services, it can also better promote China's AIGC industry to move towards the international market.

China emphasizes preventing minors' addiction

In addition, it is necessary to take effective measures to prevent users from excessive dependence or indulging in minor users.In terms of supervision and generating AI, the method also mentioned that the relevant authorities can supervise and inspect this service according to their duties, and provide service providers to cooperate and provide necessary technical and data support and assistance.The method also involves many aspects such as protecting personal privacy and business secrets. For example, related institutions and personnel participating in the safety assessment and supervision and inspection of the production -based AI service should be known to the state secrets, business secrets, personal privacy and personal information that they know in the process of performing their duties.Confidentiality, no leakage or illegal provision to others.

It can be seen that while paying attention to preventing risks, it also reflects certain fault tolerance and error correction mechanisms, improves the feasibility of implementation, and better realizes the dynamic balance of standardized and development.This provides a good reference significance for the formulation of AI -related security and regulatory regulations for other countries.

Most countries have not established a comprehensive regulatory framework

Overall, at the forefront of the AI field, such as North America, Europe and Asia China, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore, AI supervision is developing and improving rapidly.However, for many developing countries, AI supervision is still in the initial stage, and the main challenge is how to balance between technological innovation and ethics and security.Some countries have begun to formulate basic AI strategies and policies, but most countries have not yet established a comprehensive regulatory framework.

In addition to the internal supervision of various countries, international organizations such as the United Nations, World Economic Forum and Economic Cooperation and Development Organization must also actively promote the cooperation of global AI supervision.These organizations mainly focus on the impact of AI on the global economy, society, and security, and are committed to building a fair, transparent and sustainable global AI ecosystem.Looking forward to the future, global AI regulatory regulations will continue to develop and improve to adapt to rapid development and globalization.At the same time, in the process of regulatory, we need to balance problems such as technological innovation, privacy protection, ethics and social responsibility, and ensure the sustainable development and application of AI technology.

f = "https://www.thinkchina.sg/breaking-found-Chinese-strides-ai-regulation" rel = nofollow target = _blank> "ThinkChina)