Source: Surging News

Author: Shen Bin

During the long vacation of China, the "Midi Music Festival" in Nanyang in Henan appeared on the hot search list, but followed by another word- "stealing things".There are messages and photos on social platforms that tourists' tents and the property inside are madly stolen and searched by local villagers. Private items such as clothes, headphones, electronic products, and even commemorative bracelets, treasures, etc. are stolen.A tourist came back to the toilet and found that the tent was gone, and the clothes were ransacked.Video shows that the villagers who broke into the camp in front of the tourists were searching for valuable property such as laptops and computers in the tent.

Although the news on the Internet has yet to be verified, on October 3, the Organizing Committee of the Central Plains Midi Music Festival has responded to the theft: "Fans report on the scene or camping area of the stolen, Midi and Nanyang CityThe district government is deeply distressed and regrettable. Midi and the public security are actively communicating. The Nanyang Public Security Bureau and the Wolong District Public Security Branch also set up a task force to investigate. "

The enthusiastic hospitality, hospitable carnival, and urban fairy tales of "even Nanyang primary school students are welcoming you", to some villagers to cut into the camps to cut, search for the property of tourists, and switch to the cold and cold scenes.Too fast, the tourists at the Nanyang Music Festival suddenly felt the destruction of fairy tales.

As far as the case is concerned, it is not complicated. Some villagers run into the camp of music festivals, stolen and even rob the money of tourists. According to the claims of the music fans, the loss is several thousand to hundreds of thousands of yuan (RMB).crime.It is hoped that the public security organs will investigate thoroughly and deal with it seriously. We must completely eliminate the mentality of the local "law and not blame the public" and find justice for tourists.

The Midi Music Festival in Nanyang responds to the ancient people's "Mountains and Nine, with a loss of money."During the entire music festival, Nanyang made very great efforts: the mayor of the secretary personally became a volunteer, organized a bus to transfer tourists overnight, and the hotel enthusiastically entertained a mud fans, but "good things can not go out, bad things spread thousands of miles"In the end, the impression of this city feast in Nanyang was bound to the public with "stealing things".

The biggest revelation of the "Nanyang Music Festival theft" incident is that the reputation of the city is not determined by its high light moment, but may be fixed by the darkest moment;The city is welcome, but it may be destroyed in the uncivilized behavior of very few people.

From the beautiful impression of the enthusiastic hospitality of the city, switching into a clear stolen and robbing, just overnight.As a foreign tourist who participated in the music festival said: "Three days in Nanyang, except for the irresponsible factor of the weather, there are no bad places, and Nanyang citizens have the kind of enthusiasm for being careful about being neglected."However, there was a disappointment in the end.

The Zibo barbecue, which was a fire in the first half of this year, built an ideal scenario for the whole society to build up and down, Zhengtong, and receiving guests, and building cities.However, it is not easy to maintain such a "urban fairy tale". Any shortcoming is enough to poke the fairy tale coat and reveal the skinny reality.As far as the Nanyang Music Festival is concerned, the security forces are not in place, and the monitoring facilities are insufficient. Some villagers openly try their own ways and deceive themselves under the guise of "others in the tent."The curtain became a huge embarrassment.

Music festivals, marathon, carnival or snack barbecue, net red attractions, etc. are a urban fairy tale that modern people expect to encounter, and each city has its own ambition to create its own fairy tales.When the so -called "wealth of the sky" drops temporarily, does the city have this ability to catch it?Building urban festivals and brightening urban IPs is a systematic project. It tests the ability, dedication and wisdom of the competent city authorities, the organizer, and facing the shortcomings, and the problem of the public, and can bear the higher expectations of the public.I also hope that the incident will not be caught in the boring saliva of "regional attack".