Source: China CCTV News Client

In recent years, there are more and more scenes to go out to do their faces. It seems that people have been convenient, but worrying is increasing day by day. Can I make my own face?On August 8th, the China National Internet Information Office published a draft of solicitation of face recognition technology application security management regulations. It is clear that face recognition can only be used in the case of specific purpose and sufficient necessity, and strict protection measures can be used.This means that there are three restrictions.Once it starts to implement, can it really protect our face?What changes will it bring?News Weekly this week's attention: restrict face recognition.

On Thursday, the People's Procuratorate of Shanghai Putuo District led a team to visit a number of supermarkets in the area. Although there are monitoring in the store, there are no face recognition equipment in the store, and customers have a lot more comfortable.Earlier, the procuratorate found that there were supermarkets in the jurisdiction to install and collect cameras such as the facial information of consumer face information at the entrance and exit. They also analyzed and differentiated the consumers' data."Wait for tags, and consumers don't know it.

Zhang Xiaoling, Prosecutor of the People's Procuratorate of Putuo District, Shanghai: When every consumer enters the door, it captures consumer face information in real time, and also has some labels for face information.The year is still a youth, how about the specific mood and so on.After the supermarket personnel introduced, after collecting the faces of each consumer who entered the door, they could compare them through their faces.When the suspicious person comes again, the monitoring will automatically call the police.

Through 30 days of image data, the relevant equipment in the area collected about 140,000 photos of Zhangren Face, and suspects who really had theft were just a minority compared to this data.After the investigation was performed by relevant departments and punished, the chaos of "shopping and being sneaky" in this area is rare.

Zhang Linghan, a professor at the Institute of Data of the University of Political Science and Law: The trial of the court cannot be convicted by anyone. The label itself is a kind of discrimination against human identity.Second, if this kind of label is hit, the discriminatory information of this person may be widely used with the set of equipment and this database, and different scenarios in different supermarkets will show this discrimination to him.The identity label will restrict the actions of this person and receive an unfair treatment, and he can't know where this treatment comes from.Some scholars have studied it to call it an invisible "algorithm prison".

On Tuesday, the State Cyber Information Office publicly solicited opinions on the security management regulations of face recognition technology.It is proposed that only in the case of having specific purposes and adequate necessity, and adopting strict protection measures, you can use face recognition technology to process face information.

Zhang Linghan, a professor at the Institute of Data of the University of Political Science and Law: In other words, if you say that in addition to your identity and verification, you must achieve other goals through face recognition technology.Basic principles of purpose and specific purpose.In the supermarket installation of such equipment, its main purpose is actually to prevent theft through face recognition in order to prevent theft?Obviously there is no necessity.New regulations also hope that the phenomenon of normative face recognition technology may expand the use.

In this new regulation, it is also mentioned that if the same purpose or meet the same business requirements, there are other non -biological characteristic recognition technical solutions, and non -biological characteristics recognition technical solutions shall be given priority.This optimization is suitable for more life scenarios, similar to operating places such as gyms, bookstores and other operating places. It has been used for a long time to use the face recognition system to complete the admission and borrowing books, but these functions can be used to apply for cards and other simpler.Methods to be completed, even if smart devices are more convenient, in such consumer scenarios, the right to choose to be handed over to consumers.

Zhang Linghan, a professor at the Institute of Data and Law of the University of Political Science and Law: In fact, the principles and consent principles of personal information have been questioned in the academic community. Do I really agree? If I do n’t agree, I may not be able to enjoy related services.Therefore, in this new regulations, we also require individuals in a clear and significant way, and at the same time provide some non -biological authentication methods and methods.This can make our face recognition consent is really effective, because you still have other methods of identification to choose from.

This shows that the application of face recognition is not convenient.Whether or not and how to use must be performed within the framework of the system.This may seem harsh, but it is just the most basic principle of following personal information collection- "minimum necessary".That is, to avoid abuse to the greatest extent and prevent the "butterfly effect" of incitement.Right now, the face recognition applications of people are very common, and the improvement of relevant policies and systems will make more powerful regulation and correction on the chaos that have appeared.And this also depends on the consciousness of each individual and operator.

Yin Bo, a prosecutor of the People's Procuratorate of Putuo District, Shanghai: According to our latest management regulations, the commercial scenarios used by face recognition equipment, including some subjects that can be processed accordinglyThe corresponding filing and data management, because the corresponding information involves sensitive personal information, once the data leakage occurs, the data security leakage will cause more chain reactions.Therefore, from the perspective of supervision and the value of the law itself, it should be a better prevention and prevention in advance, so there will be more and more strict restrictions on the use of face equipment.

The owner of a community in Shanghai: The facial recognition system in our community must take pictures of the owner's face and upload it after taking it.Next enter the name, family address, and mobile phone number.If the information is leaked, it is a disaster for him.So I don't agree with the face recognition system in the community.

Because the residential area is about to install face recognition access control, the owner holding the opposition has expressed dissatisfaction with the local media.Opinions, the access control renovation of the community has attracted much attention.

Liu Yang, deputy director of the community industry chairman: The cards we used to use the card can be copied indefinitely.Because our community is near the subway station, there are many foreign personnel, which may be convenient and cross our community, so many owners have put forward this demand in this area to upgrade the access control.

The Industry Committee stated that the residents of the community in the past have always hoped to strengthen the management of foreign personnel, coincided with the re -tendering of the property company. So in June of this year, after the newly bid property company officially entered, the primary work was the upgrade access control system.The face -to -face access control is widely used at the moment, and it has also introduced the community to take this opportunity.

There are more than 2,400 residents in the community, and each household has different opinions on the choice of access control methods. After collecting the opinions of the community, the community eventually selected three access control methods for residents to use.

Liu Yang, deputy director of the community industry chairman: The first method is IC card. The IC card issued by the property company is encrypted first, and the second point is that the IC card cannot be copied.The second possibility is to open the door for remote. For example, if a family is outside, friends or relatives want to enter the community, and a function of APP QR code remotely opens.The third is face recognition. For example, some owners run at night. He does not bring anything on his body, and his mobile phone is not brought. He can also be free in and out.

The draft released this week clearly states that face recognition must not be used as the only way to enter and exit the property management zone. Property should also provide other reasonable and convenient ways to supply personal choices that are willing to use face recognition.

In this community where the new and old access control system is replaced, there are still many residents to wait and see. On the one hand, it is more convenient to chooseOn the other hand, the risk of facial information is also questioned. As the purchase, installation and operating party of the access control system, whether the property is trustworthy and determines the choice of residents.

Li Chuan, the person in charge of the technical company of the property company: When we are selected by the face recognition equipment, we must choose a header. We combine some offline evaluations. We also have a cooperation agreement with the supplier.There are also corresponding responsibilities and obligations in the agreement.Assuming that there is a problem of leakage, the property must bear the corresponding responsibility, and we will also account for accountable partners.

The property company said that the property does not store face information. The information entered by the owner will directly upload to the platform of the supplier of the access control system, and the property will check the suppliers beforehand.The draft for the solicitation also pointed out that it is necessary to evaluate the influence of personal information beforehand.

Zhang Linghan, a professor at the Institute of Data and Law of the University of Political Science and Law: The property company may entrust third parties to provide a system and service for face recognition.Before the processor of the process, the processor clearly knows what kind of risks may have, and the relevant responsible persons who may require them to set up personal information protection, as well as related operating mechanisms.When personal information is leaked, what kind of response mechanism is there.

At the same time, the owners who do not use the face recognition of the face found that when the access control system is passed, the face recognition system will still be captured in real time, and they are also worried that the face capture of such people who have not been informed has leaked privacy.The property company said that the face information of the captured people is generally only used to compare the face of the person who can enter the system and do not store it.However, with the improvement of the new regulations, the increasingly widely used face recognition in the property field needs to be further regulated.

Zhang Linghan, a professor at the Institute of Data Law of China University of Political Science and Law: If I walk to that place, I have not intended to identify and verify that you will take away my face and translate it into data.Storage and processing and so on.In this new regulations, we emphasized that you have to be approved by individuality to recognize this kind of unsophisticated high -definition face recognition.The identity of the community property may be identified within three or five meters, and the accuracy of identification is sufficient.There may be some people's face recognition systems now, which uses very high -definition cameras, and can also automatically capture and recognize human faces. This is obviously not in compliance with the relevant regulations of our new regulations.

This summer, the strong and famous system of "people, certificates, and faces" has become the standard of popular singer concerts.A audience who just watched the concert at Hefei Sports Center told us that on the day of the performance, she was asked to swipe her ID on the device similar to the inlet gate similar to the high -speed rail station.In less than a second, the screen shows the matching of the face and ID card, which can pass.

Zhang Linghan, a professor at the Institute of Data of the University of Political Science and Law: According to the regulations of the new regulations, if the specific purpose of the face recognition application is completed, the face photos collected during the identification process should be deleted and destroyed in time.EssenceTo prevent the collected photos of transactions and circulation, even if the individual is unaware, it is even for third parties to train third parties, such as artificial intelligence models, and even leaked to third parties.

In the draft for comments, "security" is an absolute keyword.Not only the photos taken during face recognition cannot be saved, but the database of the storage sample photo should also ensure that it is not invaded and leaked.The new rules are clear that those who provide face recognition technical services to the public, the relevant technical system must meet the protection requirements of the third level of network security protection.

Zhang Linghan, a professor at the Institute of Data and Law of China University of Political Science and Law: The network security and other insurance systems of our country are divided into five levels. It can be said that the third level is the highest level that can be used in addition to financial institutions.Corresponding technical means.At the same time, the management mechanism, access rights, records of replication, etc. we all have more detailed requirements.Earlier, some companies, or in some places to use face recognition, is that they only use and do not protect, or only do not manage.

In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the third -level system of network security must be protected once a year to test whether it can resist hackers and prevent data leakage and stealing.The evaluation is completed by the Ministry of Public Security and a professional qualification enterprise.In addition to the leakage of human face images, the analysis and abuse of the face are also a major threat to personal information security.

The "3.15" party in 2021 exposed offline stores of many well -known enterprises. By installing a camera called "Wan Ship Panda", it illegally grasped the customer's face information to label.Once the guest goes to the A shop and patronize the B shop, it will never get the price lower than the A shop.In the report of the Zhangjiagang Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, the "Wanlian Palm" camera also appeared in a chain store in the area.To avoid inspection, the store wrapped the camera brand with tape.During the inspection of law enforcement officers, it was found in the manager's mobile phone that a face recognition APP connected to the camera was running, which clearly wrote the gender and young paragraphs of customers in the store, and put customers on "new customers", "Cooked customers, the 11th time to the store "and other labels.

Zhang Linghan, a professor at the Institute of Data of the University of Political Science and Law: In the past, we said that big data was cooked, just based on your travel trajectory, behavioral preferences and consumption records on the platform to identify your spending power and consumer preferences.Maybe the more consumption, the stronger your payment ability, the higher the recommended price you get.However, after a face recognition, you can achieve offline big data. I don’t identify whether you are a consumer -willing customer through your online account, and I can follow you through the offline face.In the past, consumer records were associated.

In response to such phenomena, in this solicitation draft, it is clearly refined: any organization or individual may use face recognition technology to analyze individuals including races, ethnicity, religious beliefs, health status, social classes, etc.Sensitive personal information.If face recognition technology in public places, or stores more than 10,000 face information, it is necessary to record with the network letter department at or above the city level within 30 working days.Online information, telecommunications, public security, market supervision and other departments shall strengthen the supervision and inspection of face recognition technology in accordance with their respective responsibilities, timely discover hidden dangers, and urge rectification.

Zhang Linghan, a professor at the Institute of Data and Law of the University of Political Science and Law: Zhang Linghan for the solicitation of comments not only provides clear behavior guidelines for social enterprises and subjects that use face recognition technology.Supervision and inspection, do the processors of these personal information collect, processed, store, or even circulate activities of our sensitive face data.

Zhang Linghan, a professor at the Institute of Data of the Chinese University of Political Science and Law: It also provides a clear relief basis for individuals who may suffer related infringements.Everyone may feel that my face, I am not a celebrity, and I am not necessary to be recognized, and I don't worry about others recognizing me.But in fact, the leakage of face information can be said to have become a very important source of information and data sources for telecommunications fraud.Many scenes where many scenes are everywhere, the trajectory of your whereabouts in a city since this day, what you have done with you, and where do you appear together, so you may also cause the harm when you conduct telecommunications fraud to you.People are more likely to be deceived.Through deep synthetic technology, telecommunications fraud can directly have a video and audio dialogue with your relatives and friends. Your face information may be derived from the face that was leaked before.In fact, we often say that to enhance the public's digital literacy, including the consciousness of the importance of personal information protection, but also the consciousness of paying attention to some infringement behaviors to prevent personal information, and enhancing the sensitivity of personal information. This may also be.The significance of the new rules of face recognition.