Source: Bloomberg

Author: Alessandra Migliacio, Sofia Gerace

The economic policy of Italian Prime Minister Meloni has shifted a sharp population. The government's decision to make a profit towards the bank's profit and try to tighten the control of Italian enterprises.

Melonney's roys' right -wing joint government on the stage announced on Monday that it was uneasy about investors, which also threatened the relationship between Italy and China.

In a series of measures in this decree issued late at night, the most noticeable is the 40%tax on the profit of banks.Affected by this, Italian bank stocks plummeted.

The Minister of Italian Cabinet also supports restricting technology transfer and set up a new special specialist position for large foreign investment.

This is the continuation of the Melony Rule of Governance Alliance on the economic wave of power. Previously, the United Government had taken action against the Ministry of Finance, several state -owned enterprises, and even the central bank to change the government's image.

The operation also shows that Melonini is determined to promote the populist agenda in the third largest economy in the euro zone and please the United States.Meloni just visited the United States last month.

"As far as the support of the public is concerned, I think this is a good move," the research director of political risk consulting company Teneo in London."It will be supported, especially in the constituency of the governing alliance."

Piccoli specifically mentioned huge huge taxes to banks, and the market value of Italian banking industry has evaporated by about $ 10 billion due to the regulations.Bloomberg industry studies estimate that the decree may bring more than 3 billion euros in tax burden.

Salvini's role

A package of measures were publicly announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Alliance Party Leader Matteo Salvini. He was the most disclosed population member of the Governor's Alliance, so it may be a certain signal of the government's intention.

Politicians are giving priority to "short -term fiscal revenue" rather than "long -term equity price of the banking industry", Federated Hermes's financial person in charge Filippo Maria Alloatti told Bloomberg TV."This is not the first time, nor will it be the last time."


The Italian government's package plan includes one measure. The government can exercise special "gold shares" power to prevent foreign technology transfer in strategic fields such as artificial intelligence, semiconductor production, network security, aerospace and energy.

This may be a blow to China, and it is also consistent with the United States' pressure on Italy to ask it to withdraw from the "Belt and Road" initiative and the actions of Chinese business connections.

"This is a sword refers to China but not mentioned China," said Julian Ringhof, a policy scholar at the European Foreign Relations Commission."China has realized that the attitude of European countries is changing."

There are laws in the United States that have clearly focused on prohibiting transfer technology to China and other countries.The European Union recently released the European security strategy to prevent the exchanges with China in certain fields, although it has not clearly mentioned China's name.

For example, the European Union urges member states to tighten export controls for advanced technologies that may be used by competitors, and warns not to share information with "concerns of the country" that may use artificial intelligence and quantum computing for military purposes.