Singers: Sing Tao Daily

Sing Tao Daily News

The Hong Kong Government announced the number of GDP estimates in the second quarter. Although it has maintained a growth, the growth rate has slowed significantly. The growth of investment, government consumption expenditure and goods exports has been fully extinguished.The latter is still the main driving force for economic growth in the second half of the year. However, the epidemic changes the consumption habits of citizens and mainland passengers. The Hong Kong Government should consider developing the night market and discuss more novel immersive experience tour activities with the industry, and attract citizens to stay in Hong Kong and stay in Hong Kong as soon as possible.More passengers come to Hong Kong to consume new impetus to economic growth.

Should push the night market to re -engage in living night economy

Season 2 GDP increased by 1.5%year -on -year, significantly slowed significantly from 2.9%in the first quarter, and was lower than the expected 3.5%.EssenceAccording to the components of the main expenditure, the outer economy is weak, and the demand for goods has been greatly reduced, so that the export and export trade of the Hong Kong port will continue to record a double -digit decline.Turning to the next quarter, the negative growth, only private consumption expenditures and the service trade that reflects tourism remains positive growth.

Although the government spokesman emphasized that private consumer expenditure and service trade is still the main engine of the second half of the year. Even if the electronic consumer coupon is issued in the second quarter, the citizens have more money to consume, but the private consumer expenditure increased by 13% from the first quarter of the first quarter.Falling to 8.5%in the following quarter, reflecting the speed of consumption growth is also slowing down, I believe there are two reasons behind it.First of all, the citizens have been hungry for a long time in the past three years. When the restrictions on tourism with the mainland and overseas in February, they are no longer willing to stay in Hong Kong for consumption.It is to dedicate money to others, which does not have much effect on stimulating the local economy.

Since June, the total number of citizens has exceeded 4 million for two consecutive months. The flow of people on weekends or long holidays is endless. On the other hand, mainland tourists have maintained more than 2 million people south."The number of people has expanded from June 1.92 million to 2.31 million in July.Citizens go north to consume. Because there are many shopping malls along the Shenzhen Metro, the stores are spacious. Whether it is food or daily necessities, the price is cheaper than Hong Kong and the service is good.Shopping or massage, return to Hong Kong after dinner.The number of trading ancestors used Alipayhk in the second quarter of Hong Kong people in the second quarter, which has soared more than three times compared to the first quarter, reflecting that the consumption habits of citizens have gradually taken shape.

In addition, the epidemic has also changed the habits of citizens, reducing going out and consumption at night, so that Mong Kok and Causeway Bay Street will fly to the goose at 10 pm.The nightclub business is deserted, not only to make the past lights of the green night's economic scenery no longer, but also disappointed tourists who come.

If the current demand is weak, if Hong Kong wants to maintain steadily economic growth, the key to the domestic demand and tourism industry must be kept.Some members proposed to refer to Taiwan and Thailand night markets to create a Hong Kong version of the special night market and attract citizens' night travel consumption.The "Chao Play Night Market" held recently held by Jiulong City to experience the authentic Chaoshan culture and food. Even if it rains from time to time, there is still no resistance to the citizens to line up to taste Chaozhou cuisine.Routine operation is expected to become a new consumer tourist attraction.

In fact, first -tier cities in mainland China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, have liberalized restrictions, allowing street vendors to set up stalls at night and live on the night economy., Attracting the people and tourists, inspiring the new vitality of night consumption.If the Hong Kong Government does not seriously treat the night market, its own travel advantages will be rare and less, and it is even more difficult for citizens to consume in Hong Kong.

Discover experience tour to meet the needs of mainland customers

At the same time, mainland travelers come to Hong Kong to shop in Hong Kong, but pursue experienced or immersive tourism.Book Fair and Animation Festival are the two major business cards in Hong Kong. In particular, the Animation Festival allows players to from COSPLAY to searching props, so that entrants can actively invest and immerse themselves in the world of animation.Therefore, in addition to actively operating this exhibition, the official and the industry should also discover more potential events or Hong Kong -style life experience tours, so that tourists come here and stay overnight.

Every place is racking their brains to promote tourism and consumption. Hong Kong can no longer rely on eating old books. They should let go of the embrace and launch new ideas to stay with people. In short, no matter the black cat and white cat, it is a good cat to catch mice.