Source: Surging News

Since the beginning of this year, the Chinese tourism market has been extremely popular, and hotel homestays have also been searched frequently due to various prices.The "Hotel Assassin" increased by 10 times during the May Day holiday, and there were "stairwell houses" and "price raising" four times the Mid -Autumn Festival National Day 650 yuan/night (RMB, the same, about S $ 121)Essence

Why does the hotel and homestay become "assassin" as soon as they arrive on holidays?How should the holiday market be standardized?

Mid -Autumn Festival National Day Popular Urban B & B's pre -booking volume doubles compared to the same period of 2019

According to the data of a number of online travel platforms, this year's Mid -Autumn Festival National Day holiday or "the most popular in history" Golden Week, related tourism products have also opened early.

In terms of transportation, on September 27, according to the website of China National Railway Group Co., Ltd., from September 13th to September 24th, a total of 235 million tickets were released.Among them, the ticket sales volume of railways hit a single day on September 22.

In terms of accommodation, surging news search finds that whether it is an economical hotel or a luxury hotel during the holidays, the price of hotels near many urban tourist attractions will generally rise by more than 2-3 times.The Ctrip report shows that the popularity of the accommodation industry is particularly above large transportation. The popularity of the domestic hotel market in the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday has reached more than 4 times the same period of 2022, an increase of nearly 120%compared with the same period of 2019.

As of September 17, the statistics of Huazhu Group showed that compared with last year, the reservation rate of hotel reservation rates during the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday (September 29th-October 6th) has risen. Among them, the Caramay Hotel reservationThe rate was 7 times in the 11th period of last year (October 1st-October 7th), and the reservation rate of Yanbian Korean Autonomous State Hotel was three times that of last year.

Popular cities on the Mid -Autumn Festival National Day holiday on the Pig Breakfast Platform increased by more than 4 times compared with last year. Many well -known boutique homestay reservations have already started in advance, and some are even sold out.

The person in charge of Ruo Yimeu, located in Sanya, Hainan, told Peng Mei News that as of September 26, one of the three homestays in Sanya had been booked, and the two pre -booking volume reached 80%."Our target customer group is‘ post -190s ’and‘ 00 ’. They usually book a house a day or two before going out. It is expected that they will be full before the holiday.”

Holiday hotels frequently "wonderful room types"

The popular travel has made many popular travel destinations "one room is difficult to find", and the price of hotels and homestays has also "risen to rising", and even some "strange house types" and people with "refreshing cognition"Understanding high prices.

A few days ago, a single -person room in Beijing's express hotel brand attracted attention. The online picture shows that the "room" area is about 6 square meters, closed windows, public bathroom, there is a 1 -meter single bed, you need to go to bed, you need to go to go to bed, you need to go to go to bed.A staircase.Reporting upstream news shows that the minimum price of the room usually is 188 yuan, and the price of other special rooms and large bed rooms is about 300 yuan. During the National Day, on some booking platforms, the single room rose up to 650 yuan a night to 650 yuan a night.The price of other special rooms and large bed rooms is more than 600 yuan.At present, the hotel's "stairwell room" has been seized.

This year is close to the May Day holiday, and some hotels have launched a "lobby sleep sofa" product labeled at 99 yuan.1 copy.Subsequently, the hotel was filed for investigation for suspected false propaganda and eventually fined 100,000 yuan.

Some people in the industry said that the appearance of a wonderful house type in the hotel may have the suspect of attracting traffic for Bubian's eyeballs on the one hand, and on the other hand, the "sword walking tonged" caused by the hotel's "in short supply".

From the perspective of the supply side, after a three -year epidemic, domestic domestic hotel supply has decreased significantly.

According to the National Star Hotel Statistical Report released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in the second quarter of 2023, a total of 6,663 star tourist restaurants (hereinafter referred to as "Star Hotel") passed the review.As of June 30, 2019, the total number of star hotels in the country was 10,284; in the fourth quarter of 2019, the National Star Hotel Statistics Management System Mainland Government had 1,0130 star hotels, and 8,665 were completed.There are 7434.

In terms of quantity, in the second quarter of this year, the number of national star hotels decreased by 35.21%compared with 2019, exceeding 30%.

At the demand side, it can be seen that the demand for domestic business travel and travel and vacation has exceeded expected recovery since this year.Data disclosed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China show that during the May Day holiday, the number of tourists in the country exceeded the same period of 2019, and the travel distance and consumption activity reached a record high.

Industry insiders: Implementing paid vacation can help regulate market supply and demand

A person in the industry bluntly stated that the price of hotels in popular tourist destinations soaring or even significantly exceeded 2019, all based on the rise in market demand.

Analysts who are unwilling to be named pointed out that compared with the rapid rebound of the demand side, the repairs of the supply side need to be relatively long cycle. This year's holiday needs to be released.The supply of accommodation facilities in tourism destinations is serious, and rising prices are inevitable.

According to the data of the second quarter report of many listed hotel companies, it can be seen that in the second quarter of this year, the average REVPAR (each sale income) of a number of hotel groups in Mainland China has increased significantly year -on -year, even in the same period of 2019.

Some people in the industry predict that after the Mid -Autumn Festival National Day holiday, the average house price of Chinese hotels will appear the third peak this year.

It is worth mentioning that in the accommodation industry, in addition to hotels, there is also a relatively more relying on the holiday market.

Researchers in a tourism industry stated that in the hostel industry, from the characteristics of its industry, the homestay operations are clear and the off -peak season is clear. Some merchants only rely on some month's income throughout the year. The price of homestays is different.The peak tourist season is usually the price of the homestay industry.

From the current market, for three years, the homestay industry has been impacted, and more merchants close the store, and the supply side is still recovering.The demand side, the restoration of outbound tourism is slow, the demand for domestic tourism broke out, and the homestay market is objectively at the stage of supply and in short supply, which further brings room for price increases.

In addition, some homestay merchants only look at short -term profitability, raising prices, and neglecting long -term development.These factors have also led to the rise in the price of homestays during the holidays.

Several industry insiders said that adjusting the holiday system, implementing paid vacations, abolition of rest, etc., helping to regulate market supply and demand, promote peak travel, and enhance the tourism experience. Merchants can also restrain the year's light season curve.Do a good job of income management and development of long -term management.

At the industry level, the above researchers pointed out that industry associations should promote industry self -discipline and standardize the healthy development of the industry; at the enterprise level, platform operators must strengthen supervision and restraint to protect consumer rights;Management, broadening business ideas, through various methods such as private domain flow and peripheral product sales, increasing off -season revenue, narrowing the peak valley prices, smooth income cycles.