Source: Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times

Industrial and Commercial Times Society

The bad news that continued to break out in early August, not only the bad news of bad news in mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States, but the pessimistic atmosphere spread rapidly.

In the United States, WeWork, the world's largest shared office, submitted a report to the US Securities Regulatory Commission, warning that "if the cash flow and operational profitability cannot be improved, all strategy options may be considered," and WeWork's strategy options are actually not many.The company frankly said that "Substantial Doubt" was admitted, and a clear -eyed person knew at a glance that this company's voice bankruptcy was a high probability event.

WeWork is the largest office of the world's largest office, and it is the highest -valued unicorn before the listing. During its peak, it once enjoyed a market value of $ 60 billion (about S $ 81.2 billion).Sun Zhengyi, the founder of the Japanese Software Bank Group, raised this unicorn. Since 2017, it has invested more than $ 10 billion in funds since 2017. In 2019, it has re -contributed its capital with a valuation of $ 47 billion.The weekly stock price fell at $ 0.2 per share, and the total market value was more than 300 million US dollars.The worse thing is that if WeWork goes bankrupt, the office with more than 4 million square meters will bring how big the lethality of the commercial office market is unknown.

The news of real estate disasters in mainland China and Hong Kong also came out of the nest. Country Garden's two amounts of corporate debt were only 22.5 million US dollars.In the semi -annual month, the net loss was between RMB 45 billion and 55 billion (about S $ 8.4 billion to S $ 10.3 billion).Evergrande Real Estate also issued a number of reports on the evening of August 10, saying that the net loss in 2022 reached RMB 52.72 billion, and the company's total liabilities were 1.833819 billion yuan, and total assets were 1.468557 billion yuan.Essence

Earlier, the SoftBank Group controlled by Sun Zhengyi also released unbelievable losses. In the first quarter of this year, the loss was 3.16 trillion yen, and the second quarter lost 2.9 trillion yen (about S $ 18.7 billion).It was more than 6 trillion yen in half a year, and the cumulative profit for decades was almost zero.Even if the loss of the yen's depreciation into the US dollar or NT $ will decrease, the SoftBank Group will lose the scale of NT $ 1.4 trillion (about S $ 59.4 billion) in half a year.Record.

The huge dinosaur companies have only released bad news until early August, and they are all frightened numbers. Of course, the market is full of pessimistic atmosphere.A series of medium -sized banks in Silicon Valley bank closed down, as well as bubbles that appeared everywhere, seemed to have noticed a financial turmoil that was about to whistling.

However, the stock market's response to these crushed loss numbers is extremely calm.SoftBank Group, which has been profitable for decades, has risen 30 % of the trend in the past three months. The commercial real estate -related stock price and bond prices in the US stock market have been compressed, but the broader market is Dow Jones or Nasdaqi, both of whichThere is no difference, and the Beijing government continues to rectify real estate companies such as Evergrande, Country Garden, and Wanda. The Hong Kong Hang Seng Index fluctuates between 19,000 and 20,000 points, and the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets have no traces of frightening kills.

A reasonable explanation is that these huge news of losses have long been controlled by governments and central banks. In a relatively obscure and non -traditional way, it has timely alleviated a major impact of great negatives.

In terms of the seemingly powerful violent interest rate hikes and quantitative tightening policies of the Federal Reserve as the US Federal Reserve, we have a continuous reduction in the Fed's balance sheet, as mentioned in the announcement.Attached to buy back operation balance, the liquidity of the commercial banking system and the scale of deposit reserve rose. The Federal Reserve regulates the liquidity of the United States, and even global currency in a detailed manner, and successfully guided Wall Street's market expectations for inflation.

Of course, the road in front of you is not a flat Kangzhuang Avenue. After global destocking, the new demand does not recover. It is also true.Every day I am worried about the tsunami and collapse, whether it is an enterprise or a personal investment, stepping on the footsteps in front of the eyes, seeing the mines outside three feet, and cautiously to make a medium and long -term layout.Likong gave us the best inspiration.