Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai pointed out at the "Reboning Destiny" meeting to commemorate the 100th birthday of the founding Prime Minister Li Guangyao that fierce or extreme competition is the decisive characteristics of Sino -US relations.Singapore hopes that competition between China and the United States can have protective fence control, but we must also prepare for unpredictable or even dangerous consequences.

In the face of the new international geopolitics and geopolitical situations and new challenges, how should Singapore respond or prepare?Huang Xuncai did not further develop, but this is one of the focus of the meeting. Experts and scholars attending the meeting have expressed their opinions and opinions. For example, Dr. Chen Qingzhu, a senior diplomat in Singapore, put forward suggestions worthy of reference.

She believes that as a small country, Singapore must be active and let the world hear our voice; secondly, although we do not choose the side station, we actually choose from both sides;We must establish a strong and successful economy and society; in the end, we must cooperate with various groups to play collective power.

Singapore is a small country. It is not easy to speak internationally and attract attention.However, in recent years, Singapore has been respected and valued in international places. This is because the achievements itself has obvious internationally, and it has also made Singapore representatives have a sound on the international stage.Another important factor is that Singapore, as a member of the Asianan, has played a positive role, making Asianan a core force that capable of leading regional affairs.

Traditionally, Singapore plays the role of useful and honest intermediate people in terms of regional and international affairs, so it can play an independent diplomacy to the greatest extent.Select the side stations in the struggle of the great power, but to maintain the right to choose from.

In actual operation, do not choose the side station, not to exclude any party, but to establish a good and mutually beneficial relationship with the major countries, and make choices based on its own national interests and international rules.Therefore, Singapore can maintain a good and mutually beneficial relationship with both China and the United States.In terms of the United States, New and United States have strategic and comprehensive relationships. The United States is the largest investment country and defense partner in Singapore; China is our largest trading partner.The main investment country.

This autonomous diplomacy based on national interests and international rules, and impartial diplomacy has maintained and promoted Singapore's national interests and sovereignty to the greatest extent.In the era of Sino -US relations and the development of globalization, Singapore and other countries have benefited from it.But today the world bureau changes greatly, Sino -US relations have deteriorated, and Singapore has faced new challenges.Between the two major China and the United States, Singapore's small country of small pills is naturally difficult to have room for beak, but as a member of the Asianan and active participating countries of organizations and international affairs in various regions, the voice of Singapore's representative of honesty is worthy of reference.

Different from the Cold War era, although the Chinese beauty fighting is continuously intensified now, and in many ways, it strives to decompose or so -called de -risk, but most people think that the world will not move towards polarization, but will form a multi -pole situation.Because most countries are reluctant to choose to stand by, they must maintain their own choices and maintain mutual benefit with both China and the United States as much as possible.These countries that are in love with Singapore can form a force among the allowances between China and the United States to jointly maintain the existing rule -based world order and free trade system.

On this basis, Singapore can actually adhere to the usual approach, play a greater role of honest intermediate people, China Unicom all over the world, and be a communication bridge between East and West.Of course, to play this role, the premise is that Singapore must continue to maintain its own strength, win international trust through practical actions, and continue to serve as a model of a successful country.