Author: Jinghai Hou

Source: "Jinghai Hou" WeChat public account

On August 24th, civil affairs commissioners in a region in Hong Kong went to study abroad. People in the district were gala. The banquet reached 43 tables and the scale reached 500.After the media exposed, Hong Kong society was uproar.

Things are straight and have their own opinions. Presumably, the civil affairs commissioner's work is well done, and it is welcomed by the region.Of course, whether this atmosphere should be advocated, everyone's answer must be relatively consistent.

This atmosphere reflects the "main ceremony culture" that Hong Kong society has always prevailed.

In July last year, Jinghai Hou wrote an article to analyze the disadvantages of this atmosphere and reposted it today for their own experience.

The exhibition economy in Hong Kong is developed, and the exhibition area of more than 150,000 square meters has become an important carrier for leverage the service and tourism industry.Dredging business and trade channels, promoting regional economic links, aggregating opportunities, gathering popularity, and the green, efficient and sustainable of the exhibition economy. It is exactly that the country and Hong Kong are encouraged to support and support.

The exhibition economy is a fist brand in Hong Kong, and the first -class service capabilities are also world -renowned.However, behind Hong Kong's high -value -added convention and exhibition economy, there are also high -consuming main gift culture.

In Hong Kong, a phenomenon that is almost everywhere is:

A community engage in activities, find a public relations company, rent a venue, and invite a large number of guests in the political community.There are few speeches. There are a lot of guest guests.Within one or two hours of the event, regardless of whether on the platform or the stage, it is basically reduced to the atmosphere group. Form meaning rather than practical significance has become the theme of the event.

Friends who often serve as the guest of the main courtesy said that they were like a bonsai, and they were moved and moved, but they couldn't help but go."You hold the scene of others, others hold your field, that's all."

The problem is not just that.

The main ceremony culture is nearly flooding in Hong Kong.

The community is re -elected, and a large group of people must be invited; the activity is launched, and a large group of people must be invited; regional friendship, a large group of people must be invited.

To specifications, you can ask the Chief Executive to not ask the director; if you want the scene, you can invite 100 people not to 50 people; you must be luxurious, and you can not go to a Samsung hotel at a five -star hotel.

Before the epidemic, similar activities are often eaten, and the organizers generally ask the guests to "buy a table"; you buy a table, I buy a table, and all kinds of friends are convened to come and go;Ten thousand yuan was spent, and there were many people who withdrew from the middle, and the waste of food was extremely serious.

Over time, the formation of comparisons and extravagant winds, formalism and bureaucracy have become popular.And those who sit on the stage for people who are watching people are not annoying, and waste a lot of valuable time on a decoration.

The so -called guest guests are all those people back and forth. From the perspective of ordinary citizens, the main ceremony culture is elite gathering, celebrities and social interaction, that is, how can it not break through the small circle culture.Essence

The formation of

The formation of the main ceremony of Hong Kong has its inevitability, and it has its necessity.

In the past, Hong Kong was chaotic, people's hearts were uneven, and society tears internal consumption.Through similar activities, various associations can produce multiple effects:

1. Promote morale, prove the strength of the group and enhance the cohesion of the group;

2. Shape the perception, present group status and enhance social influence;

3. Grow the momentum and integrate more resource forces to expand development space.

At one time, these activities are the needs of heating, the performance of social mobilization, and the starting point of publicity publicity.

It was necessary, and it may not be necessary now.

Today, Hong Kong has been chaotic to governance, and has entered the governance and Xingxing. The Hong Kong National Security Law and the new election system are escorted. The overall social and political situation is stable and controllable.The development of concentration and conspiracy to effectively exclude people's livelihood, and Hong Kong has conditions.

This kind of official culture that allows officials to be busy with "running fields" instead of the lower grassroots, let the community busy "group bureau" instead of service, and let formalism and bureaucracy enter the hall.One profit.

The main ceremony culture is not united but disconnected; practicality is not this kind of manifestation. The main ceremony culture is not glorious but vanity; the mainstream values are not built like this.But it is more like a bad habit.

The main gift culture, citizens do not welcome, have opinions, and disgust.

The main ceremony culture is the dross of Hong Kong culture.Only by killing the main ceremony culture can we liberate officials, let the society advocate hard work, and push the people -centered development concept to the C position of Hong Kong culture.

No need to run the field every day, officials have been serving the people for a long time; there is no need to pay attention to the row, and the community will have more actions to contact members; less to go to the venue to go to the scene, all parties can really observe the people's livelihood.

The serious negative public opinion caused by the culture of the main ceremony, many.It is good or bad for the citizens, and the trust of the SAR Government is still reduced. It is still contempt for respect for celebrities. It is no longer necessary to say more.

To promote the return of people's hearts or achieve new development, what Hong Kong needs is the culture of the person who is a true person and a true officer.The main etiquette culture, this kind of labor that hurts the people and the brain is not able to support the row of Hong Kong tomorrow, don't.