The US Minister of Commerce Raymondo, who has just ended the trip to Beijing, not only repeatedly stated that the United States did not seek to decide with China. Compared with the China Bank of China earlier in the morning, the Ministry of Commerce of the United States and China also agreed to establish the establishmentSeeking a working group to solve specific business problems between the two parties, and establish a new communication channel.It shows that Raymond's trip exceeded the expectations of public opinion.

Saying "exceeding expectations", in the context of "decoupling" and "deduction" between China and the United States, even if it is a dialogue and cooperation, it will attract much attention.The "decoustal" suffering that the world has suffered is still attentive.

The political strong person in the Soviet Union, Stalin, was just 70 years since his death.The comment on Si is no longer a hot topic, but the world's events in 70 years have changed, and it is also thinking about the decomposable economic affords under his leadership.

1952 was the year before Stalin's death. In the book of Soviet socialist economic issues, he proposed the theory of "two parallel markets".According to this theory, the Eastern Socialist market headed by the Soviet Union after the war, and the Western capitalist market led by the United States, is the two internal self -contained systems, but they are opposed and absolutely isolated in parallel markets.The emergence of the "two parallel markets" has made the unified world -wide world market disintegrated."Oriental Market" (or Su Dong camp) does not need to enter products from the "Western Market" (or the United States and Europe camps), but it can be interoperable and stronger internally, and eventually forced the "Western market" to decrease.And exacerbating the economic crisis in the West and the contradictions between countries, eventually led to disintegration of the Western camp.

In today's words, the theory of "two parallel markets" is the so -called "de -riskization" that the United States is currently decoupled from the Chinese market or achieved precise decoupling.

Whether the United States can lead Western allies to realize the decoupling or accurate decoupling with China will give the answer.But 70 years ago Stalin led the decoupling of the "Oriental Market" with European and American countries, but in the development of 70 years, it has a conclusion.At that time, Stalin used the ambition to fight for the United States, not only comprehensively competing with the United States, but also forced the satellite countries in the Sudong camp, rejected the Marshall plan in the United States, and used the COMECON (Comecon, the full name Economic Mutual Aid Committee) as the carrier as the carrier.As a result, the "two markets" are separated from each other, the monetary finance system is self -contained, and international trade operates inefficiently in their own fighting fighting.

What is even more chilling is that what is followed by the "two parallel markets" is the cold war between the East and the West for decades, as well as the corresponding conflicts, conflicts, and even the impact on the world economy, the damage to world peace, the damage to world peace, the damage to world peace,It is difficult to statistics.

But what's stunning is that after more than 30 years of operation of the "two parallel markets" theory, the "decourse" ended with the collapse of the Berlin wall, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and the end of the cold war.Together, it came to the end in most areas of the world.In this consequence, Stalin did not see it, but he must not want to see it.

This means that the market operation has the law of market operation. Economic development must comply with the rules of economic development. Anyone design and intervention will be like the planned economy."Moving stones and smashing your feet."

The past is not memorable, and those who come to chase.The decoupling 70 years ago should have some inspiration for the relationship between the state between the country today.At least from Trump as the president of the United States, decourse to the US government has become a big event for the soul. Although the Bayeng government and staff members continued to declare, they did not seek decoupling with China, but including "de -risk" and the likeThe measure really made them really decoupled, and it was not easy.Just the consequences of this, although some people will feel optimistic, like Stalin, but they may not be beneficial to the United States, but also may affect the world.

The candidate of Singapore's presidential election, Shang Daman, recently gathered his long -term experience in participating in international economic affairs, saying that the United States should prepare for "long game" with China, instead of pursuing short -term benefits to take countermeasures to take counterfeitIn the future, the risk of deterioration of the relationship may admit that "de -riskization" is a "decoupled word" to listen to a word, but "with the movement of practice, it will constitute a serious risk."(Nanhua Morning Post, August 21) These words, if the United States is really smart enough, should be able to listen to it, or think about the decoupling results of the "two parallel markets" 70 years ago.

Today's world, the treatment of national relations, is a complicated and troublesome thing for any government or politician. It is a little careless, and I don't know which thunder will be detonated.The easiest way is to do economic things. Following the number of economic roads, even if there are political interference, at least do not let the situation get out of control and move towards the road of affordable economic laws.Good walls are difficult to block all sides, globalization is difficult to benefit everyone, and it should be reasonable.However, compared to rejecting the cooperation and exchanges between the country, the decoustal, broken chain, and de -risky practices are obviously a large pattern and more open mentality, and there will be more gains.

Therefore, 70 years ago, the description of 70 years ago was a warning significance of 70 years later. People today should also think that they should not take the old road of Stalin.

The author is a professor at the School of Administration of Shanxi