Source: Surging News

Author: Ji Simin

China Guangshen two first -tier cities have implemented the "recognition of houses and do not recognize loans" on the same day.

On August 30, the General Office of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government issued a notice on optimizing the standards of housing sets in the city's personal housing loan, and the first shot of the policy of "recognition of housing and not recognizing loans" in first -tier cities.On the evening of the same day, the Shenzhen Housing and Urban Construction Bureau also issued officials to announce the implementation of the "house recognition" policy from August 31.

The two places in Guangshen are clear: When residents (including borrowers, spouses, and juvenile children) apply for loans to purchase commercial housing, family members have no set of houses under the local name. Whether they have used loans to buy housing,The banking financial institutions all implement housing credit policies according to their first housing.

Therefore, among the first -tier cities, officials in Guangzhou and Shenzhen have announced the implementation of the "non -recognition" policy.

Will you follow up?

As of publication, as of publication, the competent authorities of the two places have not responded to whether Beijing and Shanghai will follow the stage.

However, from the perspective of the industry, the probability of follow -up of the two cities in the north is greater.

Wang Xiaoyu, chief analyst of Zhuge Data Research Center, mentioned that as far as Beijing is concerned, only 9,122 second -hand housing in July, entering August, 9,687 second -hand residential transactions in Beijing on the 29th, still at a relatively low level.At the stage of active market activity, the "Understanding of Housing and Completion" policy was proposed by the three departments in May 2010. On July 15, 2010, Beijing was the first executive city, and it has been implemented for 13 years.In the context of the downside of the real estate market, the lifting of restricted policies formulated in the past meets the laws.

Chen Wenjing, director of market research director of the China Finger Research Institute, believes that short -term Beijing has the expectations of optimizing related policies in the short term.However, at present, the possibility of Beijing's policy of "recognizing houses and not recognizing loans" in Beijing is still small. It is expected that it will be advanced through the methods of one district, one policy or for specific people such as children and elderly families.

From the perspective of the new housing market, according to the data of the China Finger Research Institute, in July, the transaction area of Beijing's commodity residential transactions decreased by 6.4%month -on -month.Essence

Yan Yuejin, the research director of the E -House Research Institute, predicts that the relaxation route of the "recognition of houses and not recognizing loans" is Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, and Shanghai, and the policy before September is expected to be implemented in place.

What can "recognize the house and do not recognize loans"?

The so -called "recognition of houses and not recognizing loans" means that when residents' families (including borrowers, spouses, and juvenile children) apply for loans to purchase commercial housing, family members have no sets of houses under the local name.After buying housing, banking financial institutions all implement housing credit policies according to their first houses.

In other words, "do not recognize loans" is essentially a standard for reducing the first suite.

Wang Xiaoyu said that "do not recognize loans" mainly benefits two types of house purchase groups. One is that there is a set of loan housing for residential land to sell houses to change houses.For houseless buyers, the two types of passenger groups after the implementation of the policy are once again purchased by the home loan interest rate of the first house.In other words, "no loan recognition" can stimulate the accumulated "selling one, one, one, one, one", and the release of a house purchase demand for house purchase loans in other places.

At the same time, the "non -recognition of houses" policy will also significantly reduce the threshold for buying the first house.

For example, according to Guangzhou, according to the monitoring data of the China Finger Research Institute, for families with no loan or loan records in the original house, the previous down payment ratio is 40%-70%. Now buying a housing down payment will be reduced to 30%.The interest rate will be reduced from 4.8%to 4.2%, which will help reduce the threshold for house purchase and house purchase costs.

Another example of Shenzhen as an example. For buyers who have a loan recorded local houseless house, the previous down payment ratio is 50%-60%. After the policy is introduced, the down payment ratio drops to 30%, and the loan interest rate decreases from 4.8%to 4.5.5%.

The industry expects that the New Deal will significantly boost the local real estate market activity in the short term, stimulate the market needs and improve sexual needs to enter the market.

What policies will the key first and second -tier cities be moderately relaxed?

On August 25, the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development, the People's Bank of China, and the General Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued a notice on optimizing the number of housing sets in personal housing loans, and promoted the implementation of the policy of buying the first house loan "recognition of housing without recognition" policymeasure.As a policy tool, this policy is included in the "one city and one policy" toolbox for independent use of the city.

The staff of central bank branches in the second -tier cities said that "do not recognize the house" as a tool in the toolbox. Whether it is used and when it is used by government departments to formulate policies.We can cooperate with implementation.

Chen Wenjing believes that from the perspective of policy direction, in addition to optimizing the "recognition of housing and recognizing loans", the policy of demand for first -tier and second -tier cities will continue to focus on reducing the threshold for buying houses and reducing the cost of house purchase.The first is to reduce the two sets of down payment ratios and reduce the number of loan interest rates.The second is to adjust the standard of general houses or optimize the way to reduce the proportion of non -general houses.The third is to optimize the purchase restriction policies such as French houses, non -residential, divorce purchase and other houses. In areas with high inventory pressure, or in accordance with the principles of district policies, one district and one policy, and optimizing policies with the population and talent policies.In addition, optimizing the sales and price limit policies and reducing transaction taxes and fees are also the direction of policy optimization.

Since July, officials have shouted many times to better meet the rigidity and improve housing needs of residents.

On July 24 this year, the Central Political Bureau of the Mainland Government held a meeting to analyze the current economic situation and deploy economic work in the second half of the year.The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to adapt to the new situation of major changes in the supply and demand relationship of the Chinese real estate market, and adjust the optimization of real estate policies in a timely manner. Because the urban policy uses the policy tool box to better meet the rigidity and improve housing needs of residents, and promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market.

On July 27th, according to Xinhua News Agency, recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development held an enterprise symposium. The Minister of Housing and Urban -Rural Development of the Ministry of Housing and Construction said that it is necessary to continue to consolidate the real estate market to stabilize and recover, and strongly support rigid and improved housing.Demand, further implement policies and measures such as reducing the purchase of the first housing down payment and loan interest rate, improving the tax replacement and exemption of sex housing, and "recognizing houses without loan" for personal housing loans;, Effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

Yang Hongxia, the general manager of the South China Branch of the Medical Research Institute, pointed out that the two first -tier cities of Guangshen implement the "non -recognition of houses" policy on the same day and release positive signals to the market, which helps stabilize market expectations and consolidate the foundation of market recovery.At the same time, with the implementation of the Guangzhou -Shenzhen policy, it is expected that policies in various localities are expected to accelerate, especially Beijing and Shanghai regulatory policies are also expected to usher in optimization. If the policy strength is large, the market will be significantly improved.