Source: Beijing News

Author: Gong Yu

"Female teachers have been reported by student parents a dozen times in a semester: I want to laugh when I hear reason". The topic is rushed to the hot search, but behind it is the unprepared report and expansion report.Reality that should be paid attention to.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, since November 2018, the Ministry of Education of China issued a method of violating professional ethical behaviors on universities, primary and secondary schools, and kindergarten teachers.After zero tolerance "and serious punishment, many cases of violating the style of morality and morality were exposed, but with these" real problems ", they were discovered, and the false" expansion reports "also began to appear.

Some parents have only captured some of the scattered shadows and reported, far from the facts.According to reports, some teachers were reported as "too little" because the teacher responded to parental information or assigned the assignment "too little"; and the teacher was reported by the parent without experience and could not bring a class ... a public in Hubei was public on the second day ...Teacher Li in elementary school has been reported more than a dozen times, and even was reported by parents because of ordering takeaway. The reason turned out to be "as a teacher, eating takeaway in front of the child, the child went home to entangle the parents, and to order takeaway."It makes people cry and laugh.

Strengthening the construction of teachers' morality and teacher style is to persuade teachers to fulfill their duties and make virtue people. The reporting system can be appropriately used.Many cases similar to physical punishment students, sexual harassment students, academic misconducts, paid compensation classes, and gifts of gifts and gifts are violated by teachers' morality. They are concerned and resolved through parents and students.A sound and scientific reporting system can speak for students and parents. In the long run, it is also conducive to the construction of benign teachers and students.

However, the report that has been "expanded" is far from the facts, making the teachers change.Because once it is reported, it will be in a long -lasting and unreasonable trouble. It often takes a lot of effort to find evidence and self -evidence.In this way, some teachers have to passively "lie down". In order to avoid being "stabbed" by parents, they choose not to do things, care about things, do not speak, and speak less, which is regrettable.

No doubt, the "expansion report" further places teachers in the weak position in home and school relations.On the one hand, the current threshold for reporting to teachers is very low. One phone, an email, or even a social media dynamics can open a review of the reported teacher.On the other hand, whether it is the education department or the judicial department, it is still lacking in handling of false reports.According to the investigation, in 2021, there were seven kinds of kindergarten children's opinions such as child abuse and sexual assault, but most of the reporters afterwards were not subject to legal sanctions.

In fact, students spend every day in schools. Parents and school teachers have divergent or even contradictions due to various problems, which are normal.However, it should be the consensus of education to promote the solution of the problem and improve the quality of education and reform, rather than the real revenge.Simply and rough to "report", it also eliminates possible communication channels.

In addition, this "expansion report" may also make the reporting system lose credibility.As a parent, abuse of reporting rights will also have an error demonstration on the next generation, allowing children to lose the opportunity to properly respond to contradictions and conflict methods.

It can be seen that the negative impact of eliminating the "expansion report" is urgent, but this is not the responsibility that can be responsible for independently.In addition to clarifying the authority and responsibility of the main body and improving the reporting process mechanism, in the face of false reports, it is necessary to provide teachers with the necessary institutional protection.

In August this year, the relevant person in charge of the Teachers Department of the Ministry of Education clearly stated that it was necessary to timely clarify and open their names to the unprepared reports of the teachers;Legal rights and interests.This is a positive attitude, and it is a firm support for teachers and a firm support for normal teaching order.

In fact, some parents reported the teacher regardless of the facts that the facts were "expanded", and the children and themselves were ultimately damaged.Imagine that if the teachers' limited energy is used to prevent reports from time to time, it is necessary to proof and protect themselves from time to time, and even have to "lie down". How can we expect the quality of education?

Behind this, the more important thing is the correction of education concepts -the responsibility of education needs to be shared.Some parents have transferred all the responsibilities of education and the expectations of their children's future to schools and teachers, which has also brought teachers to be unbearable.Based on a responsible attitude towards education, don't let the "expansion reports" forced the teachers to "lie down".