China has carried out centralized rectification of corruption in the national pharmaceutical field, which indicates that it will be fully upgraded to the anti -corruption work in the pharmaceutical field and sounds the horn of "zero tolerance".Medicine anti -corruption is a principle that the medical field must adhere to for a long time.The problem of corruption in the field of pharmaceuticals has always been the focus of public attention, and it is also the focus of active prevention and severe blows.However, from the actual situation, the problem has not been effectively resolved, and some can be described as shocked.

According to the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Magazine, the import price of the straight -line accelerator purchased by the People's Hospital of Pu'er City, Yunnan Province is only 15 million yuan (RMB S $ 2.8 million, the same below). After the hands of the dean, it becomes 35.2 millionIn Yuan, the dean claimed more than 1,600 million yuan in one time, and the guts were shuddering.403 people in the medical and health industry of Jingdong County, Jingdong County, the city actively explained the problems, retreating, and improper benefits.The number of people involved is also a bit unimaginable.

Since August, there have been news that the president and secretary of the hospital and secretary have been investigated almost every day.According to incomplete statistics, since this year, at least 168 hospitals in charge of China have been investigated, and the number is more than double the whole year.

What's more unimaginable is that according to the news disclosed by Nanyue, after being investigated by the Director of Zhongshan, the Tanzhou People's Hospital of Zhongshan City decreased by 16.6%and 21.4%from January to May this year.The cost of medical treatment dropped by more than 1,400 yuan.This is called a result?Or benefit?This is life and health for patients; for their family members, it may be saving money, borrowing from the east, and even returning to poverty due to illness.

The corruption cases are relatively independent and are also distributed in different regions, but they are also called medical corruption and medical corruption. At present, the person in charge of the medical institution just involved.With the deepening of rectification work, problems such as drug procurement, medical equipment and drug consumables, medical services outsourcing, and designated purchases of non -prescription drugs will also be exposed one by one. At that time, how many corruption areas are worthy of attention.

From the perspective of being investigated and punished, there are key provincial, cities, and county -level key hospitals, as well as township hospitals and community hospitals, with wide coverage and many levels.As the saying goes, birds are dying.These corrupt elements may not even have the taste of birds.As everyone knows, the bird dies for survival.Corruption is not for survival, but for greed.None of these corrupt elements who occupy important positions need to worry about survival, and no family economic conditions are poor.

Whose tail has the anti -corruption of medicine?

Medicine anti -corruption is a kind of corrupt tail that cuts the tail and cuts in the field of medicine.The key is to see who cuts the tail and how long the tail is cut, how to prevent the tail from growing again.If there are no effective measures to make corrupt elements become nine -tailed fox, it will not only harm people, but also eat people seriously.Therefore, we must cut the grass and remove the ground, and the blood cannot be cut.

From the perspective of the medical field, let alone, the various medical meetings that have been postponed in the near future alone are enough to make people full of reveries.According to the incomplete statistics of Zhongxin Jingwei, many academic conferences have been announced recently.More than 160 hospitals and secretaries were investigated, indicating that the medical unit was really restless.

In the field of pharmaceutical management, according to media reports, in a chat group in a pharmaceutical industry diving in a journalist, many pharmaceutical representatives "shared" the latest anti -corruption trends in the provinces, and the tension spread.Medical representatives with a sensitive sense of smell have been "first" and left the public eyes silently.The point is how long they can be invisible, I am afraid that they are not the final say.Once the cases are involved, they will also be explicit.Of course, it will not be disclosed as a "pharmaceutical", but as a bribery identity.

In the field of pharmaceutical production, news is also reported in the near future.For example, Hengrui Pharmaceutical, known as "Yao Mao", was recently plagued by rumors under the medical anti -corruption storm. The market value evaporated nearly 63 billion yuan within 10 trading days.Although the enterprise tried to deny and said that it had already called the police, it still couldn't stop investors voting with feet. The company's stock price continued to fall.It has nothing to do with anti -corruption, no one can believe.How many companies will be implicated or directly investigated in medical anti -corruption?How much corruption will pharmaceutical manufacturers be dismissed?In July alone, two pharmaceutical companies listed companies were investigated.

The production field of medical equipment, medical equipment and drug consumables cannot be ignored.The National Audit Special Audit Survey report issued by the National Audit Office shows that from 2021 to May 2023, the total operating income of the top 50 companies in Guangdong Province's total drug production value was 1511.183 billion yuan, and the total sales cost was 44.617 billion yuan, accounting for as high30%.Among them, third -party service costs involving "promotion", "consultation" and "service" reached 28.906 billion yuan, accounting for 64.79%of the sales costs.How many of these sales costs are justified, and how many are spent on normal publicity and promotion, I am afraid it cannot be ignored or not.Because the number is too huge, there must be no fewer people and units involved.

Anti -corruption in medicine will not be at risk for everyone

Faced with anti -corruption of medicine, many people immediately appeared in front of the epidemic to act as the "retrograde" medical staff, and the medical staff who were tired of falling in front of the operating table.The hospital transports drugs and medical devices, drug consumables, and other production and operations ...

It feels right with this. In the pharmaceutical system, there is indeed such contrast.Forgotten behavior exists, corruption also exists, and heroes coexist with corrupt elements.This requires everyone to have an analysis of vision and thinking brain when facing anti -corruption problems.People are separated.A cognition is that all medical staff and drug production and operators who put the interests of the people in the prominent position will not do corruption; anyone who has serious corruption problems will not put the interests of the people in a prominent position.Another cognition is that as long as it is corrupt, it is by no means real medical personnel, drug production and operators; real medical personnel, drug production and operators will never be corrupted.

The problem of serious corruption in the pharmaceutical industry is to use power as a private device, the benefit as a bargaining, and the responsibility as a player.In addition to their interests or interests.Compared with the "retrograde" in the epidemic, they are not worthy of work in the pharmaceutical system at all, let alone log in to important positions.Those medical staff and business personnel who work silently in their posts are also deeply disgusted with corruption. They also hope that they can serve the society in a better environment, better state and resources.They all hope that all corrupt elements can be used to cut off all the corrupt tails.

The author is Chinese Financial Reviewer