Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

The Russian and Ukraine War lasted for nearly a year and a half. Although Usi was supported by Western support, no major breakthroughs have been seen since June.The multi -layer defense lines built by Russia in Wudong are still quite stable. The U -military soldiers have a serious loss than expected. UAVs have penetrated Russia's attack and can get outside attention, but it does not help the key position battle.The Western and Kiev officials tried to win the support of "Global Southern". The surface seemed to make some progress, but there was no advantage on the battlefield, and it was difficult to take advantage of the negotiating table.In the summer to the autumn, the Ukraine counterattacked, but there was only 8 to 10 weeks.In recent months, Ukraine and the West have disagreed in military strategies and diplomacy. If the counterattack lacks results, the West's patience and support for Ukraine may decline, and the exhaustion may force Ukraine to seek compromise ceasefire.

Trenched Land Land Lands Position Battle is like a war

Electronic warfare, online warfare, air combat, etc. are often regarded as the key to modern warfare.The on -site field is still trenches and mines.The Big counterattack launched by the Ukraine this summer is almost half a year beforehand. In addition to providing the main war tanks and a large number of equipment, the West also assisted the Ukraine training.At the end of June, the Vagna mercenary mutiny occurred. Some Western analysis believed that Russia and Ukraine had disappeared and had high hopes for counterattacks, but in fact, it did not seem to expect.

The biggest challenge faced by the Ukraine's big counterattack is that it is difficult to break through the multi -layer defense line of the Russian army in Wudong and Uunan.The army was difficult to advance, the soldiers were severely damaged, and the frontline commanders had to order to retreat the team.Washington and Ukraine officials acknowledged that the progress of counterattack is not like expected, but I believe that there is still enough time and space to fight for progress. The National Security Consultant of the White House has publicly stated that it is too early to set the statement for counterattack results.However, according to US media reports, the American Western intelligence community has a much more pessimistic assessment, and believes that the Urpicious Army can revive the "large amount of land" opportunities.Not long ago, I heard the US members of the United States reported by the commander of the European and American, described that the report was heavy, and it is currently the most difficult period of war.

The Russian and Ukraine War turned into a war of agents. Russia and the United States were competing with the United States. The operation of the text was overwhelmed. However, it could not win the war by the mouth alone.The Russian and Ukraine War was exposed to the lack of Russian army, but the military power of the Russian and Ukraine had always been a distance.In recent months, Ukraine has repeatedly improving drone attacks in Russia. Although no one has admitted responsibility, it is generally believed to be the Ukraine.The Ukraine's big counterattack is caught in a state of stalemate. This kind of attack helps attract the attention of the outside world, boosts the morale of Ukraine, and psychologically fights with Russia. However, it has no practical effect on the overall battle.Attack targets are more likely to be regarded as terrorist attacks, and it is difficult to speak legitimacy.Last month, the Moscow Business District was attacked by drones. The UN spokesman did not criticize criticism, opposed any act of attacking civilians, and called for stopping.

The counterattack of the Ukraine Battlefield is not smooth. In contrast, there are some progress in diplomacy.In the second round of Ukraine International Conference, it was held early this month in Gada, Saudi Arabia. The representatives of the 42 countries participated. The Chinese side sent Eurasian affairs representative Li Hui to lead the meeting.Hold the next round of meeting.

The victory that the battlefield is not obtained is difficult to get from the negotiating table

The Russian and Ukraine War, the Western camp supports the distinctive position, and more developing countries are neutral.In the first round of Copenhagen, there were few representatives of "Global Southern". It was actually dominated by the West. It is not surprising that China has not participated.U -Fang realized that the support of the "international community" could not stop in the West, to beckoned to the "Global Southern". The second round of the meeting Saudi Arabia was east, more developing countries were invited, and China participated in it.Western public opinion inertia treats China and Russia and attended by China as a Chinese side. It is deemed that the Chinese side has changed its position on the Russian and Ukraine War, which is wishful thinking.The international conference in Ukraine is not a peace talks. Russia is not invited. The West wants to create the image of Russia's isolated image.The views and emphasis are different. In fact, I believe that the West and Wufang also understand that the victory that cannot be obtained on the battlefield is difficult to obtain from the negotiating table.

In order to deal with common enemies, the United States and West have launched strategic cooperation. If the situation of the war situation is good, of course, everything is good to discuss, but if the situation is not smooth, the complaints and differences will inevitably emerge.The Ukraine was defeated in Bacht's troops. The United States believed that it was not worth the town of town town with a low strategic value.At the NATO Summit, President Ukradisky, who strictly argued that NATO did not join the Ukraine to set up a timetable to make the United States. He believed that Zeleziski would be more grateful to the West and reflects the contradiction between the two sides.

After the snowfall in Ukraine in November, it is difficult to have a large -scale ground battle. If the U -military counterattack will still progress significantly in the next two months, it will basically wait for next year.It will begin at the end of this year.The new recent polls show that Americans have began to lose their patience with supporting Ukraine. More than half of people think that American support is already "benevolent and righteous", opposing additional appropriations for Congress to support Ukraine, and a lot of Republicans who intend to listen to the White House throne, in addition to Trump stated that opposition is opposedThe Bayeng policy proposed that "ending the black war within 24 hours", the other people's high hope is not hot for continuing to support the black.The war is protracted, and both the Russia and Ukraine are exhausted. When no one continues to increase the salary of the war, it may be when the Russia and Ukraine officially launched the negotiations under the international mediation.