Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Ye Dehao

On August 18, Biden will hold the US, Japan, and South Korea leaders of the United States, Japan, and South Korea at the US President's Camp David with the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida and South Korean President Yin Xiyue.According to multi -party news, although the three parties will not sign a joint defense agreement, they will start various cooperations in technology and defense, set up a three -party crisis call hotline to determine the common understanding of regional responsibilities, and conventionize the annual meeting of the Three Kingdoms leaders every year.

The location of the David Battalion of Biden is obviously the key to highlighting Japan and South Korea.

The symbolic significance of the David Camp

Dr. Camp has an important historical symbolic in international affairs led by the United States.During World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had a meeting with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, where he was called "Shangri -La"), and planned to overthrow the Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.deploy.

In 1978, President Jimmy Carter also promoted the meeting of Egypt ’s President Anwar Al-Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, reaching a series of" DavidThe Camp Agreement "" finally contributed to the establishment of diplomatic relations between Egypt and the following year, and the leaders of the two countries won the Nobel Peace Prize.By 2000, Bill Clinton hopes to promote the leaders of the two sides to the David Camp on the occasion of the Pakistani peace process, and eventually unfortunately endlessly.

With this historical background, Biden obviously wanted to pack this US -Japan and South Korea summit into a new beginning of Japan and South Korea relations, and this new start was promoted under the blessing of the United States.

At the same time, this meeting was also the first time that Biden entertained foreign leaders and the US, Japan and South Korea leaders for the first time in the first meeting without other countries.

"Impermanence" of Japanese and Korean relations

Japan and South Korea have always been atrocities in the colonial era, the comfort women and labor of Japan during World War II, and even the obstacles left over from the history of the Dominosaic sovereignty.The political practice of South Korea is basically the left -wing on the stage and the sun is evil, and the right wing is a little repaired with the sun.The last year's Wen Zaiyin government caused Japan to launch a half -game trade war due to the compensation of the labor compensation, and today's Yin Xiyue returned to the repair route.

The main purpose of this summit is actually to stop the "impermanence" of this Japanese and Korean relations.From the perspective of the interests of the United States, this is to integrate the strength of the military and political and political courses in Japan and South Korea to target China.

Under the pressure of the Right -wing of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party, Kishida can express the goodwill to Han.Therefore, the motivation of this round of Japan and South Korea is mainly from Yin Xiyue. He first "solved" the issue of strong levy labor compensation left by the Wen Zaiyin era by third -party compensation.It has repeatedly emphasized cooperation priority to historical issues, and shows a positive position on the issue of Japanese discharge nuclear waste water.

On August 15 to commemorate the DPRK and South Korea, which won the World War II to Japan, Yin Xiyue also once again stated that "Japan is our partner."

Yin Xiyue's incentives, probably only Japan recovered the export control of semiconductor raw materials in the Wen Zaiyin era.In South Korea, these actions are not allowed to be popular. People are still worried about historical contradictions. For example, in May, the Japanese warships entered the Busan Port to participate in military exercises in May.

Although Yin Xiyue still has a term of nearly four years, it is difficult to change the South Korean people's conditions. Therefore, the work of the US -Japan -South Korea summit is to "institutionalize" the cooperation between the three parties (especially between Japan and South Korea), so that even if the Korean regime will appear in the futureReplace it, and you cannot easily change the policy.

The goal is the "institutionalization" of the United States, Japan and South Korea cooperation

In terms of specific affairs, the three parties will discuss plans to implement the Korean missile launch information sharing mechanism at the end of this year, and will promote cooperation on issues such as semiconductors and key mineral supply chains.The three parties will also issue a joint statement, which will mention the problem of peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

Judging from the news of the media at this moment, the summit is probably the main significance.For example, US officials quoted by Reuters refer to the "security framework" of the three parties in the United States, Japan and South Korea or "too much requirement", saying that the three parties will advance in cooperation in new fields such as ballistic missile defense and technology."Perceived as very substantial".The word "regarded as" here shows the nature of the summit.

Although Yin Xiyue is in the United States, the fundamental interests of South Korea have always had a objective gap with the United States and Japan.Between the Chinese issues and the North Korean issue, the United States and Japan attaches more attention to check China, but South Korea's emphasis is in North Korea, and it has no intention to cause China to be dissatisfied with South Korea.The Taiwan Strait issue is the key to the United States and Japan is the key to national interests, but South Korea is more inclined to avoid talking about the Taiwan Strait. Although Yin Xiyue interviewed the United States before the United States, it has mentioned that Taiwan is a global affairs and caused controversy.Nian Kanada and Yin Xiyue's leaders who visited the United States jointly stated that the version of the United States and South Korea clearly avoided the statement of peaceful solving the problem of the Taiwan Strait.

Under the limitations of objective interests and political reality, the "institutionalization" cooperation between the United States and Japan and South Korea is of course the goal of this summit, but how much can be achieved in actual actions, and the leadership of the three countries may not dare to be too much too much.optimism.