Forbes Health has recently released a 2023 depression statistics, showing that women's depression ratio is almost doubled than men.This is still conservative data statistics, because most patients with depression will not go to consult.

Have you ever thought about the probability of women's depression than men?Some people will say that because women are too sensitive to deal with things, they are prone to depression.To some extent, perhaps.But because women's stress and responsibilities are to bear, it is really much higher than men, especially women who have married and have children.

Today, men and women are equal, and the requirements for women are also higher. Modern women must not only have a career, but in this era of rising prices, most of them must carry the responsibility of supporting their families.Many women realize that they want to achieve equality between men and women, and they will not hesitate to pay for the family's economy.Many people will say that there have been no mothers or grandma out of work to fill their homes before.There are indeed, but most of them really fill the home use, not the main economic pillar.I do not deny that a small number of women really took the responsibility of raising the family in that era, and I also admired them from my heart.But what we see today is that more and more women have become an important economic pillar at home.

According to the Singapore Statistics Bureau's investigation in 2021, the double -paid family or wife is the only family in the family's economic pillar.Most women have their own career and stable economic ability.The role of women's economy in family economy is increasing, and it is increasingly pivotal in the workplace.Especially in recent years, the United Nations has actively promoted gender equality. Many large institutions have slowly incorporated the concept of gender equality into the main strategy of institutional governance, so more and more female leaders.

Although this is a gratifying thing, it also explains why women are facing much higher than before.Of course, which raised family is not hard and which work is not stressful, but most men have to face the only pressure, and women have to face depression after production or other society and family pressure.

Women have hoped to find a good destination for a lifetime since they are young to older, so young women will try their best at the wedding and look forward to a good start;Time and energy.

For women, no matter whether they have a successful career, their homes are everything they.But life is not a fairy tale, and women after marriage often face more pressure.While having a higher education and their own career, modern women are also more brave to choose choices for disadvantaged marriage.Marriage data released by the Bureau of Statistics showed that the recent divorce rate has increased significantly.

After divorce, it is undeniable that the social pressure that women will face will be higher than that of men.Society often holds a certain prejudice and discrimination on divorced women.They may be considered as problematic and questioned their morals.The misfortune of marriage has brought many troubles. When they can come out of this quagmire, some still have the responsibility of raising children. Do you think that their pressure will be small?

Although the double -paid family has increased significantly, women's thoughts have gradually evolved. From the past, everyone felt that the support of the family was the responsibility of the husband, and now it is the responsibility of the couple.Many families also have women in the Lord, not only have they to teach their children, they can enter the kitchen, but also have a hall.Although more and more husbands now do housework or take care of their children, these are all listed as new men, but the wife bear the responsibility of supporting the family.What about "female strong woman"?It can be seen that the stereotypes of society and the burden of family are also one of the sources of pressure.Even if there is a helper, the family is messy, or the child's lunch is not ready. The objective impression of society is that the mother does not care about the family but not the father.

Women's pregnancy or after delivery, severe hormone changes will occur, and various factors will affect women's emotions.Especially women who are first mother often feel anxious after taking care of newborns.When breastfeeding encounters difficulties, they also feel that they are not a good mother and cannot take care of the baby.If you have any health problems with your baby, usually the first reaction is whether the mother eats randomly or has no rest when she is pregnant.These factors often put pressure on women and push them to depression.

Work, family and social pressures will more or less cause a great burden on women.Women bear more responsibilities, especially women who have married and have children.Therefore, this also shows why women are often more likely to suffer from depression.If you think you may be a patient with depression, please seek medical treatment as soon as possible.Sometimes, when you feel some stress or troubles, this is just a journey of life. After experiencing, you may find that things are not serious.So don't hesitate, seek professional help as soon as possible, and get out of the haze.

The author is the course director of the University of Science and Technology