Source: China Economic Network

Author: Zifang

As the saying goes, the trees are skinned, and people are on the face.Our "face", you ca n’t just brush, let alone who wants to use it.

Listening to these words is really relieved, but the actual situation is sighing.When you go shopping, some merchants quietly analyze the face information of face information to achieve precise marketing; when entering the community, some properties use face recognition as the only verification method; using APP, some service providers even forced to enter face information informationAs a pre -conditions for providing services ... When the "Internet+" re -defines the lifestyle, users can still say "no" in addition to the choice of continuous transfer of privacy rights and bowing their heads in front of the use right?

Of course.In order to regulate the application of face recognition technology, the China National Network Information Office has recently solicited opinions on the management regulations of face recognition technology (trial) (trial) (draft for comments).The draft for the comments proposes that only in the case of having specific purposes and sufficient necessity and adopting strict protection measures, you can use face recognition technology to process face information.

Throughout the draft of comments, many people's attention has responded.For example, the so -called "hard -to -buy me" to realize "rest assured brushing" is to ensure that people are voluntary when they use face recognition technology, and they know that their faces are being recognized.To this end, soliciting opinions requested that the face information of face recognition should obtain individual solo consent or obtain written consent in accordance with the law.If an individual chooses to use face recognition technology to verify his personal identity, it shall ensure that individuals are fully informed and they are carried out without active participation in individuals.It can be said that only by the premise of the public knowledge and the right to choose the right to privacy, can large -scale infringement be avoided.

Infringement prevention is very important. Avoid discussing the color changes in "brushing the face" and the abuse of face recognition technology.For example, if the discussion draft proposes to achieve the same purpose or meet the same business requirements, there are other non -biological characteristic identification technical solutions, and the non -biological characteristic recognition technical solution shall be given priority.This once again shows that face recognition technology is not a "basket", and you can't install everything.Technological development must adhere to people -oriented.Based on this, the solicitation draft has also made corresponding regulations on information storage. Except for statutory conditions or obtaining individuals' individual consensus, users of face recognition technology shall not save the original images, pictures, and videos of the face.Except for face information.

It should be seen that although there have been some relevant policies and regulations for face recognition technology, it is still necessary and timely to introduce special application security management regulations and face face recognition technology.Since it is a draft for comments, there must be imperfect places.Relevant news reports have announced the ways and methods of feedback on feedback. Regardless of whether companies in the industry or every citizen, they can express their insights in accordance with regulations.

Of course, society is flowing, technology is constant, and the law is lagging after all. It is impossible to play the world.There are morality outside the law, and there are people's hearts outside of morality.Some high -tech companies are more inclined to the former between market temptations and scientific and technological ethics, and they always try to quickly push new technologies to applications.But the technology itself is neutral. Where the use and how to use it depends entirely on people.The wave of technological progress cannot be blocked. The "rational self -responsibility" is unavoidable. The digital development has no far -reaching. Perhaps what we are most worried about is not that the machine is thinking like a person, but the same thinking like a machine.

The next generation is always smarter than us and always finds a better way.As for the "face", it has just begun.