Source: Ming Pao

Since the coup last Wednesday, a group of supporters of the military government appeared on the streets of Niger, Africa, Africa. Many of them waved the Russian flag, singing the name of Russian President Putin, and shouted to condemn the former master of the colonial era France.Slogan.Similar phenomena have not appeared for the first time. In the past three years, the six countries in the African Sahele area have occurred in a military coup. Among them, Niger's neighbors and Bikina Faso are exactly the same.Pay attention to whether Niger will see similar changes.In other words, Sahele's "coup zone" has not only threatened the democratic development of Africa, but also has become another western and Russia.

New example of frustration of democracy

Since 2020, there are at least six countries in the Sahel area between the Sahara Desert and the African tropical Mangyuan.The latest example of becoming a democratic government has once again defeated.The President of the East African country Kenya said on Friday: "Africa is suffering from serious setbacks."

The extreme Islamist armed activities in the Sahele area are very active. Last year, the number of killed people accounted for more than 40 % of the dead in similar cases in the world, replacing the status of the Middle East and South Asia.Niger, as one of the few democracy left in this area, the former President Mohamed Bazoum is a key ally in the West in the West, the two key allys on Islamic armed forces.Military bases are even more the cornerstone of the Pentagon's strategic strategy. At least 1,100 U.S. soldiers are deployed here -after the coup, the United States quickly condemned with France.However, with the occurrence of coup, the above -mentioned military cooperation was in danger.

Cooperative endangered the United States and law may be out of the situation

U.S. Secretary of State Broskented on Saturday stated on Saturday that if Barz failed to restore the performance of the president, Washington would end its financial support and security cooperation with Niger.The New York Times quoted officials reported that Washington was not willing to go like this, but Brinken's position was unambiguous.However, the United States withdraws from Russia, which can be learned from the car.

The Russian -African Summit held in St. Petersburg last week, although only 17 heads of African countries participated, far less than the 43 sessions of the Russian army in 2019, including Sudan and other situations in the region.The country -among them, the head of Mali and Burkina Faso both attended the attendance. In the post -coup, the two countries forced Western and United Nations soldiers to leave during the post -coup.Although Guinea was only sent to a foreign minister, a diplomat in Russia was wearing a shirt full of Putin portraits to the scene, causing western media to eyes.

Russian Mercenary Mercenary Fist

Russia has been seeking forces in Africa for some time. After the Russian army invaded Ukraine to tough sanctions in the West, Moscow intervened in Africa to have greater urgency and form a situation of influence with the West.Russia's most important white gloves in Africa are the mercenary organization Wagner. Even if the latter launched the "one -day soldier change" in June, the leader of Pryigo can still move freely and speeches.African characters.Wagner has taken root in Sudan and Mali in the above -mentioned "coup band", as well as the neighboring Central African Republic and Libya to provide military security services for control of natural resources such as minerals and oil -Mali is almost enjoying the stability of the regime to military training from the regime to military trainingThen to the "full service" of political consultation, Burkina Faso is also discussing similar cooperation with Wagner.

The Niger Military Government has not yet set a future alliance in the future. Western public opinion is worried that the United States and France will be "guest order" again.Although the official position of Ke Palace requires the release of Babum and seeking a peaceful solution for the crisis, Russia obviously has seen another opportunity to challenge Western influence in Niger.Niger's pro -palace commentators are now strongly promoted on official media and social platforms to depict the coup as the path of Russia's entering Niger; Porigon praises the Niger coup more high -profile, and Vagnacists have supported this uranium mine to support the rich uranium mine.s country.