The Central Drug Administration recently issued a statement of arrests of drug -related people and drug obtaining drugs. In July, there were 19 young drugs under 30 years old.According to statistics from this reporter, at least 31 people under the age of 30 this year were arrested in the first half of this year, and the situation was worrying.This newspaper's survey also found that the communication application Telegram can easily find a number of drugs selling drugs. The variety of quality, grades, weights, and prices are openly listed, and its causal relationship cannot be ignored.

Social media has become a platform for buying and selling drugs.The official has been arrested more than 500 people on the Telegram platform since 2019.Generally, I believe that the arrestrs are only a few compared to the French Open. The number of people who arrested in Singapore may mean that there are more local people who sink to the sea.According to the information of neighboring countries, nearly 40 % of teenagers in Thailand have nearly 40 % of teenagers, and the specific population is millions; Malaysia has 60,000 adolescents from 13 to 17 years old.The problem of adolescent toxicity must be effectively controlled.

Social media is almost equal to another "home" of adolescents, hidden but not easy to be discovered by parents, teachers, or peers.Social media platforms or web controlrs can start brainwashing projects such as "methamphetamine such as methamphetamine, marijuana, etc." such as "methamphetamine, marijuana, etc.". Since the frequency of contact can be dense and the way can be many, it is possible to offset government and school education "drugs.The hard -to -seduce and publicity efforts of "terrible".

This is already a cognitive war in the new era.At present, young people can easily expose the concepts of various types of "club drugs", "leisure drugs" and "fake drugs" in various types of "club drugs", and gradually identify with drug use as fashion and entertainment, and will not think of life and health.Official or professional publicity was washed and offset, forming a large gap in preventing blocking.

Although teenagers have a long time at school, the complicated and hidden functions of various mobile phones have made the supervision role that the school can play is increasingly smaller.However, if the trend of youth -related youth cannot be effectively curbed, the impact cannot be underestimated.The official health and lifestyle survey previously announced by the official has pointed out that the average age of local drug -addictives was as low as 15.9 years; more than 40 % of the drug -addictives abused drugs before the age of 18.Among the recently announced by the Central Drug Administration, a pair of 19 -year -old and 17 -year -old brothers.

The national service is a screening level for boys, but if young people are too small, they will be poisoned without being found. When they enter the army, they may have "poisoned too deeply" and affect health.If the number of people who have not been arrested is indeed much more than the above data, the official must be more actively involved in the platform including social media to prevent the situation from further deteriorating.

In terms of publicity of the school, in addition to the content and method of content and technique, we must also extend the impact of the awareness of children, and should also extend the concept of anti -toxicity to many international schools.In the community, play a warning and prevent the role of proliferation.

Singapore's recent legislation against cybercrime can authorize the police to issue five instructions on suspected fraud, drugs, illegal gambling, terrorism, and sexual -related criminal activities, including stopping communication, content shielding, account restrictions, network shielding and deleting deletionApplications can be said to be the right medicine, hoping to effectively block the error cognition and the spread of drug disasters.

Some countries around Singapore have adopted tolerance for drugs, and some have already "abandoned weapons surrender". For a long time, they have released the situation of drug trading and even flooding.Under the era of convenient cross -border exchanges and high awareness of human rights, once multinational social media and scientific and technological means are added, anti -drug work is like anti -fraud, it is even more invincible and difficult to increase.

But to prevent local adolescents from being involved in poisoning, it must be the long -lasting goal of the Chinese people. They should have consensus regardless of officials and people.Occupation location.Anti -drug combat has entered the offense and defense of the ideological conscious network position from the entity, and the real battlefield is not even located.Some people think that Singapore is an open economy and an international transportation hub. It is difficult to win this long -lasting war, but the key is that whether the Chinese people have the will to adhere to the relatively non -toxic pure land in front of them and prevent misleading ideas.