Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao

Author: Sun Chenghao

On August 18, leaders of the United States, Japan, and South Korea held a summit at Camp David, and were carrying out joint military exercises, enhanced battery and semiconductor chips, and strengthened export control that can be used for military technology.Wait a series of consensus in the military and economic fields.More importantly, under the promotion of the Bayeng government, the United States hopes to mechanize the three -sided meeting and try to eliminate the gap between the two major American Asia -Pacific allies in Japan and South Korea, creating a three -sided relationship that is not affected by the government and is not affected by the change of the government.

Although the national security consultant of Biden has said that the goal of the United States is not to establish a NATO in the Asia -Pacific region, but the United States has increased the binding of the Japanese and Korean alliances and the promotion of NATO Asia Pacific to almost synchronize.The deepening of Japan -South Korea relations will lead to the turn of NATO Asia -Pacific and the "NATO" in the Asia -Pacific region, and regional policies in the United States, Japan, South Korea and NATO will raise the risk of "camp".

After Bayeng's administration, it promoted the "optimization and upgrade" of the Asia -Pacific Union companion system. Compared with the Bittan government, Japan and South Korea attached great importance to the role of Japan and South Korea in region.NATO's four major partners in Asia -Pacific -Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, with the newly established US -British and Australian Alliance (AUKUS) and newly activated "Quad) mechanisms in the United States in the regionThe "pioneer" capabilities that accelerate the process of NATO's Asia -Pacific steering process have helped the United States transform the "axis spoke system" into a "alliance association system" and become the core goal of NATO Asia -Pacific steering.

The four Asia -Pacific countries represented by Japan and South Korea actively responded to the "two ocean strategies" promoted by the United States and the trend of NATO Asia -Pacific steering.In 2022, the NATO Summit invited the leaders of the four countries to attend the meeting. During the summit, the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida made it clear that the security of the European and "Indo -Pacific" regions was "inseparable" and even linked the Ukraine crisis to the security situation of East Asia.In May last year, South Korea announced that it has joined NATO's cooperation network defense excellence centers, becoming the first Asian country to join the center, and is empowering that NATO has transformed its willingness to participate in Asia -Pacific affairs into capabilities.At the end of January this year, NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg visited South Korea and Japan, and claimed that NATO's security was related to East Asia's security.

NATO has continuously promoted the level of military cooperation with the four Asia -Pacific countries, including considering the establishmentThe hub of cooperation between the four Asia -Pacific countries.

NATO may establish alliance relations with Japan and South Korea

The United States has stepped up the interaction with the Japan -Korea Alliance and its promotion of NATO Asia -Pacific steering, which will disturb the order of regional order, especially stimulating strategic documents that are more military adventure in some regions, and increase the "security of military reserve competitions and regional partnerships."risk.The United States also further utilized the Ukraine crisis to output the "East -West Confucian" thinking contained in NATO to the Asia -Pacific, which led to a more complicated security situation around the country, including China, has become more complicated.

Asia -Pacific allies Japan and South Korea have successively released strategic documents involving regional security.In December last year, through three documents such as the national security strategy, Japan clearly stated that in order to cope with the situation of ballistic missile attacks, Japan will have a "counterattack ability" that can attack enemy missile bases, marking a major change in Japan's security security policy.In December of the same year, South Korea's "Indo -Pacific" strategic document was also its first regional diplomatic strategy. In addition to emphasizing expansion of comprehensive security cooperation, it also incorporated the defense and improvement of the "universal value" in the United States.EssenceIn the future, NATO may continue to strengthen intelligence alliances similar to countries such as Japan and South Korea, and gradually build a closer relationship between NATO and Japan and South Korea's military alliances.

Increase risk of military reserve competitions in the Indo -Pacific region

At the same time, with the increasingly involved in regional affairs in NATO, and encouraging its partners to play a leading role, the potential risk of the "Indo -Pacific" region has increased.The weak global economic development has an impact on the influence of the "Indo -Pacific" region's defense expenditure. Regional defense expenditure accounts for global proportion from 20%in 2009 to 28%today.NATO's shift to Asia -Pacific will further promote military competition in the region. The behavior of increasing defense expenditures in various countries may form a vicious circle of security difficulties and challenges the regional national economic recovery and development.

U.S. and NATO use the Ukraine crisis and deeply bind the two major sectors of the two major sectors, which will cause "security" in the Asia -Pacific partnership and pushing "camps" to confront risks.EssenceThe United States Litu Constructs a platform for the joint role of NATO, the Seventh -way Group (G7), AUKUS, QUAD, and the United States, Japan, and the United States and South Korea.The density and intensity of the joint defense meeting, joint military exercises, and defense cooperation have continued to increase. NATO and EU member states have increased the density and frequency of shipping operations in the "Indo -Pacific" region, and larger actions may gradually appear.

China faces a more severe strategic environment challenge

NATO to Asia Pacific and its joint measures will exacerbate the sense of insecurity of regional countries.The security needs shaped by the United States and NATO may replace the strategic logic of regional foreign strategic logic, and China will face more severe challenges.At the level of safety, there may be a compound "security" and "camp" trend around China, which deteriorates China's strategic environment.At the economic level, the United States and NATO will step up the European and Asia -Pacific Union partners to build exclusive issues "small circles" in the fields of trade rules, technology, supply chain, key infrastructure, export control and other fields."Hua" destroy China's development momentum.At this US -Japan -South Korea summit, the above trends have been reflected, and the regional situation will become more complicated.