In modern democracy or democratic government, the party's struggle has always been the most intense.For example, McCarthy, the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States recently, because several members of the same party members faced each other when they were dismissed, and they were full of anger with the hostile Democratic members.People are surprised.The most stunned is that these conservatives of the Right Right Republican Party members are ideologically different in ideology with the extreme left liberal members of the mainstream of the Democratic Party.In cooperation, it can be seen that the consensus between comrades within a party can to some extent can overcome the opponents between hostile political parties.

Of course, there is also a situation where the co -government is a member of the party who belongs to the ruling party, or the situation between the friendly party that is about to form a coalition government is competing with each other.For example, after a few months ago, after the Thai election, because there was no single party to win a sufficient seat for individual governance, at first the front party of the same opposition and the Thai party intended to organize the coalition government, and was the Prime Minister of the Prime Minister of the Prime Minister.Unexpectedly, after the military led by the military to cancel Bita's appointment, it was originally the Thai party with the military.Several political parties, organizing the joint government, are the prime minister for the leader of the Thai party by a political color.On the same day, for many years and abroad, the leaders of the Thai party and the former Prime Minister Daxin returned to China. Although he was arrested and imprisoned immediately, he would also be free due to amnesty. Some of these political transactions were unknown, but reality was reality.It is because the friendly party will also sell political selling due to their own interests.

The same is true in Malaysia. In the 2018 election, the Pakatan Harapan of the opposition party came to power after years of struggle.Unexpectedly, in the people's fair party led by Anwar (the current Prime Minister of Malaysia), a high -profile party struggle.The appointment chairman of the party agency of Anhua has been on the surface of the power fighting between Azmin and Anwar for many years.On the other side, there are different routes in the indigenous unity party led by Prime Minister Mahathir.The famous Pakatan Harapan, even in power, the political prospects are dim.At the same time, the political heart disease between Mahathir and Anwar emerged again.Several lines of political disputes intertwined with each other, creating the Xilai Deng coup in early 2020. Azmin and Muyadin had a schedule. Understanding with the UMNO and Islamic Party, which was in the opposition party at the time, organized another joint government.Ding was the Prime Minister, and it was a mistake.

But even the loose co -government still dreams of the same bed.Among them, UMNO, who has always been accustomed to being the boss, is extremely uncomfortable about being the second child led by the Tuandan party.Between the fighting and fighting, but also fiercely crossing the opposition between the opposition and the field.At the same time, Muyudin also differentiated UMNO by promoting the second -line leaders of UMNO, which led to the latter that was essentially split into a mainstream and non -mainstream party struggle.

Umno's mainstream counterattack is not polite. By revocation of support for Muyadin, the latter was forced to step down.Although the Prime Minister Eismimbi was later on stage, although the UMNO leader, he did not belong to the mainstream. In order to consolidate the regime, in addition to the more national alliance, he also won olive branches to make some concessions in political reform in exchange for hostile Pakatan him.

By the election of last year, the Pakatan Harapan, Barisan Nasional, and the National League were fully fought. Who is and who is the wild, it is difficult to distinguish it for a while.However, the political rivers and lakes after the elected Malaysia are still difficult to break. The seats won by the National Alliance have increased sharply, but it is not enough to govern alone.The more delicate is the rise of the Islamic Party. Not only did he win the parliamentary seats that almost doubled in the National League than the Tuandan Party, but also became the largest party in Malaysia.The Iraqi Party has this beautiful achievement, and of course, it has gradually replaced the leading position of the Tuling Party in the national alliance.In the Tuling Party, although Muyuding's fighting spirit is still high, he has to retreat behind the scenes. Other leaders within the party are eager to try to replace him as soon as possible.It seems that another round of party competition (such as the leader who overthrew Mahathir at that time) was already full of rain.

On the other hand, the Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional, which have been tatiest for many years, actually organized the coalition government to claim to unite the government.Until so far, the relationship between the Pakatan Harapan (mainly referring to the Justice Party) and the Barisan Nasional (mainly UMNO) cannot be saidDon't.This is mainly due to the current harmonious private relationship between Anwar and UMNO Chairman Ahmad Zahi -the two had a subordinate relationship when they were in UMNO -although the Democratic Action Party (belonging to the Pakatan Harapan)It belongs to the Barisan Nasional) MCA has a quarrel from time to time.However, in the UMNO and the Justice Party, the undercurrents of all stocks were still turbulent.Although Ahmad Zahi recently escaped from criminal control, many parties inside and outside the UMNO believes that he is a stumbling block for UMNO to revive the majesty.At the same time, Anwar and the second leader of the party Lafiz have also gone in recent years.

Therefore, the recently reorganized Malaysian Cabinet reorganization, which has been tested by Anwar's political wrist.If he promotes some of the leaders in the UMNO's important departments, Ahmad Zahi will disappoint, but it is not so done, and it is difficult to improve the flat performance of the cabinet.If he mobilizes Rafiz, he will worry about the difference between the difference between the two.This is why Anwar had to extend the reorganization of the cabinet.

The author is a senior researcher at the Singapore International Affairs Society (Research Institute)

Chief Counselor of the Malaysian Pacific Research Center