Whether it is the southern or north of the world, what we can see in the end is that the basic reality of international relations is strong and bullying, and eating small.Some people include Singapore into the "north", while others include us into "south". In fact, we belong to the weak side.

Recently, what are the leaders of major countries in the world?The answer is: the gang gang, fighting for a dark fight.Everyone wants to pull more countries into their own small circle.What for?Because you ca n’t tolerate each other, you do n’t want to make other countries coexist with yourself, which is purely zero -sum thinking.As a result, the world has once again become chaotic and accelerates campization and gangs.That is, even some countries that have been neutral for a long time are also like a bird of shock, and they are busy choosing the side station.

The United States, as the world's dominance, regards China as the biggest threat, has stated that it will never be second to the second.Western civilization, which is proud of democracy as a whole, obviously cannot accept a different political ideology and the rise of civilization.

As a result, we see that the world's geopolitical and economy is accelerating, and the competition is doing their best in offense and defense, playing fiercely, and competing against each other.If you are "Lian Heng", I will "coincide", and you will do fifteen in your first day.This kind of international political struggle has unfortunately become the main theme of today's international relations, occupying the thinking of leaders of all major powers, and has no time to take care of and other important world major issues, such as crown disease epidemic and climate change.Destruction.

In Europe, the United States has mobilized NATO to deal with Russia; in Asia, Australian and American three -sided security partnership (AUKUS) and the US -Japan -India -Australian Safety Dialogue (QUAD) have been introduced.relation.Now it has also begun to push India to become a permanent member of the United Nations in order to check and balance China and Russia.Of course, the United States also has the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7).

In late August, the BRICS (BRICS, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) summit was held in South Africa. The heavy news was large -scale expansion.There are six new members in Arab and the UAE.Some scholars have interpreted that Chinese diplomacy has placed the "Global South" (meaning all of the countries in the world) in the primary position.Obviously, China, which is aimed at and blocked by the American camp, is trying to build its own compete.

Last weekend, the Twenty Group (G20) Summit was held in India. In addition to Russian President Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping was rare to attend, revealing the signs of discord between members of the summit.The US President Biden attended the meeting with a high -profile meeting. After the meeting, he also visited Vietnam. A country that was almost bombed by the US military during the Vietnam War and upgraded the relationship between the two countries to a comprehensive strategic partner.

India under the leadership of Modi, as the rotating chairman of this summit, make full use of the summit to highlight India's national strength and vigorously promote the world's ancient name "Bharat" (Bharat "(also translated" Borneo ")EssenceIsn't this a kind of effort of civilized revival?Dr. Hammon Jacob, an associate professor at the School of International Relations of Jawaharlal NEHRU University, said, "He (Modi) positioned himself as a global politician in an interview with the BBC interview with the BBC., The success of this G20 drama will add points to this image. "

While hosted the summit, India also promoted the African Alliance to become a official member of the G20, and to fight for the leadership of the global southern part of the world, which means strong.Who is this competing with?The China Institute of Modern International Relations, which is affiliated with the Ministry of National Security of China, published a signature of the institute of the South Asian Research Institute Xu Qin in the morning on the morning of the September 9 summit in the official WeChat public account."Be careful" article, criticized India's "private goods" in the G20 conference's site selection, topic settings, etc.

Here, China opened fire to India, but the parts over there were announced with the United States, the European Union, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and other countries during the summit that countries have signed a memorandum of cooperation to create a "India -Middle East -European Economic Corridor" (alsoCalled the road of spices), strengthen the connection of seaports and railways between India, the Middle East and Europe.Biden described this as "big deal", and it was true.But why?Reuters' reports before the summit pointed out: "This initiative is one of the projects promoted by the US government in the Middle East to cope with the increasing influence of China in the Middle East.It is hoped that at the G20 summit, Washington was promoted to another partner and investor in developing countries, especially in the Indo -Pacific region. "

As a member of the BRICS, India is obviously a centrifugal and China. Although the two belong to the south of the world, they seem to be pulling things.India and the United States co -starred in the big drama, which fully highlights the politics of today's great powers. It is unpredictable. The past rivals of the past became friends today, but friends have become enemies. "There are no permanent friends and enemies, only eternal national interests."It is no wonder that Biden was absent from the 43rd Asian Summit in Jakarta, because his focus was on G20, and Xi Jinping was absent from two summits.Previously, in addition to the expansion of the BRICS, China also contributed to Saudi Arabia and Iran's reconciliation; this time, the United States also returned a shot.Where will the global south go?

Today, the crown disease epidemic is generally calm, but the climate change faced by the other earth is still unreasonable.Since the beginning of this year, all parts of the world have been attacked by various extreme weather. Droughts, fires, wind disasters, and water disasters have suffered one after another. Many countries have suffered. Everyone said that it is a natural disaster once a hundred years.occur.But all of this does not seem to have changed the global developed countries (dominated by Global North, mainly western developed countries).

Former US President Trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement, the world still remembered.Of course, the global southern countries will not forget. During the three -year crown disease, how did the global northern countries abandon them ruthlessly and only care about their own vaccines.EssenceIn fact, in the topic of climate change, the global northern countries are also abandoned. So far, they have not fulfilled their commitments to aid backward countries, and the donations promised have not been in place.Therefore, many small countries facing climate change survival, including many island nations in the South Pacific, can only be anxious and hopelessly, but this may be waiting forever.

Whether it is southern or north of the world, what we can see in the end is that the basic reality of international relations is strong and bullying, and eating small.Some people include Singapore into the "north", while others include us into "south". In fact, we belong to the weak side.Compared to today's powers, most countries in the world are weak.If a weak country cannot keep self -improvement and holds the group, it will inevitably be played between the palm of the palm by the strong country.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress