The "TFBOYS Ten -Year Covenant" concert sang at the Xi'an Olympic Sports Center on August 6, becoming a sensation in the recent Chinese entertainment industry.The sky -high tickets are also due to the economic boom of the concert that recovers after the epidemic.This concert is undoubtedly successful from many levels. In the era of "traffic is king", it has successfully attracted social attention.Only in such a super traffic, it is necessary to soberly understand the lost things in order to help society grow.

There is no intention of judging the singing ability of TFBOYS and the status of the entertainment industry. Although the traffic is the standard, they should be the highest level; they have no intention of extinguishing the enthusiasm of many fans. After allConcert; even unintentionally looking at the profit of the concert with jealousy, even if their fares exceeded Jay Chou and Mayday during the same period.Here I just want to feel valuable elements that have been lost inadvertently, especially about youths and the future. They are not educating anyone, just to open a window.

The huge traffic is huge economic resources. The TFBOYS concert has greatly driven the consumption boom in Xi'an and even China, and also proves the potential of consumption. Many people are willing to buy tickets for tens of millions of yuan.The price of the "Tree Circularity" of RMB 5,000 (about S $ 931) is really amazing.On the one hand, in the face of turbulent crowds, no matter whether it is the organizer or the media, neither has carefully sorted out the structural information of these ticket purchase groups, including age, academic qualifications, birth, gender, occupation, etc.Such obsessive characters have made us unable to know who we are, pushing and forming such a mad phenomenon, and is willing to use such a high price chart for a while.

On the other hand, how many people have been affected by such huge economic resources, therefore, how many people have obtained huge profits from it, where is the flow of resources, and what is the effectiveness and sustainability?If you can't get a positive answer, the loss of these economic resources will only become a tool for a few people to collect money, but the socio -economic development has not been returned accordingly.

China's traffic economy has become a model of economic development in the Internet era. People and things that can attract attention will become a carrier of sought after hype and high return.kind.However, from various types of carriers, it can be seen that the traffic mode must not only pay attention to economic benefits, and the excessive pursuit of material interests may bring a huge loss of social benefits.This loss may have negative effects that cannot be estimated for a long time, and all participants and bystanders are vigilant.

For example, the valuable time and energy lost in the young people participating in these flow modes.How obsessive and persistence these youthful participants are, even if they do not consider their economic affordability, they also know that most of the periods of studying are just as negative evaluations of them, but they can imagine their huge investmentIt can be used to improve itself, rather than blindly follow the trend with the waves, and sometimes even hysteria does not know so -called.It is a pity that these most effective time and energy of the degradation are envious and sentimental when they come over?

More importantly, the loss of judgment, the first is the judgment of its aesthetic taste and layered.The 10 -year appointment is based on the love of image or the quality of music. Most people believe that they have clear conclusions.This can be combined with the performance of the Greater Bay Area concert some time ago. Mainland Chinese popular traffic singers are surprising at the level of music, proving that the traffic is almost a reverse relationship with the level.This loss of judgment of music and even culture and art may be a really worrying trend.The loss of this judgment is difficult to change or reverse in a short period of time.

Although fortunately, TFBOYS's exhibition in 10 years is still positive, but their popularity is obviously incompatible with the standards, and their development model rely more on external image and capital operations.It has a strong misleading effect, and has no promotion and replication value. In fact, many young people will be introduced.What is lost here is the positive energy of society. It is a kind of harm to the hard work and willingness of those diligent, healthy, and actively benefiting the society. It encourages and encourages and promotes the false cunning greedy.This kind of social atmosphere is all kinds of sand and sand.

Each society will have the path of development up and down. If one party is betting too much resources and enthusiasm, the other party will naturally fall behind each other.Go to pseudo and save the truth, and prize and punishment.The traffic is like rolling rolling rivers, which cannot be blocked. It is not easy to guide. To avoid losing more valuable things, it is the primary consideration.

The author is a commentator in Yangzhou, China