The G20 summit held in September (G20), in the case of generally not optimistic, India uses its own unique thorough skills and narrative methods to allow the already difficult to produce joint statements.come out.Not only that, the summit officially absorbed the African Union as a member, and to form a certain consensus on climate change; US President Biden promised to support India as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council; Indian Prime Minister Modi and Biden, together with eight countries and regions leaders,Co -signed a memorandum of understanding of the "India -Middle East -Europe" economic corridor.During the meeting, Modi frequently negotiated with leaders from various countries, leading the leaders of major economic powers in the world to silently sorrow for Gandhi Gandhi.The extra points effect.

The highlights of India and Modi's highlights are naturally reminiscent of Modi visit to the United States in June this year and the words in the 77th independent anniversary of India in August: India will become the "third in the world in the next five years in the next five years"Great Country", in fact, Indian Foreign Minister Su Jiesheng has understood in his speech at the National University of Asante in May this year.Emphasizing the influence that India has obviously increased in international affairs today.

No doubt that "the rise of India" is a topic that India has been happy in recent years. Especially in the top five in India's economy over France and the United Kingdom, space technology has continued to break through, becoming the world's first detector in the moon near the moon of the moonThe country, this is a sudden increase in rising chips.

In fact, is it replacing India with Bharat (generally translated as "Ballat"). In the final analysis, it is India's own business. There are many countries in the world to remove colonial colors and reflect the national characteristics to change their nations.Myanmar ’s English name is changed from Burma to Myanmar; Sri Lanka was obtained from the old Ceylon.In addition, using Ghana instead of the Gold Coast, and changing the ivory coast as Kotda, all of which are the same.At the end of last year, Turkish President Erdogan signed a decree to "reflect the culture, civilization and values of the Turkish nation" to change the Turkish official foreign language from Türkiye, which is the preceding example.As long as most people recognize, others can't say anything.

As for "the rise of India", it is even India's own business.Although the rise of great powers will always bring about the long -term, strong and weakness of the competition between the country, and shake the changes in the world structure, if a country continues to accumulate strength and continuously grow, properly handle the contradictions of internal and external internal and external contradictions, win the room for benign development, riseIt is a high probability.

If India can rise, at least it can provide some experience for developing countries.As for a lot of ecological pollution, insufficient investment environment and infrastructure, it is difficult to talk about absolute constraints.Think of China from the 1980s to 1990s, in fact, it also achieved the rise in various "impossible" doubts.When the Indians do their own affairs well, the rise is actually a by -product.Conversely, if India is always entangled in national contradictions, income gaps, population expansion, and disputes with neighboring countries, it can only break the rise of the rise.Therefore, "the rise of India" or not, the answer is in India's own hands, just like choosing Bharat or India.

This principle is also applicable to interpret the world order that is now chaotic.Looking at this world, nationally, or international relations, worrying about how other countries challenge and threaten themselves, seem to pay more attention to their own development; focus on how to target and sanction opponents, as if they are stronger than to do their own affairs.There is still a lot of markets and echoes of this upside -down thinking and causal relationship, which should not be."Don't boast that the color is good, just leave the Qi Qiyu". The more chaotic the world pattern, the fierce the country's competition, and the more important it is to do your own thing.This is the way to "the rise of India", and the development of each country should be like this.This is a very simple truth, but it really understands, but it is not easy.

The author is a professor at the School of Administration of Shanxi