Lianhe Morning Post reported on July 26 this year reported the answer of "referred to the" pro -China "in the special report, and on the same day's speech version of" Responsible for the Washington Post and the Morning Post Compatibility with East -Thorn ".

I have read the Morning Post every day over the years.The Morning Post is one of the main sources of spiritual food for me.Therefore, a reader should be regarded as a understanding of the Morningwide.The Morning Post Speech Edition published the remarks of readers of experts and scholars at home and abroad at home and abroad. It can be called a hundred schools.The pros and cons of the presentation, sorting and drawing their own conclusions.As for the perception of personal income, I can't see any bias in the Morning Post.

The author has noticed that in recent years, the Morning News often published an article by Guo Liangping in the speech version.These remarks are basically criticizing China's politics, finance, and current affairs, pointing out that some disadvantages of society, finance and politics in China.

The Morning Post August 21 Speech Edition, Ji Ji also talked about the discussion of the Chinese private economy. I read carefully and felt that the article complied with the guidelines of "there is a point of evidence and a point of saying".

The Morning Post pointed out in the response, "... The two mainland Chinese authors named by Huayou have only appeared only seven articles in the past 12 months, accounting for less than 0.5%of the total number of articles published in the Morning Post."Isn't this the problem of "pro -Chinese" with a microscope?

At the beginning of 2020, crown diseases began to ravage the world.China ’s performance in the“ Wuhan Sealed City ”central control epidemic has become a world model for the time to deal with crown diseases for a while.On the other hand, in some Western countries, people resist wearing masks and prohibited demonstrations, resulting in the results of the governance of crown diseases are not as good as Chinese ideals, and even some countries are almost out of control.It is different from the western attention to democracy and human rights treatment epidemic.People have begun to discuss whether the Western democratic system is not as good as China's centralized system. What problems have any problems in the West?

The free world dominated by the United States, and a centralized country dominated by China and Russia, was originally a world of ideology opposing. This is an indisputable fact.Jeffrey D. Sachs, which is published by Jeffrey D. Sachs in the United States, "The Price of Civilization" (the price of the Chinese translation version of civilization) published in 2013, has been corrupted by the disadvantages of American democracy.Make a brilliant comment, such as the greed of Wall Street, the relationship between politicians and the gold master.But he also made suggestions on the cause of degeneration and sinking.

Jonah Goldberg, the executive chairman of the U.S. Enterprise Research Institute, also explained in the book of the Western suicide (2018), which also shows the various factors of the West, as well as as the free world of the West and as the free world.The United States of the leader creates economic miracles, but it also analyzes the conflict and hostile struggles of the U.S. countries, social extremes, internal division, ethical and moral collapse, different religions, races, and culture.reason.In addition to criticism, Goldburg also proposed to revitalize the prescription of the United States.

To sum up the conclusions of these two authors, we can clearly see that they can also put forward the suggestions of rescue while lamenting that they are lamenting the fall of free and democratic politics in the United States.The advantage of the West is that the freedom of speech is not blocked. It is admirable that many people can propose creative proposal prescriptions, which is the advantage of a democratic society.As for whether the suggestions and prescriptions are valued and adopted, it is another matter.At least, the speech of the book can be published freely, which is a valuable place for a democratic society.It provides collisions, comparisons, and reviews of people's different opinions and thinking, and then cultivate independent thinking.This is not allowed in a centralized society.

Whether free and democratic politics has enough self -correction ability, before "suicide", wake up from the loss and re -enter the right track, we wait and see.

At the moment of the two major power ideology games between China and the United States, the Morning Post must not choose the side, it is not impartial, and it is really not easy.In some cases, the Morning Post must hold on some invisible pressure, which is understandable.However, as long as the objective principles are adhered to, the social responsibility and conscience of healthy, keeping pace with the times, professional and responsiblely run a report, readers will definitely never give up.At least, I think so.

The author is a part -time lecturer in a local private college