Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Yiguan City

According to the number released by the United Nations organization, India's population surpasses China in May this year and has become the country with the most population in the world.India's population is not only at most, but it makes India confident.In the atmosphere of anti -China, the new Indian narrative is also full of Western media, full of India's imagination of becoming a emerging super economic country, claiming that India's golden or even a Indian century is coming.

In order to win India, the United States invited Indian Prime Minister Modi to visit the United States for visiting the United States in June this year, giving high -level courtesy that has never been seen before.Biden touted India's intentions.In the geopolitical competition between China and the United States, many companies have diversified risks and reduced labor costs, and they have also set their sights on India.However, whether India can replace China as the second world factory and be promoted to a super economic power, it is still a media myth, which needs to be more observed.

Indian Manptlebon erupted racial conflicts in May this year. The contradiction between the Meitai and the Kuki tribe caused at least 130 people to die, 400 injuries, and more than 60,000 people were homeless.

In this conflict, a 21 -year -old woman was forced to swim naked streets and was collectively sexually assaulted.It was even reported that the victim's 19 -year -old brother rescued him, but was killed by a mob.The news and related pictures came out, which attracted the attention of international high degree, and Modi also expressed anger.Racial conflicts and gender discrimination are exactly the fatal injury of Indian society, and the uncertainty of investment in protectionism and political corruption has increased.

In the early 1980s, both large population countries, China and India, implemented economic liberalization and open policies.Until the early 1990s, China's per capita income was lower than India, but in the late 1990s, China was twice that of India.In 2022, China came to $ 12,720 per capita, and India was $ 2,388.China has grown 60 times in these 40 years, and India has only increased by 10 times.

India's development is far less than that of China, which is related to two indicators behind China. One is gender equality, and one is human capital investment.Economists have found that the core of economic growth is the improvement of productivity, which is closely related to human capital investment and women's labor participation rate.

When China's women's labor participation rate decreased from about 80%in 1990 to about 62%, India decreased from 32%to about 25%in the same period.A large reason for the low labor rate of Indian women from Indian women has increased from violence against women.According to the Indian National Criminal Records record, a total of 244,000 criminal cases against women were reported in 2012; the number jumped to about 428,000 in 2021.

In terms of education, China's adult literacy rate is close to 100 %, while India is 70 %, and only 60 % of women.In recent years, China's investment in higher education has spared no effort to improve the research capacity of top universities and also increase global rankings.

According to the British Higher Education Survey Institution QS2023, at least 5 universities in mainland China have entered the University of the University, while the famous Indian Institute of Technology has not entered the University of Hundreds of University outside the hundreds of Indian universities.In terms of training of science and technology talents, the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics are expected to be expected to cultivate more than 77,000 doctoral graduates of science and engineering each year by 2025, which is about 34,000 times in 2010.Compared with the United States, it is expected to graduate about 40,000 doctoral students from 2025, including more than 16,000 international students.

According to the Human Capital Index of the World Bank in 2020, the results of education and hygiene in various countries from 0 to 1 are measured, the Indian index is 0.49, and it is lower than the two poor countries, which are both Nepal and Kenya.Chile, a richer per capita, is similar to Slovakia.

From the above two factors, the population growth is a dividend or a curse, and it is clear at a glance in the face of modern technology.In addition to the division of society, the social and gender violence conflicts will only intensify in the absence of educational resources and more job opportunities.

Although the population of India surpass China, but to replace China's productivity and market, there is still a long way to go. More importantly, how long the Indian myths can be maintained under blind optimism and exaggerated hype, which makes it doubtful.Essence

The author is a university retirement teacher