Source: Yangcheng Evening News

Author: Sun Wei, Zou Mo

"The worship of famous universities is just like the pursuit of Hermes." Eric Sherman, a consultant of a university consultant, made such an analogy.In recent years, while the admission rate of overseas famous universities has continued to decline, the tuition fees have remained high.Strangely, the staggering high tuition fees not only did not dilute the enthusiasm of international students and parents for prestigious schools, but instead made famous school complex rise.Is it worthwhile to build a "famous school dream" at high time and money?Is the "Hermes" effect of the Study Abroad Circle is just the "wishful thinking" of Chinese parents?

The tuition fees of many famous schools have risen parents' enthusiasm without falling

In recent years, the average annual miscellaneous cost of overseas schools led by Fujin School has gradually exceeded 80,000 US dollars (about S $ 108,700).Among them, the tuition fee of Harvard University's 2023-2024 school year was adjusted to $ 54,269, and the overall study fee was between 82,950 and 87,450 US dollars.The one -school year rose 3.9%.Except for Columbia University, the remaining rattan schools have exceeded 80,000 US dollars per year, which is directly for $ 90,000/year.

In addition to the American Tengn School, the tuition fees of British heads of British heads of Cambridge, Oxford University, and Edinburgh University also have risen to varying degrees.Inflation, reduction of government funds, insufficient educational funding, and marketization of high education investment may affect the direct or indirect factors of tuition fluctuations. In order to ensure sufficient funds to operate schools, raising tuition fees seems to be a last resort.

But behind the high tuition fees, there is no great enthusiasm for people to prestigious schools, and the attraction of prestigious schools still exists in the minds of Chinese candidates and parents.During the 2023 application season not long ago, whether it is the United States, British, or other popular overseas places, the number of applicants in most well -known institutions has increased.The school application record reached a new high.

The admission rate is not optimistic. The admission rate of the vine school in the United States fell below 5%. The actual number of admission in the 2023 application season in Harvard University was 1942, with an overall admission rate of about 3.4%;People, the admission rate is about 4.4%.In addition, the admissions rate of the rest of the world's top American universities ranges from several to tens of percent.The admission rate of the University of London and the Imperial Institute of Technology in the world in the world has also fallen to a new low in recent years.

High -standard and strict overseas prestigious school enables more international students and parents to work hard to fight for this entry ticket. The top learning resources not only brings a broader vision, a more sound outlook on life, but also likeA "luxury" label for the study abroad circle can even become a symbol of identity for some families.

At the same time, the high tuition fees of famous universities have begun to make people reflect on "elite" education really need so much money?Does the world ranking exacerbate the unfairness of education?Top universities also have a set of rhetoric about tuition fluctuations. Brown University said: "No matter what the economic conditions of a family are, going to college is a major investment." Therefore, although the tuition fee is high, it can give children the opportunity to receive higher education in famous universities.Both students and parents are a "buying and selling" that is not at a loss.

Increases competitiveness for job hunting to make famous schools self -investment

A parent once spent $ 750,000 to ask a consultant to help children start planning paths from grade seventh grade just to apply for a more top -notch school.When asked if all this is worth it, his answer is yes.After continuously polishing application materials and various test results, his son applied for a total of 22 schools and finally obtained Yale University.

Of course, the elites are not just to pay for a label. More people choose to treat famous schools as a self -"investment", and there is a high probability that it has a high return rate.The latest data released by the Labor and Education Center of Georgetown University shows that according to the average debt and wages of the average debt and wages of 10 years after the school, the return rate of famous universities is extremely significant.The top five in return are: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Harvard University, and Georgetown University. The top four are the top ten famous universities in QS in 2023.

More intuitive, ten years after entering the university, the income of the Ivy League graduates is more than twice the income of the rest of the university graduates, and Harvard University is the most significant.As the domestic employment situation is becoming more and more severe, more students hope to enhance their academic qualifications through study abroad and increase their competitiveness to job search.Therefore, the needs of studying abroad and studying overseas universities will only increase.

In the National Youth Federation member, French Ministry of Labor specially hired foreign experts, and Lu Yu, a visitor professor at the School of Foreign Language and Literature of the Second University of Paris, seemed to be the top educational resources of the school.Content and advanced facilities.This means that students can give full excavation of their potential in a good academic atmosphere and get high -level academic guidance and practical opportunities.For students of middle -class families, contacting these resources can help broaden their knowledge vision and enhance professional competitiveness.

These sufficient educational resources eventually fall into two levels: have the ability to think independently to create value for this world; have a strong heart and become a better self.Lu Yu believes that although top educational resources mean more opportunities for students in middle -class families, whether it can achieve the leap of the class, it is necessary to consider multiple factors such as personal professional choices, interest development, and occupational efforts, and even some of them.In the case, friends I know on campus have greater impact on future development than professional choices.

The label carries huge dividends and the pressure behind it is difficult to imagine

William Deresiewicz, a professor at Yale University, and the enrollment office, has published a well -known article Don n’t Send your kid to the ivy lead.Even if the high employment rate and high return rate of graduates of the Teng School are obvious to all, in his eyes: "The elite education system behind the famous school has created those smart, talented, and dynamic young people, but they will also have anxiety and timidity.And loss, there is nothing to know, and the sense of goal is not strong. "On the contrary, he believes that students in ordinary colleges are often more interesting and more open.

Students should not be trapped by a label, although for most Chinese students and parents, from the beginning of birth, the "famous school complex" has always troubled many people.However, the aura of a prestigious school is not suitable for everyone. The label is behind the huge dividends, and it is also carrying the pressure that is difficult to imagine in ordinary universities.

According to the data in the psychological self -guidelines released by Chinese students released by Knowyourseelf, as many as 83.95%of the more than 10,000 international students participating in the survey have experienced at least once a psychological collapse in the entire study of studying abroad; 44.58%of them haveVisitors thought of giving up, but the vast majority of them (94.59%) still insisted on completing their studies.In the process of studying alone abroad, international students need to face various types of homework and study a lot of materials and literature. The pressure brought by academics is even more common among international students.

It is not denied that the "famous school label" does have a certain influence, but it cannot simply define the value of a person, and pay attention to the comprehensive development of personal.Lu Yu pointed out: "It is necessary to understand that the path of success is diverse. Of course, entering a prestigious school has its advantages, but success depends not only on the fame of the school. International students who cannot enter prestigious schools should firmly believe that personal ability and efforts can also achieve outstanding achievements in other fields in other fields. Choosing the education and career path that suits you is not only conducive to individualsThe growth of growth can also be successful in the future career field."He also emphasized that as long as you maintain a positive attitude and pay attention to his own development and progress. Different educational paths can create opportunities for themselves. As long as you keep your efforts and persistence, you can also succeed in your career.