Lianhe Morning Post published a humble article on July 31 caused a huge response in the Chinese Internet public opinion field.As of the morning of August 13, there were more than 21,000 related information on the Internet.Among these information, there are spontaneous support to encourage me, but some netizens think that I should not question Daolang and see the artistic achievements of low Rakshasha.

This is a recent question of my Communist Party member in the Washington Post, and after the Lianhe Zaobao published my article for a long time, the Internet public opinion quickly set off a criticism of me.From the analysis, at least 10%of the online information is suspected of the water army, and more than 10%of the account is from China.I am just an ordinary current affairs commentator and researcher, and I only published a common literary comment. There are many review articles recently published on the Internet. Why is it only my article alone?Stay on the cusp?

I also believe that the online public opinion is obviously distorting the original intention of my article, and even the best to make a wind, rumor, and a suspected online water forces or network traffic.It should be the real response of some netizens, and it is also an objective reflection of the status quo of the Chinese network public opinion field.

I have a poor background, and my hobbies for music are similar to most Chinese ordinary people. They also liked the first snow and other songs of Sword Lang in 2002. They also felt that Daolang had music specialties and potential.The alert article is written on the high -speed rail. Although it is rushed, the person who has read the full text should be able to see that in addition to my original intention, in addition to worrying about society and people's livelihood, I also regret it and have a higher regret for Daolang and higherI look forward to that his works are still inadequate, and there is still a gap with the artistic concept of Pu Songling Luoshahai. While boldly criticized the phenomenon of social injustice, he should continue to pass the sun and positive energy.In my opinion, the wider the works, the higher the standards and stricter requirements, otherwise, a small flaw will also have a large negative impact.I believe that when I realize this point, Daolang will have greater achievements in the future.

Those who have read the comments I published in Chinese and foreign media carefully should also see that I am not just a person who sings and praises.Criticism.I insist that criticism and irony are also part of the freedom of speech, and is the catalyst for social progress.Similarly, as a Chinese current affairs commentator, my comment on China always strives to be objective and rational. Therefore, in addition to affirmation, there are also criticisms, because only this can let readers at home and abroad recognize the real China.

I am the only person in China who publishes criticism of criticism with its own real name.As far as my personal future is concerned, there is a huge risk of doing this, but I persist.Because I am frank, I am responsible for my article, and I also think that this is more conducive to listening to the voices of the people and taking the mass line.Someone always needs to tell the truth to present the words of the livelihood.As far as netizens are concerned, I think that this shows the following facts at least:

First, all my remarks only represent my personal point of view, which has nothing to do with the positions organized by Chinese officials and the mainland government.In other words, although there are not many Chinese commentators who can speak outside China, it is not as what the Washington Post thinks, and it is necessary to pay attention to the identity of whether I am a party member of the mainland government.Said that in China, the Chinese government is the ruling party, and people often have the same relationship with the party, but this does not mean that we have no freedom of speech. We can also express personal opinions on social current affairs.In fact, this time I was strongly criticized by some netizens, showing that everything was the spontaneous phenomenon of folk public opinion fields, reflecting some true public opinion.

Second, the Chinese online public opinion field is relatively open, so it can accommodate overseas media without prejudice, including Lianhe Zaobao.Many websites have a public sentiment channel.Therefore, Western media such as the Washington Post should not be puzzled and jealous of the attention of the United Morning Post in China, but should reflect on whether it really understands China's Internet environment.

Third, as the challenges encountered by countries around the world, the complexity of Internet public opinion also exists in China.On the one hand, the Internet brings unprecedented convenience to people's freedom.I personally think that one of the biggest impacts is that for the first time, the first time in human society has really broken the monopoly of social elites for public opinion, and the people at the bottom have also realized the right to speak.On the other hand, as an open public opinion field, online remarks will be different. This is an inevitable phenomenon. My encounter is an example.To this end, the authoritative media should advocate rationality and reflect the facts in the Internet era, rather than encouraging populism with ideological bias.

As far as some of the netizens' reactions caused by the Daolang incident, in addition to the wind direction of some waters, I respect it as part of the public opinion, and I believe that there is no need to participate in the debate.We should have listened to the critical criticism with an open mind.At the same time, my article can express a point of view to inspire people's cognition. I am grateful to the platform given by Lianhe Zaobao.But based on the above three judgments, since the Washington Post pays attention to me, I want to give a few responses:

First of all, in the face of the huge changes in modern communication, adhering to the common responsibility of Chinese and foreign media.Western media think that the Internet has entered the era of "post -truths" in public opinion, but the "post -truth" does not mean that the authoritative media can give up the truth. Instead, it should be more responsible for the media, objective and fair, and make a voice for the people.

Secondly, in the face of the huge changes in geopolitics, maintaining objective rationality is the common responsibility of Chinese and foreign media.It is an objective fact that the United States is currently discredited and blocked China.This has brought serious hidden dangers to the situation in the Asia -Pacific region.The more at this time, the more the media must adhere to the objective and rational position to convey the common belief of peace and prosperity.

Once again, in the face of the huge challenges of human beings, advocating fate and common mission of Chinese and foreign media.The two World War Yin Jian was not far away, but the challenges of the Russian and Ukraine War, climate change, economic crisis, and nuclear diffusion were even more severe.Human beings have only one earth. The media should call for unity, tolerance, exchanges, and cooperation, rather than forced the line to stand to stand, intensify contradictions and provoke disputes.