Source: Surging News

Author: Shouyi

Every summer vacation, families with children are always anxious.In addition to the tourism, interest classes, and tuition classes discussed in previous years, there are also popular research groups this year, and it costs thousands of yuan (RMB, the same below).Recently, many parents exposed the summer bills on social platforms, and some had spent more than 50,000 yuan in 40 days.Children's general feedback is that they have n’t played well and they do n’t learn anything.

The money does not spend less, but parents and children have not received a good experience. What is the picture?When it comes to the psychology of parents reporting to the child's research group, a friend analyzed it very thoroughly.She told me before that she also reported to a junior high school child to study in Beijing.I had to repost some news from some research groups to Peking University, and children could only take photos with the school gate to her. It is suggested that it is better to accompany the children to visit the museum, Universal Studios.

Her answer is that she did not expect how good the study was. She couldn't do business at home. She had to close the store to accompany her child to travel, and the expenses were greater.And reporting to the research class, how can you reassure the tour group.Anyway, let the child come out for a summer vacation. "Teacher" is brought, accompanied by his peers, how much he has increased.

But just like many parents in the news, although I didn't hold much expectations, the friend finally felt that money was white.Because this kind of research group is really unfriendly for children, and there is not much interactive experience. The whole process seems to be to take pictures and punch cards to explain to parents.The original intention of many parents was very simple. While wanting to relax and play, they can learn something.If this concept is implemented in life for a long time, it is actually a good educational concept, but when it can only be satisfied with the product of a research group in the short term, it will inevitably be alienated, resulting in the ending that cannot be learned well.

To put it bluntly, whether it is spending money on various interest classes, tuition classes, or signing up, it is more reflected in the will of the parents, and ignore the child's inherent needs.Conditional families are a good thing for children to travel and broaden their horizons.

But if parents do not have time to accompany and expect commercial agencies to work, in fact, they can only provide some "standardized" services.In order to give parents a more cost -effective result, it will inevitably make the schedule highly dense. The study of these formalism is better to let the children take a good rest, or go to some museums and parks in the city in the city.

Different children have different needs, and education has always vary from person to person.Not every child wants to go to the Forbidden City to climb the Great Wall, nor every child can visit Tsinghua University of Peking University.When parents formulate a summer plan, if they ask their children's needs, rather than the general subjective "I think", maybe they can save a lot of waste of time, money, and energy.

Summer vacation is over half, many parents are complaining, and some even say that "the monthly salary of 30,000 can't support the summer vacation of children."Of course, education needs to spend money, but if you think that burning can have the expected education effect, it is simple to think.Stay seriously, how many summer spending of tens of thousands of yuan, how much really spent it, and how many are because "we must not spend other children"?

In the final analysis, this kind of consumption, suffering children, tired parents, and stimulating greater educational anxiety in the society, which is harmless.

I hope that children are good, it is the consistent expectation of parents in the world.But parents must first rationalize, respect their children, and respect the laws of education.Don't be stimulated by the diffuse educational anxiety, blindly want to spend money to buy a peace of mind.In terms of education, simple money will never be able to buy it.