Historically, people's awareness of the image of Confucius has two major divisions.The differences in this are derived from the relationship between the six classics (six classics or six arts) of Confucius and poetry, ritual, and Chunqiu, and there are fundamental differences in their views.

The Confucian Confucianism who believes that the "Six Classics are all Confucius" regards Confucius as the saint -like figure between the human gods.In their cognition, Confucius, who lived in the era of rituals, and the collapse of rituals, realized the heavy responsibility of shoulder the heavenly rejuvenation, so the "Six Classics" of Poetry, Layic and Spring and Autumn, were produced as descendants.The governance ceremony.This idea is the mainstream in the Western Han Dynasty.

It can be seen that if Confucius is understood from this cognitive diameter, it is natural to show the ambitions and aspirations of Zhongni with political orientation as the first meaning.In the so -called scriptures, Confucius was further shaped into the "Xuan Sheng" of the son of the black emperor.He was born in the decline of the Zhou Dynasty and was originally the king. He was helpless because of virtue and water, so he could not inherit the order of operation of the five elements.However, Confucius understood the signs shown by Kirin and Blood Book, and took over the universal task of "making the world law" for the Han Dynasty, and made group scriptures.The spring and autumn of this are particularly extraordinary.Emperor Guangwu believed in the picture, so until the Eastern Han Dynasty, Confucius was still the "king king".In the late Qing Dynasty, there was still a saying or deleting the Piciri Zhang Six in Confucius.

The image of Confucius is turning in the Republic of China

Another proposition believes that Yishu poetry, ritual music and spring and autumn are actually literatures circulated in ancient times.For the teaching materials, the traditional culture is developed.Although the tone of this statement focuses on shaping Confucius as the foundation of the king's king's king, people can still use Confucius' teaching "Zu Shuyao Shun Charter Culture and Military", and experience that Confucius still has a certain political belief or orientation, such as choosing to chooseThe ideals of virtuous and cano and Zen Rang.Therefore, although Confucius has faded the gorgeous mythical color in such a cognition, his image still does not lose the meaning of practical political ideas.Wei and Jin downshomes that the development of teaching in Shinto has lost motivation. Especially since the Song Dynasty, rational thoughts have gradually looked up. This has always been positioned as Confucius. It is the right way.The view that these six classics are made or deleted by Confucius were once known as the position of ancient literary scriptures.

But during the period of the Republic of China, the image of Confucius turned the old age.

Mr. Hu Shizhi, who studied at Cornell University and Columbia University in the United States, went to Peking University to teach Chinese "philosophy history" for just one year after returning home, that is, completing a Chinese philosophy outline, and in 1919, 219The monthly publishing is published, and then "reprinted within two months".

Hu Shi said in this book, saying that Confucius was "a politician who was implemented" and had practical political experience.But "later because his policy was not good, he lost his officials and went to the country to travel around the country." He left his homeland "for 13 years abroad", and did not return to Lu to "specialize in writing" until he was 68 years old.Hu Shi pointed out that Confucius "originally (yes) is interested in political improvement), but" later he saw the situation of the times and had no chance of improvement. "Hu Shi's "teaching for decades and traveling to dozens of countries", speculating that he "a lot of disciples must be a lot", and judged that he was "a sincere and tireless one" from "sexual morality".

Where is this "Zhi Shi" ambition?Hu Shi believes that Confucius knows that if he is determined to make the times "change the way as a way", "to improve the social country" is not to be able to be achieved overnight, and "must be fundamentally started", that is, the book says.However, Hu Shi explained, "Confucius himself said that he was‘ described but did not write ’, so he was deleted by poetry and music, not his own work.”However, Hu Shi's relationship with Confucius and Yi and Spring and Autumn has more ink.

He said that in the era of Confucius, "Zhou Yi at that time was just sixty -four hexagrams and 384 times."However, Confucius "made him (read Zhou Yi) his experience into sixty -four hexagrams, 384 articles, and sixty -fourth.That is the textbook. "It can be seen that although Hu Shi did not say that Confucius did Yi Yi, he knew that Dao knew that Confucius had "passed" for Zhou Yi's hexagram, 爻, and resignation.These interpretations of Confucius made people know the meaning of justice that contains the ancient classics in Zhouyi.Hu Shi also said, "the Book of Changes has three basic ideas: Yi, image, and resignation", and "the important purpose of Confucius philosophy" can be seen through his interpretation of these concepts.

But how can Confucius's release of the publicity of political improvement?Hu Shi seemed to have not played this, and only vaguely brought the idea of Confucius's release, which had something to do with his political philosophy of "rectification".Hu Shi said that "the central issue of Kongmen theory" is "renamed."Confucius saw that the age of him was "the root cause of the disease is that there is no recognition of the standards of non -authenticity in the ideological world."Hu Shi believes that "the standard of construction is wrong and evil" is actually "the fundamental ideal of Kongmen's political philosophy", and "Confucius also made a spring and autumn, (it) is a method for Confucius to implement a genuine name."

Hu Shi sorted out Confucius's doctrine and other "education, life, politics" and other "philosophy" ideas in the history of philosophical history.Nevertheless, in the discussion of this book, Hu Shi still highlights how Confucius these "philosophy" is linked to the practice of his political ideals.

Mr. Feng Zhisheng (Youlan), who also graduated from Columbia University, also graduated from the history of Chinese philosophy in 1931. He also uses Confucius as the opening character of the "child school era".But Feng Youlan's description of Confucius in this book focuses on portraying him as an educator.He took Confucius and Yi Shishu and Spring and Autumn as the starting point. He said, "The so -called scriptures have always been written by Confucius by Six Arts, and Gu Wenjia uses six arts as Confucius.", Confucius first existed, Confucius did not produce it. "However, because he "had a disciple of Liuyi", and even "the descendants were closely related to Confucius with six arts."

Confucius pioneered the class of "scholars"

Feng Youlan believes that Liuyi was originally a textbook in ancient aristocratic education, and the uniqueness of Confucius was that he was "the first person to teach the average person with the six arts."Feng's clearly pointed out that "Confucius is an educator. The purpose of his lectures is to develop‘ people ’and become those who serve the state, not to develop a scholar.Although Feng's humorously described "Confucius is just a 'old teaching craftsman'", he said that "in Chinese history, he still accounts for a very high status."The reason is: "1. Confucius is the first academic people in China to teach the old Confucianism with education as the career;The class of non -bureaucrats and non -bureaucratic people. Second, Confucius' behavior is like the "Wise" of Greece.The influence looks like ".

Feng Youlan has a vivid description of this point, pointing out that Confucius has the purpose of teaching and no class.The practice of reading various valuable classics "has never been heard before Confucius's" more reliable books ".Feng believes that Confucius "collects school fees from students to maintain his life", which has created a new social class that "does not cure production and treats others" -shi.The characters of this class "can only do two things: that is, as officials and lectures", so "until now, graduates of various schools, whether their schools are agricultural schools or industrial schools, still only as teachers as officials and two officials to make a living.road".

Feng Youlan regards the historically "liberation" of Confucius in history, to compare Confucius and The Greek Sophists.He pointed out that Confucius and one of the "wise men" are similar toHis knowledge can "enable students to have the ability to do political activities."This is "as the current government agencies are required to the principals of various schools, and the principal will recommend their graduates,".

However, a principal of the "present" should only be able to cultivate people who have the ability of the workplace through his school through his school, rather than the graduates who are embracing the principal's political philosophy to the place where others practice.No matter how superior the status of Xizhe's status is, he will not have a "Teacher" (teacher) status, and the Holy king who has a heart of "becoming no way for the Tao", or because of the "belief that the belief is so ancient, the ancient is so ancient"And the preacher who praised Zen Rango and Choose and Nengneng was not the case.

Although Feng Youlan also pointed out that "Confucius believes that 'rectusingism is extremely important", it says that Spring and Autumn "(before Confucius) has long become one of the textbooks, so he has nothing to do with Confucius."

After the British translation of Feng Youlan's history of Chinese philosophy was published in 1952, Professor Gu Liya (H. G. CREEL) of the University of Chicago (H. G. Creel), in the comments of this book, portrayed Confucius as basically aThe educator, as well as the wise of Greece, disapprove.He pointed out that the most serious lack of Feng's discussion on Confucius is that it rarely mentioned the greatest (but unrealized) volunteer of Confucius.Politics, social and economic conditions are not recognized.Gu Liya even believed that it ignored this, which was tantamount to eliminating the core element of Confucius' philosophical thoughts.Such a sharp comment is probably not targeted, and the history of the certificate may be natural.

Hu Shi and Feng Youlan opened their winds first, and Confucius appeared in front of the world with a new look.The successor of the successor has increased, and the image of the educator of Confucius' authenticity and politics is slowly plump, and the popularity of new education has gradually penetrated into the hearts of the general public in the 20th century.Once in the consciousness of knowledge elites such as the Confucian Confucianism, the mysterious king of the supernatural ability, or the tall Confucius image of the "rectification" with the "rectification of the name" with the way of Kuang Fuyao, Shu, and Shu, and the end of the period of study.Go away.

The author is the Dean of the Confucius Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology