Northern Myanmar Fraud Park and "Karma waist" (compilation: refer to the pest of the kidney or organs), detonate the panic and anxiety of Chinese citizens, "talk about changes in Myanmar" on the Internet, the entire Myanmar and even Southeast Asia seem to be reduced to the world in the worldPurgatory is full of frightening and discouraged.Thailand, which relies on tourism to fight for the economy, has not been spared. Bangkok once fell on China's short video platform.

The Internet is not illegal.In human history, the hooligan has always played an important role, but the influence has never been as significant as the Internet era.The unconsciousness, blind obedience and cyber violence of the hooligan replaced the conscious and rational behavior of the individual and became an important feature of the Internet era.The Internet rogue only stars the events related to the Internet, and quickly summarize the special circumstances of inductive online controversy.The authenticity of a person, one thing, and an accident, is comparable to reality in the imagination of the network hooligan brains.Fantasy and unrealistic things are often the most emotional and move the network rogue with the rhythm.

In the virtual world of the Internet, the status of appearance is much higher than reality, and falseness is more advantageous than real.The position of the "senior media person" on the Internet implies that the infectious attitude of the Internet celebrities and the detailed details of the network water army can control and regulate public opinion.The power and infectiousness of the implied, especially the hints presented by pictures and videos, can affect the imagination and position attitude of the network hooligan.Words and terms exposed on the Internet have powerful power after their "art" processing.Appropriate words, labels, slogans, and texts can even let the network rogue readily accept the most abominable things.The concept of rising for a while is easy to take root in the hooligan, and the level of intelligence in individuals among individuals in network hooligans tends to be consistent.

Reading Wanjuan Books is better to travel thousands of miles.As long as the legal channels are passed, and the official valid visa enters the area of non -war warlords in the destination country, the author believes that the person is relatively safe.The reputation of Thailand's tourism industry is inseparable from high -quality services in all walks of life. The professional service training system is mature and complete. The safe and reliable guarantee system covers the full coverage. Tourism police with enthusiastic services for 24 hours are all over the country.After years of experience accumulation, Thailand's tourism industry has matured. Through the "smile service" and "boutique" strategies, Bangkok, Phuket and Pattaya have become the world's most popular tourist cities.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and illegal crimes are parasites that society cannot remove.The official governing the country according to law, the good governance and good governance win the people's hearts, maintain a high pressure on illegal crimes, enhance the sense of security, and can stand in the forest of the world.

The Chinese Embassy in Singapore and the Chinese Embassy in Brunei issued a notice on July 23. From 00:00 on July 26, Beijing time, the Chinese government will resume general passports to China to business, tourism, visit relatives, visit relativesSingapore citizens and Brunei citizens who visit and transit the border exempt the entry policy for 15 days.The rumor stops at the wise, the Internet is not illegal.The gangsters who wandering in the Internet world are growing. Their voice can even control official actions to decisive role in the destiny of the country.

Internet hooligans lack rational judgment, but are good at resorting to cyber violence.The destruction of ancient civilizations in human history tells us that when social beliefs and moral power no longer work, the brutal and ignorant people will be like a barbarian to promote the ultimate disintegration of society.Based on the principle of visa -free peer -free, let more people go abroad, witness the world, understand the world, and respect the diversified world, can we eliminate the power of the network hooligan.

The author is Chengdu scholar