Source: Securities Times

With the continued high pressure of Chinese medicine's anti -corruption, the situation of pharmaceutical representatives was pushed under the spotlight of public opinion.On the one hand, the supervision is strictly investigating the "bringing gold sales", the hospital is strictly prohibited from entering the hospital, and the work of the pharmaceutical representative is blocked; the other side is the top of the work performance of the product promotion of pharmaceutical companies.For the layoffs of the enterprise, the pharmac generation was difficult in the gap between the two.

In the future, as the anti -corruption actions of pharmaceuticals have gradually entered the deep water area, the industry is facing shuffling, and the marketing model will also change.Where should I go from the country's millions of medical representative practitioners?

Worried about layoffs

"After the collection of collection in the past few years, half of my friends have transformed around. I don't know how much can I leave after this anti -corruption operation. I wantMedical representatives with eight years of experience in their careers said to the Securities Times reporter, "It can only be described by the word" difficult "." He has been engaged in medical representatives since he graduated from pharmaceutical engineering in 2015.Half of the classmates went to be a medical representative.According to its understanding, only him and a classmate in the same bedroom are still sticking to it.

In this wave of pharmaceutical anti -corruption operations, the medical representative was once involved in the vortex, and the information of the pharmaceutical representatives was constantly reported that the information required to cooperate with the survey was constantly reporting. There were also notifications that medical institutions were strictly prohibited from contact with medical representatives.At the same time, many academic conferences across the country extended or canceled, and the work of pharmac generations was difficult.

"We are now collectively vacated for a week. I have been preparing for long -term salary, but the most worried is layoffs." A medical representative of a multinational pharmaceutical company told reporters that the team has been collectively from August 7th.One week of holidays, "requires studying compliance content at home, you can no longer visit the hospital, and go back to the exam next week."

Worried about layoffs is the real thoughts of many pharmac generations in the near future."I just got to work for half a year, and I felt that I was going to be unemployed again. I don't know if I was in trouble or the industry was too fast." A pharmac generation of Pharmaceuticals in Guangzhou told reporters that in the past, it had been a multinational pharmaceutical company in a multinational pharmaceutical company for three yearsLater, after the layoffs were unemployed, I went to the Internet for two years, and I returned to the old bank at the beginning of this year."In recent days, I have not visited out. It is estimated that this month can only get a base salary. In the morning and evening, I will go out to drive online to subsidize their homes." He said.

In fact, since this year, the news of the layoffs of pharmaceutical companies is endless, especially the giants of multinational pharmaceutical companies.According to statistics from Fiere Biotech, in the first half of this year, nearly a hundred pharmaceutical companies have laid off the global layoffs, an increase of 51%over 60 in the first half of 2022.Large pharmaceutical companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Anjin, Pfizer, and Sanofi are all listed.

Due to the failure to develop innovative drugs and the reduction of research and development expenditures, in the past month, multinational pharmaceutical companies such as MERSANA, Biogen, and Fibrogen have also announced a large -scale layoff.There are also many domestic pharmaceutical companies that have announced their layoffs, including listed companies.In the tide of layoffs, the first is the medical representative as a drug business officer.People in the industry pointed out that with the continuous advancement of pharmaceutical anti -corruption, the layoffs of the pharmaceutical industry may come more violently.

Fear of being investigated

As the anti -corruption operation of medicine has continued to enter the deep water area, more and more commercial bribery cases have surfaced, and the number of hospital presidents who have taken the initiative to invest and take away the investigation have continued to rise.Medical representatives are also worried whether they will involve some cases and fear that they will be taken away to assist in investigation.

Is the "gold sales" behavior about the period of medical representatives, is it the responsibility of pharmaceutical companies or the responsibility of pharmac generation?This is a problem that has been discussed in the recent industry.

There were also cases of punishment for pharmac generations for commercial bribery.Last year, the State Supervision Commission and the Supreme People's Procuratorate jointly released five typical cases of bribery crimes, involving bidding bids, medical and drugs and other key areas.Among them, a salesman of a pharmaceutical company in Henan took more than 6 million yuan to the hospital's dean and was sentenced to 5 years.This incident attracted widespread attention and discussion in the medical representative circle.

"Determine who's responsibility, depending on whether it is the unit's instructions or the subjective behavior of the individual of the salesperson. The evidence chain depends on the flow of funds during commercial bribery to judge." A lawyer told reportersSpecific cases should be analyzed in detail. It is not ruled out that some salesmen perform commercial bribery in order to achieve their performance, and there are also units to indirectly issue bribery requirements for the salesperson.

"As far as specific cases are concerned, the case handling agency will determine it in accordance with the law and the facts of the case. For the relevant subjects, it is necessary to abandon the fluke, abide by the legal bottom line, strengthen compliance management, and adhere to professional ethics.It can be far -reaching through stability. "Meng Bo, a lawyer of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, told reporters that from the subjective factors, related events have repeatedly occurred, and they are mainly driven by interests.The risk of risk; the formation of related chaos, the problem not only exists in a certain link, but also has a chain of interest. It is necessary to regulate all kinds of illegal crimes involved in accordance with the law.

Recently, in order to establish a "firewall" between enterprises and pharmacies, some pharmaceutical companies have requested that they signed anti -commercial bribery commitments with Pharmaceuticals, saying that "if any bribery behavior occurs during the duties, individual responsibility (individual should be fully responsible (individual personnel should be fully responsible.Including criminal liability) and accepting the company's entire treatment based on the relevant management system. "

On August 7, the official website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection published in -depth attention | Precise punish the unit bribery, sword refers to the problem of bribery in the unit, of which the medical and health field was named.The article pointed out that the crime of accurately distinguishing the bribery and personal bribery of the unit must be comprehensive judgment of the unit's nature, organizational management mechanism, the source of bribery funds, and the ownership of criminal income.In practice, there are many bribes in the unit, and the difference between the legal punishment compared to individual bribery.Some bribes are bribery in the name of the unit to avoid punishment, resulting in unbalanced case handling and insufficient punishment.

Industry change

Medicine representatives have made important contributions to the large -scale introduction of foreign drugs in China and promoting foreign medicine when they are promoting foreign medicine.Statistics show that during the peak, there were more than 3 million medical representatives in China.Later, with the implementation of a large number of local imitation drugs, the implementation of the two -vote and drug collection policies, the market's demand for pharmaceutical representatives had risen sharply, and many practitioners were unemployed and turned around.

But according to the reporter's understanding, in the past two years, the needs of pharmaceutical companies in pharmaceutical representatives have begun to increase, and some pharmaceutical companies call it "medical information communication staff".On the one hand, it is because the research and development of domestic innovative drugs has continuously produced new results, and pharmaceutical generations require academic promotion and marketing; on the other hand, the atmosphere of domestic academic research is becoming stronger, and various seminars, academic conferences, and medical peaks are continuously held.It requires talent promotion activities and external exchanges in this area.The market demand of pharmaceutical representatives and pharmaceutical information communicators has briefly rebounded.

But recently, the situation has changed again.Under the continuous advancement of the anti -corruption operation of medicine, the medical representative may usher in another round of layoffs.Some institutional data prediction shows that after the normalization of anti -corruption operations and comprehensive landing, the employees of the pharmaceutical representatives may fall to less than 500,000.

Not only has the number of people changing, but the professional content of the medical representative is constantly being updated.In the 2015 Edition of the Professional Classification Ceremony of the People's Republic of China, the professional content of the medical representative is "a professional who represents drug production enterprises and is engaged in drug information transmission, communication, and feedback."But in fact, the medical representatives are more responsible for selling drugs in their daily work. The purpose is to promote more hospitals and doctors to use corresponding medicines, which breeds a lot of corruption chain.

Later, in order to rectify the chaos in the industry, before this round of anti -corruption, documents on strengthening the career specifications of pharmaceutical representatives had been introduced one after another.For example, Mingwen requires pharmacok travel registration filing; pharmac generation can only engage in academic promotion, technical consultation and other activities, Drug sales tasks are not allowed; pharmaceuticals are prohibited from contacting doctors privately, etc., trying to erase the pharmac generation business attributes from the system, and cut off the chain of terminal business bribery.However, through different ways of pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical companies put on "legal coats" for commercial bribery, and also strengthened their sales duties in disguise.

In this wave of anti -corruption operations, pharmaceutical companies have begun to pay attention to compliance management of pharmaceuticals.Recently, many pharmaceutical companies internal notifications have been circulated on the Internet, and in the same way, they mentioned that "don't visit the hospital for visit" and "travel must be registered for registration".It is foreseeable that the promotion of compliance is the basic behavior requirements of pharmaceutical companies on pharmaceuticals.

Where is the way out?

With the continuous advancement of anti -corruption operations and expectations for the tide of the troops of pharmaceutical enterprises, industry insiders have discussed more and more discussions on pharmaceuticals.

"I think that medicine representative will not disappear, but the talent gap will become larger and bigger, because the professional requirements for professional talents will become higher and higher." Chen Hui (pseudonym) of the pharmaceutical industry said to reporters.He analyzed that in the past, the sales attributes of medical representatives were strong, and the professional requirements of personnel were not high. People who graduated from any major can be competent, but in the future, pharmaceutical companies will pay more attention to academic promotion.Quality requirements are even higher than ordinary doctors. "

Chen Hui believes that the current pharmac generation of academic literacy, the direction of transformation can choose to be a companion."I have been paying attention to the track of the accompanying clinic for a long time. It is best to do the people who are familiar with the hospital process. With the development of aging, market demand will become higher and higher."

From the analysis of Chen Hui, we can know that there are two ways of medical representatives in the future -either become a professional academic medical representative or transition as soon as possible.Chen Hui said that transformation does not necessarily need to switch career. For example, the market outside the hospital, Internet hospitals, and medical derivatives in pharmaceuticals also need a lot of sales talents who are familiar with drugs."" ".

In the direction of the transformation, because the medical representative still has the professional knowledge and common sense of drugs, it can still easily transform in the vertical field, such as accompanying services, medical self -media creation, pharmaceutical editors, live broadcast and sales of large health products, pharmaceutical medicines, pharmaceuticalsField knowledge payment services, consultation training, and academic conferences.