The six states elections in Malaysia finally ended with three comparisons.The unity government and the national alliance have maintained the original three states, basically the national alliance has not been able to significantly expand the landscape of the green tide. Although the unity government maintains the three -thirds of Penang and Samililan, it has lost the Selangor's ruling.The advantages of a three -thirds and two seats.

In any case, Prime Minister Anhua's midterm test is barely passed.However, the National League also showed the trend of energy and whales of the green tide.Therefore, although Anhua called on all parties to respect democracy and accept the election results at a subsequent press conference.The chairman of the National League Mu Yuding "urged Anwar and Ahmad Zahi to step down on the spot, and I am afraid that the chairman of the Iraqi Party Hadi Awang would not be silent.After all, they had said ruthlessly before: "Six states are selected like referendums. If they lose, they must admit that they have been lame, not suitable for being the Prime Minister."

But in a macro perspective, for the sake of the country, it is not advisable to fight against the country.

Obviously, the rise of the green tide has led to severe ethnic tearing.The Malays of the National Alliance are opposed to UMNO Malay. The National League attacks the Anwar government as a puppet of the Rockets (Democratic Action Democratic Party's Emissions on behalf of the Chinese), which also leads to the confrontation between the Chinese and the green tide.Those who advocate diversification and freedom are also the opposition to governing the country.Therefore, we see that during the state -elected period, it was the worst moment of Malaysia's promotion of 3R issues (religion, race, and royal family).

But how do parties reconcile?Is there any reconciliation plan and opportunity?

The story of the founder of the Singapore Citizen Organization "Heping Rose" is just read as a reference.He frankly said: "I don't like demonstrations. If we want to convey information about peace and harmony to the masses, but you convey a negative or tough attitude, which is to conflict with the information you originally advocated.We want to adopt a tolerance and kind way. "

So, Isad and several like -minded friends from Singapore Management University and Singapore National University have convened a hundred young volunteers with different universities and different religious backgrounds, sending 3,000 roses to the public, and each rose additional one additional one additionCard, which says the doctrine of major religion preaching peace.

The organization of "Peace Rose" was born.

Don't look at the power of a rose and a small card to maintain the concept of social harmony.The concept of peace and non -violence is also caused.But Isad believes that sending roses and cards is just the first step. Further, the dialogue."Peace Rose" held a series of youth forums and cross -religious seminars.With dialogue, it can eliminate each other's gap and can negotiate everything.

Suddenly.Politics is not a deep hatred, and politics is not a game that you die. The Pakatan Harapan (Barisan Nasional) and the National League are also deadly rivals who do not have wearing heaven.One step, one step, the sea is wide, what can't you sit down and talk?What is unsolved?

Reconciliation is no longer attacking each other, abuse, laughter, and slander.Calling is to sit down and talk.Nothing to talk about the country, society, economy, and people's livelihood.Is the religious agenda?Economic development?Is the constituency allocating money?Still prohibiting gambling, alcohol, no concerts, even homosexual subjects, 355 Acts, Jianxin Airport, Lenas's public harm, corruption ... what can be discussed?

It is really a sudden imagination. The new Congress, all 148 (147, the death of saladin, lacks one) to unite the government, whether you can prepare a rose on the day, a card, and give it to the opposition partyMember?Let this symbol of harmonious, peaceful, and reconciliation conveys out?

Start the first step of Malaysia politics to eliminate violent qi and go to reconciliation!

The author is a local writer